I really could care less what some guy named Paul says -- I don't pray to Paul every night, and I don't go to the house of Paul on Easter Sundays.
I want to know where none other than God says gay people are morally wrong.
While I wait, chew on this--
Separation of church and state should clarify to people that because God says so isn't a legal reason for Gay marriage to be illegal.
Even if the separation of church and state didn't exist, and the U.S. or wherever was Christian, Gays being morally wrong doesn't mean no marriage. Murderers are allowed to marry, and they even have a commandment against them.
If god didn't want gays to exist because they are foul beings, why would he have created them? Don't say free will because if we had completely free will, without God giving us any ideas, their would be the controversy of people loving rocks, or thinking that tearing down buildings was murder.
We don't think things without God giving us a little guidance.
22 answers
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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender