a christian is supposed to be aganst lying, stealing, cheeting,and killing. but bush has done all these things over and over. i am a chirstian and i know that christians should act like one. did Christ do any of these things? NO! we should act like Christ. i have never heard bush tell the truth even once, and i wach the news every day, i wach the congressional reports, i keep up with almost every event. and bush has lied at all of them. he has killed our moms, dads, sons, daughters, freinds, ect. by sending them into a war bassed on lies. he has done every thing he can to push gas prices up and is collecting off the oil. (stealing from the people, min wage is the price of 1 gallon of gas in most places). he has cheeted people out of their jobs by paying the companys to send the jobs over seas.
why do "christians" support a man like this?
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Religion & Spirituality