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Other - Cultures & Groups - January 2007

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the confederate flag never stood for slavery. it was invented because the armys in the civil war couldnt tell who was fighting who?

2007-01-15 04:04:52 · 24 answers · asked by revrh1 1

Bonus question. Would you trust the genie in the first place?

2007-01-15 04:02:44 · 8 answers · asked by Strange Design 5

How do people reach a stage in their life that they are treating people badly and hostile because the victims are different from them? So they learned this from their parents and they haven't outgrown their parental attitudes, right. Example, Helen is angry and hostile and judgemental towards Cindy because Cindy has an exotic last name and is smart.

2007-01-15 03:59:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Think about it. A little known fact about slavery is that the tribal groups that were dominant in Africa actually SOLD other African's to slavery. Their own race sold themselves to make money. What I don't understand is why reparations need to be made. I understand that slavery occured and what happened. That was a long time ago, BEFORE my ancestors even came here, yet I have to pay for that because I am white? How is that fair? Also, if African American had the option to go back, I can guarantee they would visit but I seriously doubt that many would choose to "go back to their homeland". Not only that, but African Americans have the same opportunity to make something of themselves that I do if they CHOOSE to. Everyone does. Is it so hard to focus on YOUR OWN present and future?The only way to move forward is to leave the past behind, recognize, realize it, understand it, learn from it, but don't hold on it. Move forward and create your own destiny. Why should I pay for reparations?

2007-01-15 03:59:33 · 10 answers · asked by ladyfatale01 2

Helen doesn't know how to treat Cindy because Cindy has an exotic last name. So far, Helen is hostile towards Cindy.

2007-01-15 03:40:26 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is a zero violence tolerance in all schools. We all agree with that. There is a teenager who wants his picture in the yearbook wearing medieval chain mail vest and a sword - parents are sueing "free speech. He belongs to an organization that re-enacts wars from that era. What next - another teenager wants his picture taken with a gun/rifle because he is a member of NRA or the Hunting Club? I know that we have alot of freedoms, but they are not "free" per say alot of our "Patriots" gave their lives for these "freedoms". So when is the madness going to stop?

2007-01-15 03:37:57 · 8 answers · asked by Feline05 5

2007-01-15 03:34:28 · 17 answers · asked by Sunshine M 1

Since the nation is pausing to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr., most people believe King was only concerned with the issues of African-Americans, or as Blacks were referred to then as "Negroes." But King's focus wasn't that small. He was concerned with the underprivileged, disenfranchised and poor people of all races. So having said that, what have you done to foster better race relations?

2007-01-15 03:28:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it because yahoo cant provide a saggy chest graphic for all you ladys out there? lol

2007-01-15 03:27:52 · 16 answers · asked by ? 2

2007-01-15 03:19:37 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Love them but they can be so insensitive at times if anyone knows the answer to this one by all means throw in your 2 cents. 2 points for you.

2007-01-15 03:15:46 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you could state one thing to everyone concerning your race/culture, to help enlighten them, what would that one thing be.

For me I would like everyone to know that the blacks that are portrayed in the media are not really not your average black person. Most blacks are not in music videos nor the ghetto. They are somewhere in between, working and trying to survive.

2007-01-15 02:53:52 · 13 answers · asked by Gee-Gee 5

What does the bible have to say about racism?

2007-01-15 02:51:18 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

why cant we get success all the times? why it happen that when i focused on a particular thing then a strange thing happen in life which distract me from my path? is ity a normal or happen to every one or I am the only on this planet?

2007-01-15 02:49:22 · 13 answers · asked by varun g 1

How do people from other countries feel about Americans in general? I won't be offended...Id just like to know what the general feelings are.

2007-01-15 02:33:37 · 5 answers · asked by Sara 4

I just notice that some Americans are really racist with Asian, and I dont find the reason, Why?

2007-01-15 02:31:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm going to Howard Univeristy to volenteer to stencil "no littering signs" and cleans out some things around that area.

2007-01-15 02:21:48 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

..a muslim woman walking down the street wearing the muslim traditional clothes and she's all covered except for the face and hands. What will you think?

Will you instantly stereotype her in your head as a terrorist?

I just saw Tyra's show about that and I felt very sorry for them women after seeing how discriminated against they are. EVERYBODY was staring at them. Will you also stare?

2007-01-15 02:18:27 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

im not racist so dont call me one. i just think if were trying to steer away from racism shouldnt we be equal? but with this day off and no white days off its not.


2007-01-15 02:16:54 · 32 answers · asked by dudeman 2

Calling all Americans living in UK. Do you miss home, or do you prefer it here? Im originally from North Carolina, but moved to England 8 years ago. There are things I miss, but dont think id ever move back to the states permanently.

2007-01-15 02:01:01 · 5 answers · asked by NCbabe 3

2007-01-15 01:59:21 · 6 answers · asked by nenouz 1

Why do i need to learn spanish to go to Mcdonalds in america?

2007-01-15 01:57:50 · 10 answers · asked by deathape28 2

2007-01-15 01:53:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

positive to contribute to African health and agriculture too? I know some historical AAs aka blacks have dedicated time and research in the agriculture department. So, how and would you do something to contribute your talents to bring up Africa's wellbeing and strength?

2007-01-15 01:45:38 · 5 answers · asked by Gountha aka Triana 2

2007-01-15 01:41:49 · 16 answers · asked by dannb 1

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