Here are few bible verses to meditate on that will help those of you who are truly interested in knowing what the bible says about masturbation. The word masturbation is not in the bible, yet, the bible teaches us principles that will help you to reason on the matter.
"For this is what God wills, the sanctifying of you , that you abstain from fornication; that each one of you should know how to get possession of his own vessel in sanctification and honor, not in covetous sexual appetite such as also those nations have which do not know God;" 1THESSALONIANS 4:3-5
Is masturbation really helping you to learn to control your sexual desires or to give in to them?
"Deaden, therefore, your body members that are upon the earth as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry."
Are you deadening your sexual desires during masturbation, or are you exciting them? For more info go to
11 answers
asked by
Daniel L
Religion & Spirituality