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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Ok.... tell me this: why the hell do you fundamentalist christians seem to like shoving your "godly" religion down our throats. IF WE DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD WE OBVIOUSLY DONT CARE ABOUT IF WE ARE GOING TO HELL OR NOT!

so just tell me this: what part of "quit shoving your religion down my throat" dont you understand?

get over the fact that people are DIFFERENT and that THERE WOULDN'T BE GET PEOPLE IF GOD DIDN'T LET THEM BE HERE!

2006-08-04 08:54:20 · 20 answers · asked by Getoutalive 2

2006-08-04 08:53:55 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Because, the feminine aspect of an effeminate male, is by no means feminine. No women act at all like that. No matter how campy she may be. So why purpetuate the stereotype, other than to provoke animosity from gay bashers, isn't this a not so good thing?
Instead of making progress for gay rights, they're only backsliding.

2006-08-04 08:47:31 · 11 answers · asked by somber_pieces 6




2006-08-04 08:37:08 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

His behavior tends to be flamboyant. Is it rude to ask him to try to act differently around my other friends? I don't want to lose any of these people as friends.

2006-08-04 08:26:36 · 11 answers · asked by graffeng 1

Were you ever with a woman between starting to transition and when you reached the end of that road? If so, how was it? There's this girl that I like, but I'm not sure about how far I can take a relationship with anyone right now.

2006-08-04 07:56:22 · 2 answers · asked by carora13 6

2006-08-04 07:28:36 · 11 answers · asked by vkrum1900 1

As with a het relationship, sex is just a fraction of the whole equation. If there was no such thing as sex, would the companionship and lifelong committment of same-sex couples even be an issue?

And why is there so much ignorance?

Yes, I'm MtF. For those of you not in the know, that means I had a "sex change" from male to female. Ya know what bugs me most? Assumptions that I was a gay male prior to transition. I have always been attracted to women, and still am. So why did I transition? Not because I was So Waaaaay Gay, but because trying to be male when I really wasn't inside, in my brain chemistry, was killing me.

Some of you folks should read a book and something other than the Bible. Try something science-based. God gave us science and the ability to think to be used. I read the Bible every day, attend church, am active in my spiritual community, and yes... I even accept Jesus as my Saviour. Ya know what else? He accepts me too. Unconditionally. Pray on that.

2006-08-04 07:09:47 · 19 answers · asked by Jayne 1

Do you know where you will go when you die?

Why not know for SURE where your SOUL will go when you PASS FROM THIS EARTHLY EXISTENCE?

You can KNOW for SURE thet you will go to HEAVEN when you DIE! All you have to do is!!!

1. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and be your PERSONAL SAVIOR!
2. Believe JESUS died for YOUR SINS on the CROSS!
3. You're SAVED by the GRACE fo the HEAVENLY FATHER!

John 3:16
-Mrs. Paige

2006-08-04 07:05:22 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a 26 yr old legally married massachusetts lesbian. I have been on here for a while and this question is for everyone who is answering GLBT questions with hate and bible quotes. I'm not looking for judgement, becuase I belive that God will judge us all, and we have no right to judge each other. This is a real question, I am hoping for a serious answer.

I want to know how my marriage is hurting you. Can you please tell me how my marriage has directly affected you personally in either a positive or negative way?

Thank you.

2006-08-04 07:03:37 · 28 answers · asked by Alexis 4

I just know some partners I've been with don't like to kiss a lot and some do, I love to kiss and cuddle, but that's just me, I just wondered what the consensus here was.

2006-08-04 06:59:31 · 19 answers · asked by ? 2

We were all born with sinful natures. Doesn't that mean, then, that we have the choice in life on whether or not to act on those sinful natures? Pedophiles, homosexuals, gender trading, lying, adultery, deception, sex outside of marriage, murder, etc.? Would a pedophile be able to march in the streets, get a coolition together of other child molesters, and get legislators to make the rest of society accept their lifestyles because they were "born" that way? Since children are murdered in-utero, would children also be "fair game" because, then, the rights of pedophiles would be more important?

2006-08-04 06:39:48 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't know if gay people are born with a homosexual inclination, but for the sake of argument here, I'll concede for the moment that they are.

Other people are born with other inclinations, though -- bestiality, pedophilia, incest, and so on.

Does this mean that it's okay to act on the inclinations -- just because we have them?

Having the inclination toward a behavior is not necessarily a God-given green light to engage in said behavior. It depends on what it is.

With homosexuality, acting on the inclination toward the behavior is morally illicit, because it goes against the order of God's design for His creation -- namely, that He created us to be sexually complementary. He created roughly half of us male, and roughly half of us female.

In so doing, God made us partners in His ongoing creative work. Homosexual acts deny that partnership. They go entirely against it. It's God's will, but homosexual acts are in denial of it.

2006-08-04 06:34:58 · 37 answers · asked by Julia Encarnacion 1

What is evolved in being a proud homosexual? What are you really proud of?
Some Gays have said they don't mind holding hands but anything else needs to be behind closed doors. Some gay folks actually said it's nothing to be proud of.

Others say it's their life and they were behind closed doors for so long because of society so now they should be proud to express themselves with their partner in public?

When I have a GF we hold hands she may rub my head or something but I don't need to show anyone that hey I'm with a girl I got over that in high school. (Talking about me and my gf is my way of trying to relate to the situation)

Sometimes I get the feeling that's what homo pride is, one showing off the fact that they have a same sex mate. My first response, who cares! That’s like bragging about going to McDonald’s.

So what exactly are you proud of, can this pride be misguided and blown out of proportion? Talk to mw people I'm at work and I ain't going no where.

2006-08-04 06:03:16 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

And stop harassing people! If you don't like gay people stay out of the GLBT section!!

2006-08-04 05:59:09 · 9 answers · asked by sexybreifs 2

2006-08-04 05:55:15 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

my boyfriend likes for me to do it to him up the whoha does this mean that he is gay?

2006-08-04 05:52:28 · 11 answers · asked by barbie c 2

find a woman that would like to date. Maybe even if I was lucky enough want a LTR with me?

2006-08-04 05:50:51 · 9 answers · asked by Chantelle 1

I like gay people
P.S. I am straight

2006-08-04 05:43:32 · 27 answers · asked by Sherrod's future wifee 3

being gay and to repent is not going to get them to turn to Christ. When you say those things it makes Christians look like homophobic bigots and that does not make a homosexual say "hmmm I think I am going to give my life to Christ now"

I don't even think Jesus would be saying some of the things people who call themselves Christians say like "Burn in hell gays"

2006-08-04 05:41:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I asked this before & i didnt get any serious answers. Okay, my best friend lives with a gay guy. Hes been gay since birth. Hes never been with a girl. So, now theyre having sex and he told her he wants a relationship with her and that hes in love with her. I asked him what was up and he says he doesnt know what is going on with himself. hes says he has never felt this way. Im confused. What does this mean?

2006-08-04 05:36:57 · 23 answers · asked by Baby Jack born 4/5/09 4

And when they do it they always say stuff like "you nasty faag" I mean if you think gay people are nasty then DON'T ANSWER THE QUESTIONS THAT WERE INTENDED FOR GAY PEOPLE.

2006-08-04 05:27:21 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is the guy who goes downtown and gets 2 blowjobs and comes back and gives you one

2006-08-04 05:25:08 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm all about "freedom of speech" (which isn't necessarily relevant anyway; this IS a service provided by a company; not the government), and I'm definitely not having issues with different opinions. From time to time, the way those opinions are expressed perhaps, but almost never the opinions themselves. But how many essentially SPAM questions about logs before its harassment?

2006-08-04 05:12:08 · 12 answers · asked by Atropis 5

This is a question for a friend.

My friend a gay man has and ex bf. They separated 8/2005. They owned a home together and sold it, move away from each other 6/2006. Since then my friend’s ex has been harassing him. My friend has changed phone no., email accounts, yahoo blog account. Block him from emailing him, calling etc...He has told him to stop several times.

His ex has threatened public humiliation, and physical violence to a some degree. This ex has not followed through with any threats. My friend is pretty sure it is just a way for him to mentally harass him. For the last 4 weeks my friend has ignored his ex. He has not replied to any emails etc.

My friend recently met a wonderful man. He posted his loves picture on his yahoo blog, and now this harassing ex of his has emailed the new boyfriend in and attempt to discredit him. The new boyfriend laughed at the ex’s email and still loves my friend.

What should I tell my friend to do? How would you handle this mess?

2006-08-04 04:44:00 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-04 04:38:53 · 25 answers · asked by sadeyes 1

I see how you heterophobes FLAME heterorealistic people who correctly view the insertion of one's penis into the rectum of another as a perversion. You say "HEY this forum is only for people who LIKE gays." But in the "real world" you enter EVERY area of normal people's lives with the message "we're here, we're queer, get used to it."

SO I just want to tell you, that you need to get used to a regular dose of REALITY in this forum. I'm sure there's tens of thousands of people that feel this way.

HETEROPHOBES ARE A VERY SLIM MINORITY and 99.9% of america wishes you would just STFU already.

Nonetheless, get used to seeing posts like this in "your" forum, since you have for decades not cared WHO'S dinner table you crap on.

You're all a bunch of heterophobic hypocrites.

2006-08-04 04:38:07 · 13 answers · asked by sal_menella 2

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