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Society & Culture - 16 August 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

The Increase Of Faith
How can we obtain an increase of faith? This is a very earnest question to many. They say they want to believe, but cannot. A great deal of nonsense is talked upon this subject. Let us be strictly practical in our dealing with it. Common sense is as much needed in religion as anywhere else. “What am I to do in order to believe?” One who was asked the best way to do a certain simple act, replied that the best way to do it was to do it at once. We waste time in discussing methods when the action is simple. The shortest way to believe is to believe. If the Holy Spirit has made you candid, you will believe as soon as truth is set before you. You will believe it because it is true. The gospel command is clear; “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” It is idle to evade this by questions and quibbles. The order is plain; let it be obeyed.
But still, if you have difficulty, take it before God in prayer. Tell the great Father exactly what it is that puzzles you, and beg Him by His Holy Spirit to solve the question. If I cannot believe a statement in a book, I am glad to inquire of the author what he means by it; and if he is a true man his explanation will satisfy me; much more will the divine explanation of the hard points of Scripture satisfy the heart of the true seeker. The Lord is willing to make himself known; go to Him and see if it is not so. Repair at once to your closet, and cry, “O Holy Spirit, lead me into the truth! What I know not, teach Thou me.”
Furthermore, if faith seems difficult, it is possible that God the Holy Spirit will enable you to believe if you hear very frequently and earnestly that which you are commanded to believe. We believe many things because we have heard them so often. Do you not find it so in common life, that if you hear a thing fifty times a day, at last you come to believe it? Some men have come to believe very unlikely statements by this process, and therefore I do not wonder that the good Spirit often blesses the method of often hearing the truth, and uses it to work faith concerning that which is to be believed. It is written, “Faith cometh by hearing”; therefore hear often. If I earnestly and attentively hear the gospel, one of these days I shall find myself believing that which I hear, through the blessed operation of the Spirit of God upon my mind. Only mind you hear the gospel, and do not distract your mind with either hearing or reading that which is designed to stagger you.
If that, however, should seem poor advice, I would add next, consider the testimony of others. The Samaritans believed because of what the woman told them concerning Jesus. Many of our beliefs arise out of the testimony of others. I believe that there is such a country as Japan; I never saw it, and yet I believe that there is such a place because others have been there. I believe that I shall die; I have never died, but a great many have done so whom I once knew, and therefore I have a conviction that I shall die also. The testimony of many convinces me of that fact. Listen, then, to those who tell you how they were saved, how they were pardoned, how they were changed in character. If you will look into the matter you will find that somebody just like yourself has been saved. If you have been a thief, you will find that a thief rejoiced to wash away his sin in the fountain of Christ’s blood. If unhappily you have been unchaste, you will find that men and women who have fallen in that way have been cleansed and changed. If you are in despair, you have only to get among God’s people, and inquire a little, and you will discover that some of the saints have been equally in despair at times and they will be pleased to tell you how the Lord delivered them. As you listen to one after another of those who have tried the word of God, and proved it, the divine Spirit will lead you to believe. Have you not heard of the African who was told by the missionary that water sometimes became so hard that a man could walk on it? He declared that he believed a great many things the missionary had told him; but he would never believe that. When he came to England it came to pass that one frosty day he saw the river frozen, but he would not venture on it. He knew that it was a deep river, and he felt certain that he would be drowned if he ventured upon it. He could not be induced to walk the frozen water till his friend and many others went upon it; then he was persuaded, and trusted himself where others had safely ventured. So, while you see others believe in the Lamb of God, and notice their joy and peace, you will yourself be gently led to believe. The experience of others is one of God’s ways of helping us to faith. You have either to believe in Jesus or die; there is no hope for you but in Him.
A better plan is this—note the authority upon which you are commanded to believe, and this will greatly help you to faith. The authority is not mine, or you might well reject it. But you are commanded to believe upon the authority of God himself. He bids you believe in Jesus Christ, and you must not refuse to obey your Maker. The foreman of a certain works had often heard the gospel, but he was troubled with the fear that he might not come to Christ. His good master one day sent a card around to the works—“Come to my house immediately after work.” The foreman appeared at his master’s door, and the master came out, and said somewhat roughly, “What do you want, John, troubling me at this time? Work is done, what right have you here?” “Sir,” said he, “I had a card from you saying that I was to come after work.” “Do you mean to say that merely because you had a card from me you are to come up to my house and call me out after business hours?” “Well, Sir,” replied the foreman, “I do not understand you, but it seems to me that, as you sent for me, I had a right to come.” “Come in, John,” said his master, “I have another message that I want to read to you,” and he sat down and read these words: “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” “Do you think after such a message from Christ that you can be wrong in coming to him?” The poor man saw it all at once, and believed in the Lord Jesus unto eternal life, because he perceived that he had good warrant and authority for believing. So have you, poor soul! You have good authority for coming to Christ, for the Lord himself bids you trust Him.
If that does not breed faith in you, think over what it is that you have to believe—that the Lord Jesus Christ suffered in the place and stead of sinners, and is able to save all who trust Him. Why, this is the most blessed fact that ever men were told to believe; the most suitable, the most comforting, the most divine truth that was ever set before mortal minds. I advise you to think much upon it, and search out the grace and love which it contains. Study the four Evangelists, study Paul’s epistles, and then see if the message is not such a credible one that you are forced to believe it.
If that does not do, then think upon the person of Jesus Christ—think of who He is, and what He did, and where He is, and what He is. How can you doubt Him? It is cruelty to distrust the ever truthful Jesus. He has done nothing to deserve distrust; on the contrary, it should be easy to rely upon Him. Why crucify Him anew by unbelief? Is not this crowning Him with thorns again, and spitting upon Him again? What! is He not to be trusted? What worse insult did the soldiers pour upon Him than this? They made Him a martyr; but you make Him a liar—this is worse by far. Do not ask how can I believe? But answer another question—How can you disbelieve?
If none of these things avail, then there is something wrong about you altogether, and my last word is, submit yourself to God! Prejudice or pride is at the bottom of this unbelief. May the Spirit of God take away your enmity and make you yield. You are a rebel, a proud rebel, and that is why you do not believe your God. Give up your rebellion; throw down your weapons; yield at discretion, surrender to your King. I believe that never did a soul throw up its hands in self-despair, and cry, “Lord, I yield,” but what faith became easy to it before long. It is because you still have a quarrel with God, and resolve to have your own will and your own way, that therefore you cannot believe. “How can ye believe,” said Christ, “that have honor one of another?” Proud self creates unbelief. Submit, O man. Yield to your God, and then shall you sweetly believe in your Saviour. May the Holy Ghost now work secretly but effectually with you, and bring you at this very moment to believe in the Lord Jesus! Amen.

2006-08-16 16:24:23 · 8 answers · asked by Heart 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Hezbollah drove the Jewish occupiers out of Lebanon, praise to Allah, and now it is the turn of the infidel UN to feel the wrath of Allah's chosen.

2006-08-16 16:24:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Even people whose stance is that aborting a fetus is tantamount to murder would be willing to actively kill one if the fetus is endanger of killing the mother.

This bothers me because it seems like on the one hand the unborn child has full human rights but on the other the life of the mother comes first.

Now this would make sense in a situation were the child would also die if the mother died, but what about in a case where you can save the child but it will result in the death of the mother or you kill the fetus and the mother lives.

Which one would be considered morally right and why? And if you pick the Mother dose that mean that a un born child dose not have the same rights as one that is all ready born?

2006-08-16 16:22:43 · 26 answers · asked by Gamla Joe 7 in Religion & Spirituality

If given the chacne, how many guys would like to have actual female breasts.34 to 36c

2006-08-16 16:22:19 · 7 answers · asked by jerry g 3 in Etiquette

I'm only 33, but I've been graying since I was 25. My hair is half gray, half black now. I color it back to my natural dark brown/black color, but I wonder if I should stop and just accept my natural color. Can women be attractive with graying hair?

2006-08-16 16:20:29 · 15 answers · asked by lexiann721 2 in Other - Society & Culture

I want to hear a story about a person seeing an angel, being saved some how and knowing that it was an angel, God..etx.

2006-08-16 16:19:48 · 8 answers · asked by Kim 1 in Religion & Spirituality

meaning did jesus really had a wife

2006-08-16 16:19:40 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

If a "cleansing" movement against religion were to happen, do you think people would really care if the main religious sites were bombed...yea once they castrated and tortured the ones who did it, then what?

2006-08-16 16:19:29 · 14 answers · asked by jack d 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Like fornicating
God made men sexually wired alot more than any animal on this earth just so they won't be tired of repopulating? But when men can't control their natural desires God throws them in hell?(Old testament times) Why is that?

2006-08-16 16:18:41 · 18 answers · asked by hope_floats95 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I would like your views as to why some people who use either crude language or offensive suggestions on this site take pleasure in debasing themselves. They apparently are unaware that in doing so they demonstrate their weakness and not their strengths. Why do you think they are content to put themselves down in this way???

2006-08-16 16:18:35 · 3 answers · asked by mandbturner3699 5 in Other - Society & Culture

It seems most wars that humanity has fought, has been based in some sort of religious context. It's time we start reevalutating our core beliefs. A belief in God is a very human experience. So is the belief that we are one planet. Secular Humanism in just that, a voyage to understand who we really are.

That thru the awesome power of science, we have the answers to some of the questions that religion couldn't or wouldn't answer. First is evolution, it's a fact, it really happened. It's so much more a comforting thought to know that all life on this tiny planet, is connected. Also, by understanding more of the universe, we learn more about ourselves.

Carl Sagan, Gene Roddenbury and John Lennon are a few Secular Humanists that have contributed to this new way of thinking. Religion isn't the only way to live your life. I understand that most people need to feel special. But you are special, in your own and human way.

2006-08-16 16:18:28 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-08-16 16:17:30 · 10 answers · asked by alfre672001 1 in Religion & Spirituality

ok if anyone knows this song, Lo Que Paso by Daddy Yankee, I don't want the lyrics or anything, but in one part of the song they say " presea, presea " my family speaks spanish fluently and none of us knows what it means, has anyone ever heard of the word "presea?' What does it mean?

2006-08-16 16:16:44 · 13 answers · asked by ~Brianna~ 2 in Languages

We have some new neighbors that I have found out are of the Jehovah's witness faith. I know very very little about their beliefs but I do know that it is drastically different from anything I am familiar with. I now know (after inviting them to a birthday party - ooops) that they do not celebrate birthdays or other holidays but I am not sure why. I would like to know what the basics of the religion are and such so as not to possibly offend them accidentally or invite them to something else that is against their faith. Most importantly I need to be able to educate my kids as well about what they believe and why. We have sons the same age that play together and my son made a comment during the birthday party conversation that was not particularly nice because he doesn't understand and I can't explain it if I don't know either.

2006-08-16 16:15:31 · 22 answers · asked by PrincssSarah 2 in Languages

Why do they? Religion can give you strength, for some ppl, for some ppl like me, its just another excuse to start fighting with one another. Why do ppl (not all) have to think one god is better than another when scientifically none of them really exist? I just dont understand ppl arguing about which god is better, or ppl trying to convince someone into believing in a religion

2006-08-16 16:15:06 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Everyone always wants to just stick to their religon, and think that's the only way to go. If the muslim, christian and every other religon came together, how far would we go as a world? Is it possible for religions to respect each other and live in peace?

2006-08-16 16:13:49 · 13 answers · asked by Torrey O 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I guess I'm bored cause I don't know anyone right??

2006-08-16 16:12:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

And I'll prove you wrong.

2006-08-16 16:12:54 · 9 answers · asked by Salami and Orange Juice 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I am Pro Choice-It isn't how the Pro-Choice is established with that I feel is right-as I as a man believe that two consenting adults having come to an agreement-knowing that the use of non protective sex may result in a pregnancy-should both have a decision into the care of a child-I was trapped by a liar who said "Trust Me" and so I did and a month later she missed and WE were pregnant-she then said that she would go through with an abortion and then met a Christian who convinced her not to-My Bastard son was born and I was forced to go through court and costs based on HER LIES and deceit. She used his Pro-Life rhetoric to convince the court that I was unfit as a parent just for my not wanting the child THAT WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN. All of a sudden I am the bad guy-and the sweet lil innocent liar blessed in her decision. She would lose the baby because after he was born Mr. Christian deserted her-having saved a life and ruining mine. A verbal contract was broken-my rights denied!

2006-08-16 16:11:41 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

simple steps on planning

2006-08-16 16:11:26 · 6 answers · asked by zayara 1 in Community Service


ima lesbian and i was wondering if its a sin nd why do ppl make such a big deal about it???

2006-08-16 16:10:39 · 63 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2006-08-16 16:10:20 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

my husband could potentially get hired out there, in which case we would have to move. can you tell me what the areas are like, good or bad? what is the cost of living is like out there? what is there to do for fun? is it a good place to raise children? what's the weather like? what is your overall opinion of the town? i'm sure i could look at the official bakersfield website, but i would like an unbiased opinion, so if anyone could answer one, some or all of these questions, i'd greatly appreciate it.

2006-08-16 16:08:59 · 7 answers · asked by Peanuts 3 in Other - Society & Culture

Would you call the guidlines on the road confining? Would you consider a guard rail confining? What about lines on notebook paper do they imprison as well? TO me my faith is my guidlines. They keep me on track. They help me to stay focused and live a loving life. If I did not have them I might be able to live a good life but probably not as good. I can write on blank paper but not neatly. How does having guidlines confine one? If you do not need them that is your choice. I choose them and I choose Christ.
Peace Be With You,

2006-08-16 16:08:10 · 18 answers · asked by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Interracial wise: I notice you see more black guy with white girl
than white guy with black girl
and asian girl with white guy
than asian guy with white girl.
why? Why so much weird mix up but not the other way back? LOL.

2006-08-16 16:07:25 · 11 answers · asked by kimchu 1 in Community Service

IF you have your truth and I have my truth are they the same? If I believe that pets go to heaven and you don't. Whose right? And is that the truth?

2006-08-16 16:06:50 · 34 answers · asked by NASCAR_girl 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I always read on this forum about an all-knowing, all-present, all-powerful God.

If He is all-knowing, what's the point of prayer? He obviously already knows what we wanna tell Him anyway.

If He is all-powerful, why doesn't He just beat that darn Devil?

If He is all-present, is He also in Hell?

2006-08-16 16:06:40 · 16 answers · asked by Thinx 5 in Religion & Spirituality

fedest.com, questions and answers