This is going to be a long one, but please, please listen, I REALLY need help:
I hate to go on complain mode again, but I feel like I need to get this off my chest, nobody else is listening, maybe you guys can help. I was just thinking about unfair life is in general, especially to me. I'm a very nice person and I almost always try my best to be nice to others and treat them with respect, but I just feel like I don't deserve all of the bad things in my life. Let me list them:
* Not only am I ugly ( and have had people make comments), but I have a bad body shape.
* I have never met my father or anyone on his side of the family
* It's just my mum and lil bro, so we can't afford much ( new clothes, mp3 players, cell phones etc) WE"VE NEVER EVEN HAD A CAR!!
* I only have 1 friend ( Thank God she's a good one)
* I used to get teased really bad in gr.7 and 8 and I havn't been the same since, I was always quiet to a degree, but now I'm even more so, plus I'm very nervous
* Nobody pays any attention to me in school
* None of my family likes me and they're not involved, plus, my good old mum had kinda turned them against me
I know self-pity isn't good, but I can't help it, this is all too much. I just don't feel like I've done anything to deserve all this. I;m not saying I expect life to be perfect and I could certainly deal with most of those things alone, but having it all together? That's a whole other story? WHY ME??? Why couldn't it have been someone else? I see beautiful girls at my school and I'm not saying they don't have problems, but they're not to the extreme of mine and at least they look good. The thing is, they treat people like dirt, act high n' mighty and are generally very shallow. I don't understand why the people who actually deserve these things get let off the hook and people like me, who are always compassionate and rescpectul pay the proce.Now please don't go on with the " Looks don't matter" speech, because it's time for us all to cut the bull **** and open our eyes to the fact that they matter a lot. They shouldn't, but they do. Nice looking people are generally treated with more respect, have more friends and get farther in life. They say every dog has his day, do you think I'll have mine? Please help!!!
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