I have referred to this question before, and since it is considered very rude in other countries (perhaps even justifiably outlawed in some as well), I continue to grapple with it. It is meant as a serious question and if it even has an answer (I suspect so), perhaps Germans are in the best position to answer it.
Not only do people regularly..make that often..no, extremely often... blow their noses so LOUD at the table while eating in restaurants (I assume they do tat home too), they do so in a matter-of-fact manner that befuddles me and others. Just recently, one guy honked so loudly that a group of young Japanese tourist girls looked up startled, then started giggling. I assure you if they had been sitting within backblast range of that clown as I was, they wouldn't have been laughing!
And sometimes on the train (a more permissible venue I realize), it is like they have contests to see who can honk the loudest. It is positively grotesque, but WHY is it done and tolerated????
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