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Other - Cultures & Groups - November 2006

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I am Master Amara Kiran, a teacher of The Order and the head of The Eranai which is a group founded towards the service of the greater good within The Order. Yet I am frustrated. So many of my students want to join the Eranai but when told that it is a lifetime committment and that one must sacrifice greatly of themselves. I do not like to turn them away or disappoint them but alas, the Eranai are for only those who are truly dedicated and have been found worthy.

In this day and age is it possible, or perhaps I should say likely that there are still those who are willing to make such a committment?

2006-11-12 09:06:04 · 2 answers · asked by Amara 1

How long has the diamond been the norm in western culture? And why don't more people know about it's horrible past and current history? Does anybody care that this industry is run by corrupt governments, criminals, and corporations? How can people that supposeovly hold marriage sacred use the diamond as a symbol of love when it represents all that is evil? And if you don't know the history of the diamond, shame on you for being so stupid!

2006-11-12 08:56:21 · 4 answers · asked by Later Me 4

2006-11-12 08:53:21 · 8 answers · asked by Strange Design 5

Example....A week ago I was travelling on my local metro train without a ticket and for some reason the inspectors were checking all tickets at my stop, They had caught about 6 scroaty teenagers also without a ticket (like me) There was lots of used tickets on the floor, So I picked one up and just flashed it at the ticket inspector and walked past him scott free. My question is why did the scroaty teenagers that had been caught not have the brain power to do the same. (a middle aged guy) .

2006-11-12 08:40:49 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Give me yout honest opinions. I am that chick.

2006-11-12 08:39:20 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

OK.. I tried to blame it on feminism and got a bunch of responses that men are genetically gay..

In that case.. why is it, that I have personal friends, including one who dated my friends sister for 15 years no less.. all who never once showed any interest in being gay.. and all part of a macho group of alpha males who were all very blokey.. yet diverse.. ie. one works in IT, one is a plumber.. one is black one is white.. and so one..

I have known these people personally.. all have had issues with dating.. and now.. in mid to late 30's.. they are having their FIRST homosexual experiences..

Now I ask you.. is that GENETIC???

Or is it that these guys, often from poor socieconomic backgrounds.. have had a GUTFUL of being treated like crap by females??

For the record.. my scorn is not with ONE lousy ex.. I was homeless once.. and now I am a sucessful "full package" .. ask me how many times a woman actually hleped me when I was homeless.. the boys pulled though for me..

2006-11-12 08:23:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i kno its a stupid question, but today we had nursery and the little baby wasnt ticklish, alot of little kids arent ticklish till their older, whay?? and why cant i tickle myself??i try but i dont laff and i am a verrrrrrrry ticklish person!

2006-11-12 07:53:24 · 4 answers · asked by Papagena 6

Just interested to know, being Irish myself.

2006-11-12 07:37:22 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

i dont think it is wrong but it seems to bring more heartache than its worth

2006-11-12 07:33:48 · 33 answers · asked by cdog61 2

I think Brazilian culture is sooo romantic.

2006-11-12 07:29:06 · 2 answers · asked by Isis 7

So, if there are 10,000,000 whites & 1,000,000 others and 1,000 crimes against others from whites, but 10,000 crimes against whites from others, then surely that means a larger proportion of others are attacking white ppl than the other way round.

I'm far from racist, and abhorre violence, but the comments in the paper struck me as they did not add up.


2006-11-12 07:17:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-12 07:12:20 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-11-12 07:01:04 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

It struck me suddenly. Despite all the rabid discussions going on here between conservatives and liberals, religious people and atheists, one constant remains...
All people from all sides will sometimes use pictures of cute, furry animals as their avatars.
So can't we agree on one thing?
Furry animals are cute.

2006-11-12 06:58:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-12 06:54:29 · 1 answers · asked by ELENA J 2

Should the hard workers support the lazy?
Should Oprah be president?

2006-11-12 06:36:04 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do jewish people ALWAYS think anybody else is always anti semitic, and why are they always snooty to other non jewish people?

2006-11-12 06:08:40 · 15 answers · asked by jen 1

The media really seems to feed off of the bad examples of bad black fathers ,abusive black fathers, black fathers who left their children and so on and so forth does any feel the same?

2006-11-12 05:28:59 · 10 answers · asked by roadrunner_13 1

2006-11-12 05:26:53 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

What about the Aborigines or the Native Americans?......the list goes on and on of other races left out.

To me, that is so stupid.

2006-11-12 05:25:44 · 6 answers · asked by Mary C 4

2006-11-12 05:23:08 · 12 answers · asked by jelly ♥s him 2

Explain your answers and what will the child act like?
Will the socity be better or worst? What will the family
values be like?

2006-11-12 05:11:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i beg to differ its just more subtle. everywhere i go i see non blacks saying the n word to each other they think its okay because artists use it black artists to be precise. noone seems to understand the pain that the african americans 300 years ago must have felt noone seems to understand the meaning of this word. i am prud to be black and angered when non blacks use this word

2006-11-12 05:07:57 · 12 answers · asked by roadrunner_13 1

Are the A and I long or short?

2006-11-12 04:59:50 · 2 answers · asked by cabinfeverjen 2

Just curious...some of my friends have got a money bet on this question...and others just keep shakin their heads about it. One guy thinks they hang 'em up there so they'll blow around and knock any snow and ice off the lines -and then there's a couple who swear it's a straight up lie bein' told purely to make them look foolish...oh my? Help, please?! -thanks

2006-11-12 04:47:40 · 6 answers · asked by pitywiggy 1

like the notion of equality are unhappy because they have no family or a divided family due to a divorce! Kids are suffering for the lack of family values with both parents working! Why cannot women adopt the roles that are most suited to them? Their are certain roles in nature that only a female of the species can fulfill? Why fight that? Are we looking to make our human species extinct? Keep in mind the later date of having children, it's effect on their health, declining birthrates because of women pursuing careers etc! They are as capable as men but they have a much more important role to play than men destined by nature! Why are women trying to compete with men, we are supposed to love and raise families with the opposite sex!

2006-11-12 04:29:39 · 4 answers · asked by Rajan S 1

I seen this in one of those e-mail questionaires one time, but I didnt know if it had any answers so I was just curious. The stipulations on the e-mail were the body part operated normally, the guy felt any pain or discomfort not the girl, and it was for 24 hours. Thier was more but I dont remember. Thanks for playing along.

2006-11-12 04:27:17 · 11 answers · asked by Raven 2

wants a wife and children to be of my own race, eithnicity, culture? What so wrong with that?

2006-11-12 04:20:51 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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