Why would you need to? We are born to be unique.
2006-11-08 18:23:04
answer #1
answered by Clerical error 4
Seriously, no.
Seriously, why would you want to?
Gay men are PURELY EXACTLY the way they SHOULD be. They're human, they're male, they're gay.
There's nothing wrong with them to have to change.
Sure, there are places and groups that say that through prayer or averssion therapy a person can be changed from homosexual to heterosexual, but in fact NOT ONE of these groups keep anykind of sucess records, not one of them do anykind of follow up reviews. None of these groups employ any type of accredited or peer reviewed "treatment" or "therapy."
Actually EVERY accredited mental health organization actually have statements warning of these kinds of groups.
Frankly, they're dangerous!
Many so called "Ex-gays" are lead to suicide or self harm because of the abusive "treatments" they endured at the hands of these groups!
I know that you may have a hard time accepting this, but sexuality is like handed-ness. A naturally right handed person might loose their ability to use their right hand for some reason and eventually learn to use their left, but it doesn't make them a naturally left handed person. It just makes them a right handed person who uses their left hand.
2006-11-09 02:39:04
answer #2
answered by DEATH 7
nope. You are what you are. You can be unhappy or happy. You can fight it or embrace it. You can live well or poorly. You can do anything, but change what you are.
And a gay man IS a pure man. There is nothing impure about being gay -- that's just religious claptrap.
Contact me if you need to talk.
Kindest possible thoughts,
2006-11-09 13:12:15
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The first thing you need to do is get rid of the definitions e.g 'gay' or 'pure' as that implies a judgment and trust me if you want to help someone with their personal growth that's the last thing you want to be doing. Next, remember that sexuality is as individual as you are, therefore never make assumptions about who or what someone is. I would also give some thought to what you are saying - is this just a general statement or is there someone specific you are thinking of. The short of it is sexual attractions can change as you grow and if you are honest with yourself and can truly say you're happy with your relationships - that is the true measure of a man not a tag or stereotype that society labels you with, for convenience.
The short answer to your question is yes and no on the basis of what the person as an individual is comfortable with.
2006-11-09 02:28:13
answer #4
answered by waggy 6
Gay fellows ARE pure men. You are being insulting to assume that because someone is gay they are not pure.
I dont believe you are pure at all for asking this question.
2006-11-09 05:06:32
answer #5
answered by Alias400 4
You assume that gay men are not "pure man". You are perhaps confusing gay men with transgendered people.
And if someone were not "pure man" - transgendered or otherwise - why should they be changed?
2006-11-09 02:58:50
answer #6
answered by Angry Gay Man 3
Theoretically, yes. Regardless of what you mean by "pure man," or whether you believe being gay is a condition of birth, environment or choice.
Most christians won't approve of the methods I know of, though, even if they do like the results; it involves using certain (occult) magical techniques to pretty much rewrite the brain.
And I wouldn't recommend using them for this anyway, without further knowledge of how much sexual identity ties in to general identity. You could easily wind up changing things you feel are desirable qualities in the process, even if you're quite experienced at this sort of thing (and moreso if you're not.) You might even wind up not being "you" anymore (presuming 'you' are the person who's going to change. It's a hell of a lot harder to change someone else, they'd pretty much have to consent to the whole process and work with you on it.)
2006-11-09 02:40:48
answer #7
answered by angiekaos 3
if you mean by "pure man" as in straight, then, no. you can't do anything to "turn" someones sexual orientation. do you think you can be "turned" gay? no, of course not. it's who you innately are. it's genetic. we see this same kind of question on here dozens of times a day....and it's still ignorant and insulting.
2006-11-09 09:23:21
answer #8
answered by redcatt63 6
I can only assume that you mean changing a Man's sexual orientation. No. There is no operation nor therapy that will change a person's sexual orientation.
There is nothing about a person's sexual orientation that makes someone a "pure" anything. That is nothing but hyperbole.
2006-11-09 08:45:07
answer #9
answered by IndyT- For Da Ben Dan 6
A gay man is already a perfectly pure man, don't insult them by calling them dirty. The way is the same as turning you into a non-homophobe or your mom into a lesbian - ain't happening.
2006-11-09 02:24:47
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
about as likely turning a straight guy gay
2006-11-09 08:50:40
answer #11
answered by Andrew C 2