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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I heard this twice today, once by e-mail and once in someone's blog, like it was a fact. But a Yahoo! search only turned up an old rumor. Is the RNC chairman (Ken Mehlman) actually gay, and if so, is there a reliable source? Just curious.

2006-11-08 11:49:03 · 13 answers · asked by GreenEyedLilo 7

What if it was hers once, but you moved in and took it over, since all she ever did with it is keep Powerade and Vietnamese leftovers in the fridge?

When I was sick last week, she washed dishes after me, by hand. (Our dishwasher isn't working.) Sweet, right? Except she forgot what really hot water followed by really cold does to glass, and I have one less Pyrex baking dish, which they are not exactly giving away.

I also, just found out tonight, have two fewer glass storage containers, which again are not exactly being given away. Just in time for my holiday baking, too! She claims she told me, but I was hopped up on Nyquil, which is probably true.

*Is* there a good way to ban your partner from your kitchen?!

And can I say anything without sounding like a petty b!tch, or do I just rant to y'all?

2006-11-08 11:39:04 · 15 answers · asked by GreenEyedLilo 7

mine is "badges? we dont need any stinki'n badges" from the movie blazzin saddles.
if you dont remember the movie, dont worry about it. just state the phrase.

2006-11-08 11:38:37 · 21 answers · asked by shyboy 3

2006-11-08 11:32:14 · 6 answers · asked by jim p 1

2006-11-08 11:29:17 · 12 answers · asked by martin 4

What do you think of our election day?? I want your views on what took place.

2006-11-08 11:17:05 · 8 answers · asked by Rainbow Brite 3

2006-11-08 11:14:58 · 8 answers · asked by the_chupa_thingy 1

how many people would just like to tell some people off the way they answer questions sometime even though that's what it's all about opinions. Be truthful would you just like to knock'em out!

2006-11-08 10:54:39 · 10 answers · asked by 2sweet4u 4

(If it's not called Velcro in America, I don't know what it is, but you must know the stuff - it comes in two halves, one scratchy with little hooks and one smooth and fuzzy, and you use it to stick things together.)

I love it, and I have a favourite half (which I might reveal after I get some answers), but I want to know which side you prefer, and why?
As much detail as possible please!

2006-11-08 10:49:20 · 13 answers · asked by JBoy Wonder 4

What would you do if you just broke up with your BF or GF and you were attarched to the same sex as you, but you where not gay or lesbian. What would you do?

2006-11-08 10:22:22 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

It seems to me you guys are Plagued a little. Whom you are attracted to doesn't define you in the least bit, it seems as though that very same small bit of information is what separates you.

Look at Yahoo Answers for example. There are Hundreds of topics to choose from Love money Sports whatever, most of the Gay Community bring thier Questions to the section marked of for GLBT and it's not all about thier attractions. It's about everything but most feel the questions need to be asked in GLBT.

The segregation is very subtle but it sends a powerful message to those who aren't GLBT, the forum is a small example.

So is the slight but very apparent segregation needed to help one find thier way, but once the individual is found is he/she stuck with the segration. Meaning: at first you didn't know if "Homo" was a part of who you are, once you found out you can't lose the Lable you sought to find.

2006-11-08 10:19:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

used to be several of them around and we used to have a goodtime chit chatting and messing with each other especially on the old Aol till they changed.

2006-11-08 10:16:32 · 2 answers · asked by George G 5

this hapenend while sitting on the patio and after a few(many)cocktails and small conversation. she knowing that im gay and open about it, still requested i kiss her on the lips. she pays the rent on time every month and in full for the last three years. what would you do?

2006-11-08 10:01:34 · 18 answers · asked by shyboy 3

Sorry, just me being needy again.

The person who DOES read mine just posted a comment that I should tell more people about it, so I am.

Do you read other people's blogs? And if so, do you leave comments, or only if you really liked it? (I suppose if you didn't like it, it would be politer to say nothing.)

And, if you have your own blog, do you update it every day, or only occasionally, or never?

Bit of a vague question, I admit. Just tell me anything you feel like saying about blogs.

2006-11-08 09:42:02 · 6 answers · asked by JBoy Wonder 4

he wears lip gloss,he loves pink,wears girl pants,wears makeup but we're both rockers i know makeup is a big apart about it and tight pants but sometimes he makes me wonder....what do you think?

2006-11-08 09:36:41 · 18 answers · asked by mischa m 2

I am 14 I´m not a lesbian but I´m getting diffrent offers from a couple of girls and I´m not sure what to do.

2006-11-08 09:36:00 · 12 answers · asked by ixi 1

I think I like girls, but I dont feel like I want anyone to know. I feel like they wont accept me if I tell them, I have tried to tell them but I couldnt do it? I feel like if I tell them, and then find out I really dont like girl(becuase I am unsure) they wont feel comfortable around me.? help?!

2006-11-08 09:33:33 · 14 answers · asked by ocfan 2

mine is someone blowing there f"n nose. whats your pet peeve?

2006-11-08 09:30:20 · 18 answers · asked by shyboy 3

I am thinking of coming out soon and need some tips. Please help.

2006-11-08 09:19:07 · 7 answers · asked by roseswillbloomagain 2

My best friend is a lesbian and I have feelings for her and she has feelings for me. Deep down I know that I will always be a straight girl but I cannot tell her that because I feel if I do then a part of me will wish I was with her. How do I tell her that I want to experiment and date her without telling her that we were meant to be together. I love her to death and I want to be with her but I eventually want to get married and have kids. Should I just tell her that I want to be with her because I am attracted to her and that eventually I will have to move on but that we will always be friends or should I just tell her that I am a straight girl and that I love her but I cannot be with her because it isnt me. Or should I just tell her all of this and ask her opinion? Or should I tell her that I dont know that I want for my life but I know that right now I want her in my life in every way possible? Please help cuz the longer I spend thinking the more crazy I will end up.

2006-11-08 09:10:27 · 16 answers · asked by tigerlike8585 1

Now that prop 107 didn't pass in AZ. does that mean lesbian/gay couples can have a civil union and it has to be recognized?

2006-11-08 09:08:12 · 7 answers · asked by molly p 1

Honestly, that's what it says on the box.

(Would you believe Yahoo answers tried to categorise this question as Food & Drink???)

(Even more strange, when I added the Food & Drink question, it tried to put it in Music & Entertainment!)

2006-11-08 08:57:47 · 5 answers · asked by JBoy Wonder 4

I always wondered, and I would like SERIOUS ANSWERS PLEASE!! so if a shemale was a female, then got a penis, would it be possible for her/his body to create sperm? Would heshe be able to ejaculate? If not, would the heshe not be able to reproduce at all any longer?

2006-11-08 08:54:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

About and older male having intercoarse with someone younger than he is. Say he is 50ish and she is 20ish. Both enjoy the sex together. Not sure about other oppe: about age differents.

2006-11-08 08:48:48 · 22 answers · asked by flying bug 2

what order would you resolve yours?

2006-11-08 08:31:24 · 23 answers · asked by shyboy 3

A friend once told me that my boyfriend has gay tendencies. What does this mean?

2006-11-08 08:28:28 · 5 answers · asked by B Bee 1

Whats the best way to tell a guy that you like him without actually telling him, and what are the signs that they are flirting back??

2006-11-08 08:22:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hear it all over the place, in reference to something the speaker thinks is just to stupid for words. Does it offend you to hear this?

2006-11-08 08:04:41 · 21 answers · asked by pammy 4

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