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Society & Culture - 23 July 2006

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Am I "saved" or am I damned to Hell?

Does it matter that:

I believe in God,
I seek to do His work,
I believe in the teachings of Jesus,
I try to follow the Ten Commandments and other Old Testament laws, and
I try to "Love God before all others and love my neighbor as myself" (the two teachings that Jesus emphasized in his Sermon on the Mount)

IF I no longer believe that Jesus is the Messiah and do not accept Him as my personal Lord and Savior?

Does that make me damned for all eternity?

2006-07-23 19:40:27 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Why is is that so many people accept that destiny is out of their hands?

Many people say things like "What will be, will be", "my destiny is already written", etc, etc

The way I see it, your path is determined by the choices you make and, yes, some of these choices are hard. Do people who say this use it as a cop out not to make the hard decisions and thereby not accept responsibility for their own actions?

Some people choose to live their life like a leaf on the wind, blowing wherever "destiny" leads them, when they sometimes know that they have picked the easier of two paths

This is not a Christian question, it's a general spiritualist one, so please don't substantiate your comments with biblical passages.

Thanks and look forward to your thoughts

2006-07-23 19:38:39 · 10 answers · asked by LadyRebecca 6 in Other - Society & Culture

I'm sorry I just get a kick out of this question.

2006-07-23 19:37:53 · 7 answers · asked by teresa l 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Biologists have long known that each local habitat around the world is host to unique species found nowhere else. Lemurs live on Madagascar, "Old World" monkeys in Africa and "New World" monkeys in South America. Noah's Arc is a great childrens' story, but does it make any sense to continue to act as though it is historical fact? (I see people are still imagining they can see it on Mt. Ararat.)

2006-07-23 19:36:37 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Are you confident with what you believe in, or don't believe in? I am. I am happy to be. I hope everyone feels the same way, but I don't know if they do. I think it took me a while to get this way. I still know there is so much mystery and so so much more to learn, yet I feel peace in my heart knowing that no one can ever take my faith away from me, and it's something that I'll have forever. Do you feel the same? :]

2006-07-23 19:36:02 · 10 answers · asked by genuine♥ 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Just want to see the different times! It is 1:34 here in Dallas, Texas, USA!

2006-07-23 19:35:45 · 32 answers · asked by flowerchild 3 in Other - Society & Culture

"God is not a man, that he should lie,nor a human being, that he should repent."

This is a direct quote from the Old Testament (Numbers, Ch. 23, verse 19).

How can Jesus be praised as God when even the Bible doesn't recognize him as such? It was an interesting find, something I'd never expect to see, so I wanted to throw it out there to see what some of you had to say.

2006-07-23 19:34:18 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I love black, dark music, and I love Jesus I am 12 and came out with my being a goth about two weeks ago. How do you feel about me and my decision? Be Honest!

2006-07-23 19:32:14 · 15 answers · asked by frankiegirl1122 3 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Why are these things so difficult for God believers to have?

1. We have the power to feel secure without believing in a Skydaddy

2. We have the power to accept death as being the end

3. We have the power to have faith in OURSELVES to get through difficult times

4. We have the power to be good without expecting a reward

5. We have the power to be good without the intimidating threat of going to hell

6. We have the power to accept not knowing without turning to fairy tales

7. We have the power to disagree with the majority

8. We have the power to deal with reality without imaginary assistance

9. We have the power to not need imaginary love

10 We have the power to express how we feel even though we are hated and feared by millions

2006-07-23 19:31:38 · 16 answers · asked by Black Atheist 1 in Religion & Spirituality

This was a response to a question I answered regarding people's opinions on disability. I'd appreciate any comments on this see if anyone feels the same way about it as I did.
' Wow Waggy, What was going on by the hottub that gave you the inspiration to call yourself Waggy? Um! Must be nice to communicate with you parents online with that tag. I bet they are proud of you. Would you like to share with us just how proud your parents are pertaining to your "Waggy" lifestyle? Or, are you embarassed by your lifstyle that you will not come clean and if you don't it PROVES to those of us that say you are NOT born this way,(GAY), you chose it because it gives you the attention you otherwise would not have gotten and therefore proves the fact that if you were interesting enough to stary with you would't need to be a fudgepacker, rumpranger, abomination to your parents. Tell us how they think of you!! '

2006-07-23 19:30:35 · 6 answers · asked by waggy 6 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I think that black women and latinas are equally as sexy as eah other. The best way i can describe it is to say that latinas are more exotic while black women are just so naturally beautiful. I mean i was in atlanta the other day and of course society has identified atlanta to be a black city. Every where you look you see the most naturally beautiful women in the world. From the curves to the georgeous smiles to the most beautiful skin you can see or feel. Don't forget about the beautiful and addicting eyes. And i have to admit that the most sexy thing you can see is a black women in a nice blouse in tight jeans with high heel shoes on. A great bonus is having cornrows done nice and fresh. Of course latinas always got it going on. Basically everything that latinas got black women got except for the accent. And of course you have black women from places like jamaica, barbados and trinidad. Then countries like Mexico, Dominican Republic and Brazil have women that are sexy as hell.

2006-07-23 19:27:51 · 8 answers · asked by C7BEZ 1 in Other - Society & Culture

I'm so sick of girls saying they are "sick of feminists." Feminism is belief that all genders are equal. This does not mean that chivilary or relationships need to change, that just means in every day life, women and men in gender roles should be equal.

On top of that, so many women don't even know about their own birth preventatives! There have been questions about the morning after pill and whether or not it's harmful. It just seems to me that, naturally, women would read up upon and be interested in their own gender. Why is equality in life and reproductive organs to much to learn about for some gals?

2006-07-23 19:27:14 · 12 answers · asked by AprilRocksIt 3 in Other - Society & Culture

Isn't it ironic that after anglos came and took all the land by force or cheating native americans - they complain about immigrants from Mexico? 200 years ago indian chiefs stood in awe of the never ending flow of euro immigrants taking over their land. Now us white guys do the same as the Mexicans mass migrate to "our" land. There's gotta be a few cheifs in heaven chuckling about our dilemma.

2006-07-23 19:27:12 · 4 answers · asked by HomeSweetSiliconValley 4 in Other - Cultures & Groups

No matter how many times your skydaddy leave you in the gutter, you still say you love him

If your skydaddy dont answer your prayer, you just say"it wasn't meant to be". You're defending him for doing you wrong

If your skydaddy allows you to get hurt in a hurricane, you feel that you owe him more praise

2006-07-23 19:26:44 · 9 answers · asked by Black Atheist 1 in Religion & Spirituality

I was raised christian, and have tried several times to lead that lifestyle. I have also failed several times at it. I feel its just not in me. So my question is, if God knows whether or not your name is written in the book of life at the beginning of time, before you were even born, why even bother trying? Only he knows if you are going to make it to heaven or not. I feel as if I'm reaching for something that, for me, is not possible. I have tried reading the bible, praying, going to church...and trying to do right. But, I don't agree with everything, and I feel it would be wrong to pretend because God would know if one was pretending anyway. So, why should I even bother trying?? I have prayed several times for Jesus to come into my heart and change my ways...but it has not worked. Is it my destiny for my name to NOT be in the book of life? If so, that seems so cruel.

2006-07-23 19:25:00 · 22 answers · asked by Ashlyn S 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Most of the time I feel straight, but then sometimes I think about all the reasons that I could be bi or lesbian, and I even want to be bi or lesbian, so that makes me even more confused. I have always felt uncomfortable in relationships with males, I strongly want to fight for the GLBT community, and does the fact that I want to kind of mean that I am? Is there anyplace online that I could go to discus this? do you have any ways to help me?

2006-07-23 19:25:00 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

All life is said to have evolved from unicelluar organism
which are nothing but a bunch of chemicals put in a particular pattern.

If these chemicals could be put together in the required pattern by the forces of nature etc. etc., and evolved from there to become man,
then why not other chemicals and elements be put together to form a Mercedez Benz?

2006-07-23 19:23:21 · 16 answers · asked by chris_muriel007 4 in Religion & Spirituality

John 1 clearly said He is the word of God....Not God…… All thru Johns Gospel Jesus always said his father is greater them Him....God sent him... Jesus has life because of the father...and in another Gospel he said the Lord God is one

The only time he gave inference as he was
God is when Phillip said show us the Father and Jesus said the Father in him and he in the Father...

other then that no were ever in the bible has Jesus said He was God..

could our leaders be the false, teacher, prophets..considering they are over riding a lot of what Jesus really said..to their way of thinking..

you must remember during the beginning of church leaders since Christ I would have been killed for what I am saying now...

and this would not be brought up again....so Jesus never said he was God...our leaders say he is God…. Christians do you choose Jesus or your leaders

So is Jesus God

2006-07-23 19:23:07 · 22 answers · asked by john 3 in Religion & Spirituality

One frequent claim is that biologists believe evolution happens by random chance. They don't. They think that species adapt through a process called natural selection. For example, the idea that a complex structure could arise spontaneously by chance is equivalent to throwing 100 coins in the air and expecting them all to come up heads. There is only about one chance in 10^30 of this happening. Why would creationists say that any scientist could possibly believe in something so preposterous? Instead, biologists think like this: Throw 100 coins as before. Now pick up the tails (usually about 50) and throw them again. Pick up the remaining tails and throw again. In less than 10 throws, all 100 coins will come up heads! All it took was random chance, selection, and repetition. So randomness is not what drives evolution in a certain direction (like, towards more complexity); it is NATURAL SELECTION that's in the driver's seat.

2006-07-23 19:22:03 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

including Noe's ark...
stoning a girl to death for walking alone in the street...
selling ur daughter for money...
the talking burnign bush...

2006-07-23 19:22:02 · 25 answers · asked by joseu89 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-07-23 19:21:36 · 14 answers · asked by lynne 1 in Religion & Spirituality

The knowledge I have learned, has been known for thousands of years. The knowledge of how to acheive humans perfection, is something that is known, but is something people constantly seek. Most people know why one would wish to achieve perfection,some people believe they know what perfections is, and few know how to achieve this perfection. I after spending many years of my life trying to find this answer, have found it. When I first learned this truth it nearly overwhelmed me. However, I'll get back to the point. My question is this " How do you believe you can achieve perfection"? I will not answer this question, because the knowledge I've spent years on to retrieve is much to valuable for me to hand out like candy, but I wish to see now what other people think on this subject. All in All, I believe the majority of people have not obtained the knowledge of reaching perfection.

So tell, me, why you want to achieve perfection, what perfection is, and how you achieve perfection.

2006-07-23 19:21:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

OK, I just have to ask this. I repeatedly read that Atheist are scared. So question 1 How do you know I'm scared ? You don't know me! I'm Mrs or Ms or even Mr X in X state. So whatever I say here has little chance of backfiring on me, therefore 2 Why would I be scared? 3 What would I be scared of? You? Your god? Your hell? I don't believe in it, therefore I don't have to worry about it. Now the dentist is a different story :o) And I like the Dude. Scared of dying? Oh yes I am. I want to see my kids grow up and live life as long as possible. So anyone out there saying they are not afraid of loosing live is either lying, suicidal or an adrenalin junky. I meet a terminal ill woman once that wasn't scared of death. She said she lived her live well. No preaching about god, I don't even Know if she believed. So That's my purpose in live, get where she was at I've never seen peace like that. So, some of you Christians out there please stop thinking for me, or feeling sorry for me.

2006-07-23 19:19:40 · 19 answers · asked by sabina-2004@sbcglobal.net 4 in Religion & Spirituality

2006-07-23 19:16:46 · 10 answers · asked by yog_sang 2 in Other - Society & Culture

what would police do?

2006-07-23 19:15:40 · 17 answers · asked by Laurie 3 in Other - Society & Culture

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