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Society & Culture - 18 August 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Are extreme vegetarians bothered by commercials about KFC juicy chicken, or other meat commercials? I know that commercials or ads on the internet showing spiders bothers me, because I am arachnaphobic.

2006-08-18 03:11:08 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

A while ago I was looking at a post about a person whose life read like a nightmare, abusive parents, medical problems, a suicide attempt, etc. One of the respondents wrote:

“People who have bad lives make up for it when they go to heaven!”

Part A)___ What do you think of this response? Would it be helpful to someone who was having a hard life?

Part B)___ What do you think is the best thing one can do for someone who is suffering?

2006-08-18 03:11:06 · 14 answers · asked by Pablito 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I just recently lost my belief in this so-called "almighty". I know he's not responsible for the crap going on in the world. But I also know he allows it to happen. It seems he allows evil people to succeed in life and his followers to suffer from it.

Although satan is responsible for the crap, if God was truely in control he can stop it but he doesn't, and in my opinion that's more evil than satan himself. Yet people call him just? Fair? Loving?

I mean come on people, has your sense of someone's love and mercy totally taken a twist! You think a loving God destroys you and makes you suffer? Look at all the starving and diseased children in the world!!!! Look at how he allowed wars and the dark ages that killed millions total!!

With the way this world is going God can't be in control because he can't be real. Satan can't be real either. What's happening now is because of us.

Evolution doesn't sound real either. So right now I'm bewildered as to how and why we came into existence.

2006-08-18 03:11:04 · 16 answers · asked by Jerry H 5 in Religion & Spirituality

If so what was it?

2006-08-18 03:10:49 · 21 answers · asked by Munchkin 3 in Other - Society & Culture

Why do they choose their legalism over the clear teaching of the gospels and of Paul. No where is it stated that belief in that doctrine is a "requirement" for salvation. One can receive Jesus as Lord and Savior without ever having even heard of the Virgin Birth. Growing in the word comes later. Does a child require a PHD to be born?

2006-08-18 03:10:47 · 15 answers · asked by 自由思想家 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I have recently moved in with someone in a very old house. It looks over a cliff on the ocean. At night there are strange sounds that come from under my bed. I hear knocking on the cieling from the dining room below. It is extra bad when my boyfriend is away on business. What should I do to make this terrible noise stop? Is exorcism real? Ghostbusters? I saw the movie and is any of that true? I don't know what to think. Witch spells? Wicca? Help me please. Thanks, Scared In The Dark.

2006-08-18 03:09:46 · 18 answers · asked by Isis 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Recently dedicated self to christ, leanring more each day, but do have some confusing contradicting feelings. things i've read, heard, different preachings on tv on sunday mornings regarding prayer.. one question is this. i've heard it said, to pray for yourself, a petition prayer, you are not suppose to ask for something you want, and then say, "if it's your will" may i have this, which i felt was a proper way to ask god. because i always that only what we get is by his will anyway. but this particular preacher says you won't get things if you DOUBT, and by asking "IF" it's your will, you are implying to god you are not sure , and supposedly whatever you ask you shall receive. so that "if" sheds doubt that was you are asking you will receive. so here all this time i've asked that way, thinking i was doing the right thing, and believed i received some of my prayers, to only find out it was all in my head that i thought i received these because I looked for something to make it fit?

2006-08-18 03:09:33 · 19 answers · asked by catsrus2020 1 in Religion & Spirituality

pink unicorn be praised we are victorious

2006-08-18 03:08:20 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Islam is on the march. It is already the second largest religion and spreading fast. Explosively so in Africa and even in Western Eurpoe.

Consider the following:
- In intermarriage the non-Muslim has to convert.
- Renouncing Islam is punishable by death.
- New ideas are weeded out and no change is possible.
- They have absolute belief they will take over the world.
- Fanatical Islam is fighting a terrorist war and winning.
- They are supported tacitly by all Muslims
- In countries under Islam all other religions are strictly controlled and discriminated against.
- The gates of Europe, the traditional bastion of Christianity, have been opened to Islam by the US and huge numbers are coming in.
- European way of life and foeign policy is already curtailed and bending towards Islam.

It is time for honest debate. Please give your views

2006-08-18 03:07:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

See if you spill someones blood you have a covenant with that person. An example of faith in the bible a man was ask to slay his son so he went to the mountain top and brought a lamb telling his son he was to scarifice it instead. The man prepared for the ritaul and was reeady to slay his son, but god told him it was a test of his faith and had him scarifice the lamb instead.

Having said this would since spilling human blood establishes a convenent won't killing a baby in its mothers womb amount to human scarifices? Having said that the abortion clinics are houses of Satan, Having said that they should not be allowed in religious areas, just like strip clubs and bars we have blue laws to protect us from that evil why not for this evil. Pretty cool house of Satan and doctors of Satan preforming human scarifices to Satan.

I expect some interesting answers her, also this is real; baby killing and they had the intent to kill not a stray bullet but a directed malice.

2006-08-18 03:07:35 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I myself thought they are evenly matched, what do you think?

For use in my book of course, a war is being raged between both races Gryphons as birds and Dragons as serpents, why? because
its their nature.

2006-08-18 03:07:11 · 16 answers · asked by Michael Daniel 2 in Mythology & Folklore

Does anybody know why the Bible specifically refers to goats and not pigs or cows etc....For example, on judgement day the sheep will be gathered to His right, the goats to His left. What is the significance of the goat verses using any other animal. And only mature and serious answars. Any nastiness or hatred will be reported.

2006-08-18 03:05:57 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-08-18 03:04:36 · 21 answers · asked by smaddur 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

After all, faith is simply believing in something for which there is no (or contradictory) evidence. Why should my faith be less worthy than yours?

2006-08-18 03:04:31 · 32 answers · asked by A Baby Ate My Dingo 4 in Religion & Spirituality

i would like to meet new muslims, like me. anywhere in the world but would be nice in uk. i dont want a online chat, but wouldn't mind a forum, or something simular. is there any website?

2006-08-18 03:03:44 · 2 answers · asked by mintymoon 2 in Religion & Spirituality

You meet at three
You kiss at six
You cry at nine
It's almost eleven

2006-08-18 03:02:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

This isn't me necessarily, but I've read quite a few questions by both sides of the equation. When an atheist asks a question, they get responses from believers calling them idiots, stupid, even with threats. When I read a question from believers about "Why atheists this and that" the majority are just true to the point answers without insults. Now why is this that believers are more intolerant of questions about themselves than atheists are about questions about themselves? Do atheists understand and practice the concept of "turn the other cheek" better than those that claim to try and live their life the way that Jesus did?

2006-08-18 03:02:17 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

If God doesnt exist, and there is just this physical world, and we are just a biological being (not

How is that anybody(if his morals and heart has not changed toward evil completely) will

consider an act of sacrifice a GOOD
and humane act.
for example if someone put his/her own life in danger to rescue another person, or if some

body give his/her kidney to a patient who need it without asking for money or .....all of these are

considered by NORMAL people good acts.
but in your ideology(If you think we are just this biological body) they would be stupid acts, that

takes even this little time that you have on earth or probably enjoy the materialistic enjoyments

away from you in the case of sacrefising your life for others.
or in the case of giving you kidney free or ... it would be loosing some materials without gaining

anything, so it would be all really stupid,
the fact that ALL NORMAL people admire these acts , and they feel good after they give a

charity for example proves that there is something more than this physical world , and when

God created the people he put ot in their hearts

2006-08-18 03:01:46 · 41 answers · asked by Afshin A. 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Do you think Tupac wanted changes for the better? I think Tupac was one of the most inspireing people of the 90's. I think he wanted the ghetto communities to rise up in a different way of thinking instead of being thugs, and being tough gang members.

2006-08-18 03:01:27 · 5 answers · asked by Dragonpack 3 in Other - Cultures & Groups

How could you like yourselves thinking you're NOTHING without your imaginary friend(Jesus)?

I'm so glad i'm an Atheist

2006-08-18 03:00:49 · 30 answers · asked by Black Atheist 1 in Religion & Spirituality

did Jews invade Spain? no Muslims did
did Jews attack Vienna ? no Muslims did
did Jews attack and rule Greece for 400 years ? no Muslims did
did Jews attack and sack Constantinople? no Jews did
did Jews take over Egypt? no Muslims did
have any Jews hijack an airplane? no Muslims did
have any Jews attacked an Olympic games ? no Muslims did
have any Jews flown an airplane into the twin towers? no Muslims did
they just want their land back, from the immigrant Muslim Palestinians.

2006-08-18 03:00:30 · 23 answers · asked by brinlarrr 5 in Religion & Spirituality

which scripture is the most sophisticated intellectually? The Torah, The Gospels, The Epistles, The Quran, the Bagagita, the Buddhist Sutras, the Avestas, or the Upanishads? And of the above, which one is the most spiritually refreshing?

2006-08-18 02:59:31 · 4 answers · asked by 自由思想家 3 in Religion & Spirituality

fedest.com, questions and answers