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Cultures & Groups - 20 June 2007

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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender · Other - Cultures & Groups · People with Disabilities · Senior Citizens


1. Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.

2. Never pass up an opportunity to go to the bathroom.

3. If you woke up breathing, congratulations; you get another chance.

And finally, be really nice to your family and friends; you never know when you might need them to empty your bed pan.

Who says seniors don't have a sense of humour? lol

2007-06-20 14:21:24 · 21 answers · asked by ? 5 in Senior Citizens

can it be purchased?

2007-06-20 13:34:22 · 12 answers · asked by rusalka 3 in Other - Cultures & Groups

It's called the Matthew Shepard Act and was recently passed by the US House of Representatives.

You can very quickly send a short note to your state's senators by going to this link:
Look for the search window in the upper right corner.

To see a great video made to support the act go here:

2007-06-20 13:24:11 · 7 answers · asked by inactive account 4 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2007-06-20 13:17:12 · 21 answers · asked by rockingorangejuice 2 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I refuse to believe homosexuality or any sexual orientation is genetic. Fact is, we have only double the genes of the common fruit fly, and some studies show that our personality is essentially based on our upbringing as an infant and a young child. For instance, if you are left crying for long periods of time, you will leave your children in the same manner. If you are vicious and violent, you will repay your environment with the same behaviour. You will often choose the same partner as your parents did, also - this is very common.

Nor do I believe it is a choice. You have no control over your environment when you are that young. Your parents do. This is why some behaviours are mistaken for genetic, when they are merely grinded into the personality.

However, the option for 'alternative parenting' remains, and since we are capable of homosexuality, does that automatically mean it is natural? I'm split about this.

2007-06-20 13:10:29 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Does anyone know were to get an old copy of Transformation magazine with Gina and Geneva on the cover?

2007-06-20 12:58:16 · 5 answers · asked by Darla K 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2007-06-20 12:27:24 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

I really feel special when people take time out of their day to write hateful thing about my skin color. I'm just so bashing..=)
Am I really that important to every day people; that they stop what they are doing, and spend day after day discussing my delightful skin color?? YES, I am. =)
Thank you all...

2007-06-20 12:15:20 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

I am a 15 year old girl and I am Bisexual. I have feelings towards to of my best friends, but a stronger feeling towards one, Colleen. Colleen is also bi and has had sex, with a girl. But I just can't stop thinking about her and what it would be like to have sex with her. Should I tell her that I like her? What should I do?

She (and 4 other friends) knows that I am Bi.

2007-06-20 12:03:48 · 10 answers · asked by ? 2 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I have noticed in my personal experince that if a White person says anything bad to a black person for example at a Job if the black person is screwin around and deserves to get fired the black person calls them racist, why does everyone have to be racist to some black people, in my personal experince their are more black racists then their are racists in any other race, Why does it seem this way, I noticed this when io was in highschool and when i graduated in december I noticed it even morem, with some black people if someone dont do what they want theyll call that person a racist.

2007-06-20 11:46:31 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

Why are we so damn emotional??

2007-06-20 11:32:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

We may have been descendants of convicts but we feel proud in being one cos we feel dangerous. hahaha. America is a waste of space on the world map and so are all other countries. duh! what has America, Britain, Japan, or Germany ever owned or invented??? what makes them better than OZ? Come on people you know you wanna be an aussie and live here. Dont think about joining the greatest country in the world cos your not welcomed. Australians are so much better then everyone else. You know it!!! come on aussies dont be afraid to defend your nation.

2007-06-20 11:31:48 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

Do you think they would stop wasting their time making new profiles..and just finally go away from this site? Maybe we should try it.

2007-06-20 10:27:10 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

2007-06-20 09:51:43 · 6 answers · asked by Taylor G 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I am not a racist, but I am sick of these double standards.

This girl wore a black power symbol over an image of Africa on stage and broadcasted by NBC.

If a white guy wore a similar shirt but advertising white power he would have been censored and all over the news.


This symbol is most certainly a racist symbol just as the swastika and confederate flag are. Saying to wear this is uplifting to the Black community is ignorant.

Black Power adherents believed in racial separation, black nationalism, and the necessity to use violence as a means of achieving their aims. Off shoots of this belief include the "Black Supremacy" group.

2007-06-20 09:45:10 · 11 answers · asked by shanet963 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

I was watching tv and an interview of Harrison Ford was shown and he was sporting an earing. I have seen guys around town in the same age group also wearing earings. I just think its a sad attempt to be cool or hold on to their youth. Yes they have the right to do so (thats not the question here), because they have the right, does that mean they should?

2007-06-20 09:44:27 · 50 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I am only new to crossdressing and i need help. I am only 14 and i live with my mother. Needless to say she doesn't have a wig and my feet are twice as big. I can't buy these things because i have nowhere to hide them. I also don't know how to put make-up on or take it off (other then lipstick ). Any help welcome.

2007-06-20 09:28:26 · 17 answers · asked by Sean M 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

he's not really my bf.... not even my friend, but i don't want to loose his "friendship"... to make the story short...

I started "going out" with this guy that i really like, but nothing too formal, as his wishes... however he kept making me "test" to make sure i was "ok" for him (I wonder what for, if he's not aiming for nothing serious) and wrote me several times by xellphone text messages that the cared for me, though he never showed too much care...

this made me go into a emotional roler coaster ride... because i do care for him a lot... anyway, I've done a lot of things for him, one of them, and i don't consider the most important, is that i lent him some money, about a month ago...

anyway... most of the times that i've called him latetly, he doesn't answer. I do know he's very busy (work, graduate studies, recent father death) but for someone he supposedly cares for, I'dn't expect less than a text message. i can be anoying sometimes, by calling 3 to 4 times in a row,

2007-06-20 09:23:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I like diversity. I do not believe that everybody is the same. equal, yes. the same, no.

Im against the melting pot mentality.
Why do people want everybody to think and act like everybody else?

2007-06-20 09:22:27 · 8 answers · asked by $0.02 4 in Other - Cultures & Groups

says he doesn't like seeing white women with black men?Yet it isn't considered racist when black women say the same damn thing.
How does that make any sense at all?

2007-06-20 09:19:11 · 18 answers · asked by James M 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

As Terry G said I have done next to nothing on answers over 4 months and he has done ( apparantley) amazing things during his one month stint. I really would like to talk to some of you because I think we are on the same wave length but I don't know if I will fit in because I don't have this points issue thing!
I am not out to make points I just find this site very interesting and, occassionally i would like to 'talk' to someone about their answer or question.
I am a fairly new silver surfer and I really haven't a clue what I am doing most of the time. At least I can type so that's something I suppose

2007-06-20 09:16:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Senior Citizens

Why do all of these anti gay people have to come and answer in this section? We have our own section for us to discuss these issues. Why do they have to come in here to make trouble. Can't they just stick to their own areas and leave us alone. If you hate us fine, thats your loss. But at least have the decency to leave us alone.

2007-06-20 09:02:18 · 28 answers · asked by Justin 3 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

When I read these posts, I assume people are either uneducated or lazy. Is spelling not important? I suppose stupidity is a commodity now?

2007-06-20 08:58:11 · 14 answers · asked by ? 3 in Other - Cultures & Groups

I don't like the fact Michael Jackson abandon(aparently) his race but I don't appraciate the way he was treated by white American in TV media, racist tabIoid and even hollywood movie.

Elizabeth taylor abandon him, Marc Anthony , Puerto Rican singer and actor made a racist comment about him.Why a liberal, democratic country can be so cruel. I don't know if the crime he is accuse having commit is true(I seriously dubt), but it is far more common among white people.

In Europe and Asia, by contrast, he is still very much love and respected.

2007-06-20 08:49:30 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

someone told me it has to do with them using it to snort cocaine, but I have seen it on some foreigners too. It has to be something more than for cocaine use...

...In case you haven't seen it, some people cut all of their finger nails except the "pinky" finger or "little" finger and let it grow long... sometimes on both hands, and I have noticed it in men AND women

2007-06-20 08:48:17 · 23 answers · asked by Steve 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

I am intrigued by the way the Japanese greet eachother in a business setting

I am appalled by female circumcision

2007-06-20 08:46:51 · 3 answers · asked by Heart of Fire 7 in Other - Cultures & Groups

I am currently in school and need to write a speech about discrimination against native americans

2007-06-20 08:44:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Universities? I keep seeing the same thing over and over.."well they have BET...if we had WET..then we would be labeled racists" or "if we had all white schools, we would be considered racist" come on people...do you all have any idea why HBCU were even created? At one point and time blacks weren't created equal, weren't allowed to get an education in the same building as whites. I am getting a little annoyed because people are failing to realize that. Now I will say this, I don't feel people should keep looking back at slavery or segregation as a means to be racist, or to feel that something is owed to us, but this whole thing is bugging me that people aren't realizing the purpose of the NAACP...or HBCU's etc.
Anything else that I may have I left out, please feel free to add something...seriously lets not attack each other..just simply give your opinion..without being disrespectful..thanks

2007-06-20 08:20:12 · 23 answers · asked by Video_Production 6 in Other - Cultures & Groups

fedest.com, questions and answers