i moved into a property about 2yrs ago its a nice area but most people r retierd i myself have a young family im 32,i have friends over sum weekends an we drink an party untill the early hours,i recieved a letter of complaint from the residents (wich had the post mark from anuther town onit,wicn i found to b quite spineless) so i limeted my so called partys to maybe once every couple of months i turn the music down at 12 and we stop playing kareoke at 11ive also limited the number of people that come over so now there is only my family and 2 other couples,however im still getting complaints of my so called neibours,with me having young chilldren an the shift i work its not often we get to go out does anybody think im in the wrong here an does any1 have a solution to this problem thnx
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Other - Society & Culture