I am 19 now, and for the first time in my life, i am starting to feel abit like an adult and more responsible. What it is though, i am so scared of turning 20 (next july), as i won't be a teen no more. This is really worrying me. I feel that once i enter my twenties, i won't really be classed as a youngster (if you no what i mean), but will be classed as a man. The worrying thing aswell is, time seems to go so quick these days, and i feel like i am going to wake up and then ill be 25, then 30, 35 etc. I keep looking so far ahead into the future and its worrying me.
What would you say, is the best age to be (or you wish you was again)? is it 21?
Also once you get over 21, does life get boring? or do you still feel like a kid.
I suppose its alot different here in the Uk than america, as they aint even aloud in clubs until their 21. (So i am guessing this is the age to be in usa?)
I would like to get opinions from people worldwide (NOT just Uk) please
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Other - Society & Culture