Since im assexual i will never date but if i was striaght i guess I wouldn't like being with people that discriminate too much but i guess I could live with that unlees the people are either sexiest or ageist. The other forms of hate crimes/discrimination I guess i can live with(but i dont think i will ever take part in a hate crime) unless it is targeted towards me.
So would you ever date a -
racist ,sexist,ageist
religious intolerant, xenophobic,
ableist, adultist, biphobic, classist,
elitist, ephebiphobic, gerontophobic,
heightist, heterosexist, homophobic,
lesbophobic, lookist, misandrist,
misogynist, pediaphobic, sizeist, transphobic, castist????????????????
and why?
I also think that a elitist or racism person will be more accepted into my family as my parents dont like low calsses/cates and white, arabs, blacks and abriginals.
ty for your time
8 answers
asked by
possessed by insanity