Think about it. A little known fact about slavery is that the tribal groups that were dominant in Africa actually SOLD other African's to slavery. Their own race sold themselves to make money. What I don't understand is why reparations need to be made. I understand that slavery occured and what happened. That was a long time ago, BEFORE my ancestors even came here, yet I have to pay for that because I am white? How is that fair? Also, if African American had the option to go back, I can guarantee they would visit but I seriously doubt that many would choose to "go back to their homeland". Not only that, but African Americans have the same opportunity to make something of themselves that I do if they CHOOSE to. Everyone does. Is it so hard to focus on YOUR OWN present and future?The only way to move forward is to leave the past behind, recognize, realize it, understand it, learn from it, but don't hold on it. Move forward and create your own destiny. Why should I pay for reparations?
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