Now we have MTV and VH1 and even the white kids are swinging from trees, wearing pants whose seats drag the ground (because their knuckles can not ) the research...
Was the idea to insert the oppressed poor blacks into white middle class culture, (you see what happened in Boston) put the drug cartels in place and them have them export drugs into USA knowing that the poor blacks would use and sell those drugs , lower the bar for whites and make them feel less superior by making them live with the lower denominator? The whites "join" their train of thought and take the feel equal to the oppressed negroes?????
This makes sense because now whites have lowered their standards and are mating with the coloreds, marrying them bringing little monsters into the world, now whites talk like low class blacks....we are number 15th in the world as far as education and the blacks that have educated themselves are thrown in the mix with the boowaas...
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