I have this friend at work who is a very masculine acting lesbian. We were talking, and she was telling me she wasn't happy with the job anymore and that she was thinking about leaving, getting a CDL license, and driving a truck. Kiddingly, I laughed and said to her "Now you'll REALLY be a diesel dyke!" She didn't laugh. I said "Oh, that didn't offend you, did it? You know I'm kidding" and she said "Nah, not at all" and continued on with what she was saying, but I got the feeling that I probably did offend her.
I felt bad. I'm gay, she's a lesbian, we have a good relationship, and I thought it would be OK for us to kid around with each other like that. I meant no harm by it, was only in fun.
Was I wrong in saying that? If you had a friend that made a similar comment to you, would you have been offended?
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