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12 answers

I am a violin player and I play in an orchestra. When you make good music, you put your whole mind, body, and heart into it. So, when you're listening to music, you're listening to someone just pouring their heart into the song. You start to relate to all those feelings and face your fears, and then, you start to feel better, because you "got it out".

2006-12-19 02:05:45 · answer #1 · answered by Ri Ri 2 · 1 1

Not all music is good for the human organism. Some music raises the blood pressure, can cause palpitations, anger, epilepsy, deafness, trigger psychotic and suicidal tendancies, send you into a trance, and probably other conditions we know little about. Music that is good could triggers the release of feel-good and pain killing hormones (endorphins) in the body that reduce pain, calm the system, lower blood pressure, increases the depth of breathing; music could also work on the electrical states of the brain, lulling a person to sleep, alertness or other states of mind. Certain rhythms produce a resonance in the body that has itts own implications on the system. Probably it would also be good to talk about the action of sound on the organism.
Check out this interpretation - www.infoweb.co.nz/music-and-the-human-body

2006-12-19 10:34:36 · answer #2 · answered by vikramarkiv 2 · 0 0

There is a new therapy for people with high blood pressure who don't want to take medication. Its a machine that costs a couple of hundred dollars, and people put headphones on and listen to music. The machine somehow tells people when to breathe in and breathe out, and it has reduced people's blood pressure when they use it for 20 minutes at a time, three days a week.

I use music as a way to relax, and it seems to me that it does something similiar to the brain as what a defibrillator does to a heart - kind of "knocks" (shocks is too strong a word for music, and the process seems more gradual) the brain back into equilibrium. I assume what must happen is must be related to the part of the brain that responds to music or processes it versus the part of the brain that is "running the show" when a person is stressed out.

If you start out all stressed and frazzled and have thoughts racing, when you put the right music on it seems to give your mind something "bigger" on which to focus. I would imagine having to focus on the music probably causes the brain to let go of all the spinning thoughts in order to listen or even get in sync with the music. The part of the brain related to music is also the part that is related to math.

So its as if the music is the first step in reversing the spinning thoughts/stressed out cycle, which is a matter of being stressed out, having "stress chemicals" taking over and causing yet more stressful thinking which causes yet more unhealthy chemical changes. I've always found it takes a minute or so before it seems the brain has gotten "in sync" with the music.

I would imagine the step of getting the brain to get out of the thought-spinning mode and into the structured, guided, mode of following the music is the turning point where the cycle stops and begins to reverse. It seems to me it then continues to reverse until we get to a point where the stress is just about gone, and the thoughts that originally caused it are still there but no longer spinning and no longer something that seem unmanageable.

I assume if the "stress chemicals" get "turned down" and eventually "off" it restores us to a calmer "place" from which to begin to "file" or otherwise manage those previously spinning thoughts.

Stress causes elevated cortisol levels, which cause a rise in blood sugar levels and blood pressure. It causes other changes as well, but these two, simple, responses to stress are obviously a problem for one's health. The person who lives in chronic stress could live with higher blood sugar levels and higher blood pressure most of the time (unless or until the adrenal gland becomes fatigued, stops secreting "juices", and results in the person's being completely exhausted (adrenal fatigue, which has no treatment other than a good diet and a lot of rest).

Adrenal fatigue can be diagnosed as depression, but treating it as depression would obviously not cure it.

So these complications are just a tiny few potential health problems that can be caused by too much stress, and if music can stop a cycle of stress building up and setting off all the chemical changes or if it can reverse the process then, obviously, it has the potential of making a big difference in a person's health.

People with adrenal fatigue are too depleted to do much of anything, and exercise is something they just can't do. People who are emotionally exhausted and stressed out to the point of having difficulty concentrating (from the elevated cortisol and blood pressure levels) could have difficulty working or reading (if they thought reading would get their mind off their stress).

Stress can also cause upper and lower digestive problems, and both types can have potentially serious health consequences.

2006-12-19 11:22:20 · answer #3 · answered by WhiteLilac1 6 · 0 0

Using music in therapy can be a very powerful way to reach children, adolescents, and adults in the therapeutic setting. Music in therapy can be a powerful way to help people express their feelings. Creative therapy can reach people in ways that traditional therapy sometimes cannot.

Since time immemorial, music has infused a spark of the Divine in human beings. Stating the esoteric nature of music, Sufi saint and musician Hazrat Inayat Khan said: "The true harmony of music comes from the harmony of the soul. That music alone can be called real which comes from the harmony of the soul, its true source, and when it comes from there, it must appeal to all souls."

Inevitably, then, music has a very powerful therapeutic effect on the human psyche. It has always been part of our association with specific emotions, and those emotions themselves have given rise to great music.

Alzheimer's disease is a well-known type of dementia that affects millions of elderly people every year as seen in a study. There are very few solutions to the cure of these diseases, but according to a study, it has been found that the effects of music on the agitation, emotions, and motor abilities and in reducing the levels of agitation, increasing levels of positive effects are relevant. It also has improved the ability of the patients to compete a motor skills task.

Listening to music is often thought to be a recreational activity; the positive health benefits of doing so are often forgotten. Music has been found to have a soothing effect on the soul and can offer a relaxing effect to students before exam or entertaining a party. Many studies show that music has worked as a therapy to help people who are sick, injured, mentally ill or aging people. Some people are of the opinion that music can even help them overcome mood swings and depression. It can help you control your emotions and can even stop the outbursts that would have otherwise been released and someone would have got offended.

It can be concluded that music has a very far-reaching effect and a magical effect on your life and mind. We can never deny the effects of the music in our lives and at the same time the therapy of music is undeniable. People staying at home all by themselves can spend time listening to music. Thus, music is magical and works magic on people.

2006-12-20 03:42:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Scientific Research has proven that music causes release of ENDORPHINS. These are certain neuro peptides / opioid chemicals which make a person "feel good" . These are released by the pituitary gland and are natural pain killers. They hlep release stress and pain from many parts of the body. Acutpuncture is also said to release endorphins and hence the healing effects. Thus it is good to listen to music.

2006-12-19 10:18:54 · answer #5 · answered by raindrops 5 · 2 0

Yes, Music does have good effects on health of person.The physical state of human body mainly depends on mental ststus of person.The music has soothing effect and make a person calm and pleasnt.The frequency of music waves do help to improve the anxiety and anger state to comforatable levels.Even most of leading hospitals do have musical theraohy for teating thier patients as it diverts the person fron sufferings.

2006-12-19 12:51:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you ever go to a concert given by a bazooka player, it is best for your health to appreciate their music.

2006-12-19 12:28:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Come before His presence with song. Good music prepares the mind for the presence of the Lord. Like an invitation to God to come into you and abide with you. Music is used with worship.

Do you also know that Satan uses music? As an angel of light Satan had pipes of music coming from him before he sinned against God. Rock music at its worst is Satanic. It opens the subconscious and invites demons inside. Satan knows the power of music.

2006-12-19 10:19:24 · answer #8 · answered by Jeancommunicates 7 · 0 2

Everything in the human body has a rhythm, nature has rhythm, and music has it too, our souls dance when we hear music. Got it???

2006-12-20 11:16:11 · answer #9 · answered by thachu5 5 · 0 0

music should be soothing.
it calms the mind n helps to give energy required for body.

2006-12-20 05:38:52 · answer #10 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

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