i had a dream that i was dropped off by my physical therapist on a street near my house. THere i met this older student at my school, and she started to take me on a walk. We were laffin and talkin, and then she said, "ok, choose one more sidewalk to walk on and that one will be our last. there were sidewalks on each side of me, and i chose the one directly in front of me. THen we walked there, and then my physical therapist drove up and picked us up. THen she dropped me off at this place, im not sure exactly where, but i do remember seeing an inoccent looking girl, and then she started walking toward a house. THen, while i was watching the news, a breaking news came up and said that a scandal was uncovered. There is this guy at my church, and NO i dont like him, more like as a bro, but he is a strong christian. And the most unusual and horrifying thing came up: this good christian guy was paying that inocent looking girl to SLEEP with him!!!!!! i asked him and he said yes.
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