Columba of Rieti:
Legend says that at her birth, angels gathered around her house to sing. During her Baptism a dove suddenly flew down to the font. From that point on, no one used her by her given name (Angelella = little angel), but called her Columba (= dove). Raised in a poor but pious family; her parents gave away nearly everything thing they had to people even poorer than themselves. As a small girl she learned to spin and sew; she and her mother repaired the clothes of the local Dominicans. Educated by Dominican nuns. Had a early, strong devotion to Saint Catherine of Siena and to the Blessed Virgin Mary. While still in her teens she prayed about her vocation in life, she received a vision of Christ on a throne surrounded by saints. She took this as instruction to dedicate herself to got, so she cut herself off from the world, made a private vow of chastity, and spent her time in prayer. Unbeknownst to Columba, her parents had arranged a marriage for her and she she said no
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