What if it was hers once, but you moved in and took it over, since all she ever did with it is keep Powerade and Vietnamese leftovers in the fridge?
When I was sick last week, she washed dishes after me, by hand. (Our dishwasher isn't working.) Sweet, right? Except she forgot what really hot water followed by really cold does to glass, and I have one less Pyrex baking dish, which they are not exactly giving away.
I also, just found out tonight, have two fewer glass storage containers, which again are not exactly being given away. Just in time for my holiday baking, too! She claims she told me, but I was hopped up on Nyquil, which is probably true.
*Is* there a good way to ban your partner from your kitchen?!
And can I say anything without sounding like a petty b!tch, or do I just rant to y'all?
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