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Other - Cultures & Groups - November 2006

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Choose only one

A. Blacks dwelling on slavery

B. Blacks killing eachother

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choose only one

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2006-11-11 02:44:54 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


i was not 1 @ skool, yet wer i live(york) it's like chav-ville, i wann no y it's no good, y r kids being chavs & chavettes

2006-11-11 02:44:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know gay marriage and abortion are big issues with a lot of people, anything else? [le research project]

2006-11-11 02:41:10 · 6 answers · asked by x_miss_independent_x 3

and have the most mental problems. Do you find this to be true?

2006-11-11 02:29:15 · 14 answers · asked by vanilla_hips 2

2006-11-11 01:41:00 · 6 answers · asked by Maria L 2

I heard Russian women outnumber men 10-1!!

2006-11-11 01:18:15 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

After all even the wholefood "green leaf curd" can be made out of any green leaf, never mind food crops, and it seems odd that people starve and go short of lifes basic needs, when wood is all over the place for housing and warmth, and water falls from the sky!, Isnt this a funny thing. I was only asking my friend sparrow about it ths morning, mind you she said the daftest thing, that we had to get rid of money, well! ha! we wouldnt be able to buy anything then would we. Animal intelligence eh. ,they havent any brains.

2006-11-11 01:16:10 · 7 answers · asked by green_womble 1


2006-11-11 01:15:25 · 6 answers · asked by Parth 2

this question may offend some of us,,, it is primarly for Christians , but for all,
we tell our children there is santaclause, and tooth ferry and easter bunny,,
when our children find out that there is not any of these , there is no wander they dont believe us when we try to tell them about Jesus.
Its just anouther storry to them,,
the question is ,do you think we are makeing a big mistake telling them such things?
are we not training them up to be athiest ?
can we not see this?
can you imagine how devastating it must be to our kids when they find out its all a lie?
and last , how can we expect them to believe a word we say after such a lie ?
will they not lose all confidence in us?
i know there will be alot of people that may defend this , and say our kids are only children once,but this is the years that are most important to plant a seed of truth in them, and to show our kids that mommy and daddy will tell them the truth,,,,,do you agree?

2006-11-11 00:54:50 · 13 answers · asked by technician68 3

2006-11-11 00:34:51 · 15 answers · asked by ? 3

well i see on tv, videos on the streets my friends among me that always they said the ***** word between them but when i heard a white person uses the ***** word they became so sensitive why between them is normal and why is not normal when somebody'else use this word.

2006-11-11 00:14:33 · 16 answers · asked by ? 5

I am trying to find out why a Bidet is such a common fixture in the Europe. Have they considered alternatives like toilet papers ? Or is it just a cultural thing? I understand the concept of hygiene but are there some other reasons ?

2006-11-10 23:52:42 · 8 answers · asked by BidetExplorer 1

2006-11-10 23:42:56 · 5 answers · asked by sumanchams 1

I consider myself as English first, British second, how about you, whichever part of the UK you are from, do you see yourself as British first, or as Scottish, Irish, Welsh or English.

2006-11-10 23:32:20 · 32 answers · asked by bazranz 2

I'm not talking about a revolution in the true sense but more along the lines of a cultural revolution as was experienced in the 1960's.

There now seems to be an enevitability that Scotland will break with the act of union causing independance and there will be some form of a united Ireland in the near future?
English/Scottish nationalism is at an all time high and the union jack/flag seems to have been replaced by St Georges/Scottish saltire Flags.

Also, there will be a 'crossover generation' of young professional educated people who for the first time will not be able to afford property and make wealth like their parents/grandparents generation. It also seems certain that this generation will not recieve a state pension or even medical care in the future as we now unlike previous generations are expected to pay for it ourselves.

So are we heading for some kind of soft revolution in the UK. If we do what form will it take and when will it happen. Any thoughts?

2006-11-10 23:17:47 · 11 answers · asked by Jimbobarino 4

Any one USEed to reading ENGLISH press can hate French and Candian Freanch... BUT on ce you visit Paris and/or Montreal they change their view ...JUST LIKE IDID...
I have reaclized french are very nice people and I like them a lot and stopped beleiveining in BRITISH publicity against french for centuries [going on now thro' word of mouth ]--now I can say viva la francise?they seem to be doing lot of charity works all over the world.love their cusine....did you also get biased by english press/word of mouth and change your view after visiting Paris/Quebec?

2006-11-10 23:08:43 · 13 answers · asked by rat123pig 3

i mean do people today not understand how degrading and mean the word is. or i wonder if they even know the history behind it. and what makes them think it is okay to say when other races can't even say it.

2006-11-10 23:07:18 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-10 22:40:54 · 2 answers · asked by kindaworried 2

Polish immigrants arrive in Britain with racist views on non-white Britons.Where does this level of arrogancy come from considering their status of migrant workers?Slovaks and Latvians do not have this problem so why do Poles feel it right to insult the Britons who are non-white?

2006-11-10 22:16:04 · 12 answers · asked by kamaljt b 2

ok, so I was at dinner tonight with several of my partner's friends and their girlfriends/wives. we were discussing a possible trip to thailand and one of the men said something along the lines of "i want to go to [some part of thailand] so we can see some [insert ethnic group] people." myself and this person's wife are part of this ethnic group that was mentioned. i got offended and sorta ran off at the mouth about how that made us sound like zoo animals or something. his wife remained quiet, my boyfriend gave me the "shut up, you're doing it again" look, and the person responded that i was being too defensive and that i thought we were zoo animals if i said that and why would he mean that anyway if he was married to a [insert ethnic group] woman...

ok, i admit i overreacted, but i don't think my being offended was irrational. i mean, he could have said "i want to visit the [insert ethnic group] villages" or something like that. i mean, [ethnic group] are sitting right here! hello!!!

2006-11-10 20:56:45 · 14 answers · asked by needs help 2

2006-11-10 20:42:21 · 5 answers · asked by mackie206@btinternet.com 1

If they are dishonest and disloyal, are they [he/she] dishonorable?
If so, does this also apply to friends and social politicals?

2006-11-10 20:12:21 · 7 answers · asked by ipygmalion 4

My answers are getting removed. I know I don't ask the brightest question, But there are some really bad ones out there that get to stay. I have been flagged on some really stupid stuff, but have gotten away with some very offensive answers that I thought for sure I was going to get flagged on. I do put out some good answers when I come across a good question. Anyone else getting their questions deleted and answers flagged that aren't offensive?

2006-11-10 19:54:40 · 8 answers · asked by Ben V 3

2006-11-10 19:27:23 · 13 answers · asked by iskatelabel33 1

I won't sleep with black women from america but africa/UK is ok. I won't sleep with Chinese girls but will with Korean and Japanese. Greece, macedonian women are fine, but i won't sleep with russian.

2006-11-10 19:21:18 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I will.

Thank you veterans!

2006-11-10 18:40:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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