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Psychology - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Psychology

it seems like ppl are very upset about steryotyping. BUT if somebody came up to me and was like, "YOURE A LOSER CAUSE YOUR STRAIGHT!" or like ,"YOUR A LOSER CAUSE YOUR WHITE! or "YOUR A LOSER CAUSE YOU LIVE IN THE SOUTH!" i would not really be upset at all. i am very happy to be what i am, a white straight southern girl.

it seems like the only ppl who would be offended would be the ppl insecure about themselves, and/or are jealous of something better.

am i right???

2006-11-25 10:21:33 · 14 answers · asked by QWERTY 2

I don't want any negative reactions on this.

2006-11-25 10:21:04 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-25 10:20:44 · 19 answers · asked by First L 1

I just wrote a paper for psych class with the APA format. My question is about the abstract page. Do you actually type "abstract" at the top of that page before your paragraph or is that just the name of the page?

2006-11-25 10:02:45 · 4 answers · asked by l'il mama 5

Like when someone is dying or close to death, and the doctor tells the family members that the person is "very strong" and "really wants to live?"

Obviously it doesn't mean that the sick person is actually and literally fighting against the grim reaper in suspended animation. I know that the human body is designed to protect itself against everything it encounters, but does the mind still have the capacity and will power to fight while it's in a coma?

Or do doctors just say that kind of thing to everyone just to ease the family's suffering?

2006-11-25 09:57:07 · 10 answers · asked by I Am Legend 5

I used to work with a boss (not mine) that had a very peculiar opinion when hiring people. She always said that she didn't like hiring really attractive or good looking people. For instance when she was looking for an admin assistant she told us that she purposely took the "plain" looking lady over the more qualified "good looking" lady. Someone asked why and she explained that good looking people were to difficult to control, vain, and spent way too much time socializing and flirting (or being the object of affection). Myself, I find this almost against the law these days, and quite questionable. Do you think what she said had any grounds in reality???? Do others have this opinion? I'm was almost afraid of dressing too nice or looking too sharp after hearing her rant

2006-11-25 09:52:27 · 15 answers · asked by LanceMiller77 2

Why do people think ghosts are scary? I haven't viewed ghosts (if they're real) as frightening since I was a child. Ghost movies don't scare me either (except "Poltergeist", but that was more "Demon-y", IMO, and "The Haunting", based on "The Haunting of Hill House"). I only find them frightening if they can hurt me. BTW, I'm pretty sure our house is haunted. (All of us have heard tiny voices, giggling, seen things flying across the room and seen various faces). Does anyone else share my feeling of finding ghosts NOT scary?

2006-11-25 09:33:19 · 22 answers · asked by Gwynneth Of Olwen 6

Before you ever did the "worst" thing you have ever done, did you think you were capable of doing something so bad? Please explain.

2006-11-25 09:29:47 · 7 answers · asked by sarah w 2

as title...

2006-11-25 09:26:27 · 8 answers · asked by nick_chai 1

sometimes i have difficulty remembering things that i should know, my boss at work says i need to start remembering things to be sucessful in what i do yet my mind is like a sieve....any tips for memory improvement?

2006-11-25 09:24:52 · 22 answers · asked by ZappBranagan 3

About two or so weeks ago I was in my room all by myself and I decided to have a quick sleep. I must of been sleeping for about an hour when I am convinced I heard a clear voive saying 'Fassa, wake up!' There was no-one who could have been in my room to say that, and no-one was in the rooms either side of me. This is freaking me out so much.
Any explanations?

2006-11-25 09:22:17 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Have you ever thought that there could be another world out there. Not on any of are planets just a totaly different world with another solar system and lots of different planets of there own.
There could be another you in a different world out there.

2006-11-25 09:15:44 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have conducted an experiment to see if your 'intelligence quota' can increase. This experiment started at 25/2/05. Before this experiment my IQ was 128, (test was performed at my university) and was told that my spatial IQ is fairly low. Since then, i have been doing the following every day.

*Look up every word i didn't fully understand.
*Learnt chess (started bad ended up pretty good, helps your problem solving IQ.
*played some sudoku puzzles everyday.
*Read Read Read Read Read Read. (anything from horrorbooks to educational).
And enrolled Into a small course which helps you sharpen your english skills. (westec Australia check them out.)

This year 5/10/06 I performed another test (different IQ test too) My score was 136 and my spatial Iq is now above average.

So there you have it, i proved you can improve your intelligence. I did this experiment not for myself, or anybody else but for my friend, which got demotivated by a arrogant teacher, and commited suicide.

2006-11-25 09:13:08 · 5 answers · asked by daddy p 1

John Smith the third was introduced into my life two years ago when we put him on top of a sandcastle. Not long afterwards he commited suicide by jumping off. I can't stop crying! Help Please!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-25 09:06:49 · 11 answers · asked by ♥bambii_xoxo♥ 2

Early days man killed his own race for his selfishness by battle , today man kills his own race by wits for his selfishness....if he closes his eyes for a moment and think ,he will understand how silly he is because after all he has no control over his own destiny.Forgivenss and sacrifice will solve all problems and bring peace and tranquillity. Let him erase his barbaric sense of drinking the blood of his own kind for ego and self and allow his pure rational thinking shaped by education and his own religion.....why killing and blood shed ?................Let him practise to live peacefully afterall he lives in this world maximum of 75% of 36500 days. Let him count down his days and practice his own religion to achieve his good end.

2006-11-25 09:03:03 · 6 answers · asked by kings Beauty 1

Ever since I was around 6 years old I was made fun of my appearance- small eyes, weird nose, mishappen lips, big head...

but the worst part about me are my ears. I have these floppy, rectangular, ENORMOUS ears (about 3 1/2 inches long) that get in the way of brushing my hair. Even when I let my hair grow long, they create these lumps on the sides of my head. I've been wearing a headband ever since 1st grade because so many kids made fun of me.

My ears are just so frusterating. My "prominent" features have done nothing but hurt the sensitive person inside. Don't even bother saying they give me character, because my looks havn't attracted any friends in my life.

What should I do? I'm think of surgery, but I'm afraid that option may be too expensive.

2006-11-25 08:58:38 · 4 answers · asked by Salt Flakes 2

i've tried so many things but nothing seems to work. i'm so depressed, it's all I have and I can't seem to suceed. I always dream of leaping off buildings but in the end I falll flat on my face. Please help! My phyciatrist thinks I'm insane but I know it can be done somehow.

2006-11-25 08:54:36 · 23 answers · asked by ♥bambii_xoxo♥ 2

Testing the theory that if you die in your dream you don't ever wake up
I dreamt one night years ago that I was crossing a beech and the sand pulled me under. I watch as the sand closed in over my face and the light vanished. I held my breath and fought the downward motion for a while then I suddenly stopped and just gave up. I exhaled my last living breath, closed my eyes to die.
Why am I still here ?
The sand in the dream just vapourised from around me, all was light and I woke from sleep

I don't think your mind will let you die in a dream, it's a falacy
What do you think

2006-11-25 08:50:35 · 18 answers · asked by Yeah yeah yeah 5

Can anyone help fill in some missing information in my understanding of piaget's domain general theory?

2006-11-25 08:25:48 · 3 answers · asked by anne jane d 1

I work for a big company, and I find a lot of women are in competition with me. I am a pretty girl, or so I have been told, and I feel people are just jealous of me most of the time. I am NOT vain towards myself, and I am NOT conceited, I just want to know if anyone else experiences this at work and how to come across as not competitive. I am just being myself but for some reason people always want to compete with everything with me.

Any suggestions??

2006-11-25 07:30:34 · 6 answers · asked by Honey_Bun 1


Is it that people who are nice , are they having a low self-esteem or not.

2006-11-25 07:23:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

If a person doused the bbq with lighter fluid and died would you call that natural selection??

I was inclined to say no any theories? (apart from the person being incredibly dim)

2006-11-25 07:13:00 · 4 answers · asked by sazzy 2

Hint: These are both connected to & dependent on

each other somehow...

2006-11-25 07:11:43 · 11 answers · asked by comedycatalyst 2

My vacation sucked. My jerk brother came over from his school and started messing up all my stuff. Basically, he wasted the 1st day of my vacation.

2nd day: I woke up at 10 and went to my relative's house for 12 frickin' hours straight. I want to kill all my relatives. Some are selfish and some are stupid. None are nice. I seriously wanted to kill them and scream: GET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE! They totally isolate me and are really really mean.

When I got home I realized how pointless this all was and what a waste of time that stupid family gathering was. So I cried and got angry at my parents because it was their fault I had to go.

GAWD I hate my family. I really don't know what to do now. There is absolutely no motivation for me to do anything. If i could I would take a plane to the Carribean and get away; but i'm just a kid wiht no money. Any alternatives? I really don't want to be reminded of my relatives or thanksgiving right now.

Any ways to make me feel any better?

2006-11-25 07:06:12 · 4 answers · asked by Emily 2

Could this be a sign of early dementia?????

2006-11-25 07:02:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was visiting ward GF in the Cork University Hospital today. I have been there a number of times and am always saddened at the lack of facilities for the patients. It is a depressing place and very little respect seems to be shown to the patients. I am sure the nurses and staff are busy but a little gentleness and kindness can go a long way to restoring a persons dignity.
I love meeting the patients and always find them to be mannerly and gentle. Last week I had to sit in the rain, to facilitate a patient who wanted a smoke.
Today we sat on two sodden chairs, in the freezing cold as one of my friends wanted to smoke.After they had coughed and shivered I suggested we go inside. I was asked to leave the patients sitting room. I went to the visitors room.It is impossible to have a private conversation as it is very small.I was then asked to leave the hospital. I had done nothing wrong.We were both disrespected, That is abuse of power to some of the most vunerable of our people.

2006-11-25 06:40:11 · 3 answers · asked by holythegrail 2

just curious, ive been tempted to speak to the lady i see out my window everynight near my car..she just stand there and looks up my window

2006-11-25 06:38:09 · 14 answers · asked by Louis 2

They are just questions! I don't want you to hate and be upset with me! I didn't ask you why you're ugly or anything like that, so why be angry? Is your life so plagued with issues that you just have to lash out at some random fool? BE NICE TO ME, OKAY???

2006-11-25 06:32:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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