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I know your going to say no, but does some part of me believes this, I really have nothing to be happy about anymore and I have asked god so many times to help me (for years!) praying and believing that GOD will not send the types of people he has allowed before to come into my life, bad people that want nothing more that to hurt and cause pain, i feel like when good things happend they are always turing out to be pretty bad, I am not complaining although it may seem but why does GOD not hear anything or pretends he does not care anymore.

2006-10-24 02:14:14 · 19 answers · asked by Queen459789 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

God chastizes those He loves.

Maybe it is you seeking those "bad" people instead of Him sending them.

2006-10-24 02:22:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Everyone has the agency God gave them and this means that sometimes (a lot of times) what other people do affects you. God isn't controlling them anymore than He is controlling you. Try asking Him for something else... like helping you to tell the good people from the bad, or helping you to deal with your hurt, or even just helping you be happy. When I have felt that God wasn't doing anything, it usually turned out that I was sabotaging myself or I was asking Him something He really shouldn't be doing (like controlling people as if they were puppets, even if the person I wanted controlled was myself). Think of Him as a the ultimate parent. He has to let you make your own mistakes, but He is always available to give you advice, comfort, and love.

2006-10-24 02:25:01 · answer #2 · answered by Shanna J 4 · 0 1

I don't believe god exists, but if you do, I'll try to respect that.

God or no god, YOU are ultimately responsible for your life. No amount of praying is going to grease the skids of life for you. You need to put in some effort.

It's common for people to attract the same types of people over and over. So you need to examine yourself. Why are you drawing these sorts of people? When you figure that out, fix it (that's a tall order, I know, but it can be done).

In the meantime, learn to say no to those people. You are not required to let them into your life. If you have to become a hermit for a while, you'll only benefit in the end.

EDIT: I'm curious about why I got 2 thumbs down. Is it personal? Is it because I said god doesn't exist? Trust me, I'm not offended or hurt by this; I'm simply puzzled. I just don't understand why common sense is being rejected. Nowhere in here did I suggest anything that is anti-god, anti-prayer, pro-satan, or anything along those lines.

Would it have been better if I had adopted a fatalistic attitude, like some people did here, and said "well, that's god's plan for you"?

2006-10-24 02:36:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

In the Bible, even the faithful had trials and trevail. After the Fall, in the Garden, humans became heir to grief. This is in keeping with God's plan. It's not a blindside, or a pretending not to notice, or a dirty trick. It's the way they said it would be, in Genesis. They said life would be hard for humans until the day they died.

I don't mean to be grim, but the evangelists who tell you that God will turn your life into a 24 hour party on this earth are lying to up their viewership/following. It does not work that way. Christians who remain true and faithful get their party in the next life.

Keep faith, and I hope your situation gets better.

2006-10-24 02:24:51 · answer #4 · answered by martino 5 · 0 1

No. There are no gods. In your life, many good things happen and many bad things happen. It is natural to suspect somebody behind it. Humans tend to anthropomorphize everything. However, you really do have a good amount of control of your life. You might not be able to control everything that happens to you, but you can control how you react to it and make use of the situation.

As you seem to have learned, praying really does nothing. If there are bad people coming into your life, only you can do something about that. I've found that most people are good people. So, either you are hanging around areas with lots of bad people, or you are misunderstanding their motives. Either one might mean that your judgment of situations is not doing well. There are professionals that can help you gain a more objective view of life.

2006-10-24 02:15:17 · answer #5 · answered by nondescript 7 · 1 2

In answer to the first part, NO, God does not hate you...how could He hate His beloved creation that He sent His only begotten Son to Die for and offer them eternal life?? (John 3:16).

But the pains in our life may have a number of sources, and we can, by the grace of God's guidance, figure out the source and work towards solving the problem.

Firstly, God does not make bad things happen, He allows them to happen from other sources. He permits what we can and cannot handle. Remember the Story of Job? Satan could not touch Job with harm except with the exclusive permission and limitations given by God, because God knew what Job can and cannot handle.

Secondly, what are these sources of pain? It could be either:
- Bad choices I make and thus lead to a negative result. In this instant, I can make an account of my actions, ak God for forgiveness and ask Him to help me, and He will ake everything right, according to His divine wisdom.

- It could be that the devil wants to tempt me and allow me to fall to lose my salvation. In that instant I would cling to God, and He will give me the strenth and wisdom to continue on and fight the good fight.

- It could be that God is allowing others/illness to harm me, in order for me to assess my life, realise what is important and cling unto Him. In the instant with Job, again...God knew that he was rightous, but allowed satan to do all these things in order for Job to learn a lesson to not be too self-rightouse...and the outcome was Job's strengthen faith and he even says that he know "has known God".

I hope this helps you...I pray that the Loving Lord grant you all that you need to offer you strength and support in your difficult time. God Bless.

I pray that you find the comfort you need.

2006-10-24 02:27:24 · answer #6 · answered by copticphoenix 3 · 0 1

You cannot get anything from the God of your imagination.
False gods and idols only add more confusion to your life.
You should read carefully the Holy Books of the Messengers of God to realize who you are and how can you re-establish your relation with the One True God.
He gives mankind all good things, but you refuse to listen to His call, so you fail in your search through other channels.

2006-10-24 02:24:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I totally know exactly what you mean, i am a magnet for idiot people who pretend to be loving and nice but are real real bad. Just pick different people to be around and pick up on signs whether they are fine to hang around with or not, and do not be friends with anyone you have to find someone and the trust takes times.

2006-10-24 02:17:02 · answer #8 · answered by daisy322_98 5 · 3 0

Have faith. Before you prayers can be answered you have to believe they will be answered. Perhaps you need to try to live your life more rightiously, perhaps you need to change some things about yourself. God's spirit will not always strive against man. That might not be an exact quote but I remember the verse going somethin like that. The Holy Spirit will not dwell with those who are not worthy of it. Best advice I can give you is to repent and pray unto the Lord.

2006-10-24 02:18:52 · answer #9 · answered by freeze_guy_2001 2 · 1 2

u know something God is so wonderful and always there for u,me and al people.U have to trust God and trust that God is always doing the best for us, sometimes we are angry and feel that God hate us but after awhile u will discover that u r so grateful for these all this bad things happened to u and u will thank God for it,So be patient for your Fate and u will get the Happy End of your story.

2006-10-24 03:12:26 · answer #10 · answered by themermaid_2010 1 · 0 1

God hears prays. You may not always get the answer you were hoping for, but if you think about it, who knows best for you? You or God?!! Keep praying, ask for God's will and not your own. Just don't give up and I'll pray for you too!!

2006-10-24 02:21:34 · answer #11 · answered by tracy211968 6 · 1 2

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