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Sociology - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Sociology

Is life against some people and not others? Are there really unlucky people in the world?

I often wonder things like this cause when I’m at work and don’t have much to do these sorts of questions seem to rise to the surface.
Here’s what has my mind working today, I have a friend and he had a car until the engine blew for lack of oil immediately he asks “God why can’t I catch a break?” in order for everything to make sense let me go back a year and half this same friend received a speeding ticket on his way to college and cause of a prior offense the great state of Illinois deemed him unfit to drive and took away his license for 3 months thus he was forced to quit school he had no transportation well he was already scheduled for spring classes and a grant he had paid for it the moment they learned he wasn’t in class they told him to pay back the money they had put in to pay for his tuition he tried to argue against it but in the end he had to do what they told him to do…so now he has a ticket, no license, no more education, is out money, and oh one more thing he gets a kidney stone has no insurance so add hospital bill to the list well luckily he works close to home and he can get there unluckily he is laid off just as he gets his license back so “Whooo hooo got a car!...oh crap no money to pay for gas….”

Fast forward some no real major problems for him for a few months had another kidney stone but as I have read they will always reoccur. About 6 months go by and he’s doing ok nothing major has happened then out of the blue as he is eating dinner there is a knock on his door hospital is suing for lack of payment, he goes to court is ordered to make monthly payments…”Whew, that was scary but no biggie” says my friend. Oh the biggie is just about to strike on his way to work one early morning he hears a ‘POP’ and then his car locks up he pulls over and tries to turn it over all the car does is make a “click” sound. His Brother-in Law looks at it finds there isn’t a drop of oil in the car, tries some other things then lays out the prognosis the engine has seized.

So I ask you a fine folks is the world against him? Or consider this he has a history of bending the truth and omitting things..yes he is somewhat of a liar could Karma be getting back at him?

2006-08-03 15:27:34 · 5 answers · asked by scarlett6267 2

I know most of hawaii is japanese

2006-08-03 14:18:10 · 4 answers · asked by juju 3

In the midst of such strife such as the middle east conflict, partisan slander, and human disinterest, why are so many internet users focusing their questions on seemingly wasteful material? Is it escapism? Disinterest? Give it a go, you crazy series of tubes.

2006-08-03 14:02:05 · 11 answers · asked by YayforAbortions 2

2006-08-03 13:07:25 · 1 answers · asked by zzzzz 1

2006-08-03 12:25:19 · 9 answers · asked by lilhoney31320 4

2006-08-03 12:14:46 · 1 answers · asked by robinbird9202 1

Just for fun I want to see how far away from me people who answer this question are. I am in essex, which is neer London in the UK. So any of our foreign cousins, where are you from?

2006-08-03 12:06:44 · 25 answers · asked by meshan 3

2006-08-03 11:57:33 · 9 answers · asked by Marlien 2

2006-08-03 11:43:15 · 21 answers · asked by Marlien 2

th sexual relation between singles is good or not?

2006-08-03 10:29:40 · 5 answers · asked by jessicamartinian 1

I am trying to find out as much as I can about Australian in 1946. any suggestions on good sites would be appreciated. eg cost of housing, average income etc

2006-08-03 10:18:39 · 1 answers · asked by roogirl48 1

2006-08-03 10:05:16 · 4 answers · asked by melon_rose 2

2006-08-03 09:46:59 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

It has to be only one thing that you could change, create maybe even invent. What will it be?

2006-08-03 09:27:02 · 39 answers · asked by simisolasalako 3


2006-08-03 09:26:37 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

For example,I have witnessed people saying things like a man was just killed in a crash beside me today and people reply "your kidding" or "your joking";what makes us say such stupid things at times like this ?

2006-08-03 09:19:39 · 14 answers · asked by any 4

just askin...COPS is on tv...and it crossed my mind..not necessarily..a anti cop guy...or a pro cop guy...just askin a question...

2006-08-03 09:13:54 · 11 answers · asked by ninerfaninsanjose 3

Does money always = power or are there really people in the world with a lot of power and little or no money ?

2006-08-03 09:13:12 · 21 answers · asked by any 4

I must spend at least 85% of my days by myself.

No one says Hi, no one asks how i am.
I send hundreds of emails that go unanswered.

In public people turn their head and make no eye contact.

What did I do to deserve it?

2006-08-03 08:57:33 · 13 answers · asked by ? 3


to look down on people who cheat? I know that it's supposed to be a majority of people that do cheat, but I just can't help but think people who do are immature and not worth my time. I know a lot of good people cheat, so I don't know why I feel this way. How do I change my thinking on this one?

2006-08-03 08:15:41 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Someone incredibly sexy, someone mysterious, someone super intelligent, or someone unique?

2006-08-03 08:11:36 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Something physically challenging or at least creative. Intellectually stimulating. Please do not answer with drinking, drugs, sex, fighting (martial arts is ok), etc.

Serious responses only.


2006-08-03 07:19:26 · 8 answers · asked by Truth 2

Im sure you have had one, or maybe you are one yourself. Do you remember their birthdays... remember to be appriciative of them, respect them... what above and beyond tendancies to GREAT managers have?

2006-08-03 06:53:39 · 3 answers · asked by mobyisaparrothead 1

Do you have the ability to determine someone's strengths and inspire them to use them in life?

2006-08-03 06:19:48 · 21 answers · asked by ? 5


2006-08-03 05:52:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

mine is repulsive

2006-08-03 05:51:26 · 22 answers · asked by Winner! 2

How can I tell if the intervention was successful? I have summurized the responses and have an average score for each question on both of the surveys. Our n=1500. For instance, I know that the average response to question one was 1.62925170 on the pre-test, and 1.762150982 on the post-test. What can I do with this data? How can I present it? How can I show others its meaning? I am an officer at a community foundation, and we are looking at data from an intervention used in our local schools. We just want to be good stewards of our money, and make good decisions. Any wisdom would be helpful. Thanks!

2006-08-03 05:37:30 · 1 answers · asked by kalamazoochris 1

fedest.com, questions and answers