I am definately an extrovert. I like to socialise for any reason at any time, Birthdays are to be celebrated for three days. Christmas, a week and everyone is to talk to me because I feed off other peoples high.
I am assertive, (probably too much) I am confident and independant.
I am trying to think of an aspect of my life where I am an introvert but I truelly cant think of one.
2006-11-25 07:47:18
answer #1
answered by kate d 4
I am really an introvert, though many people consider me an extrovert. I am considered an extrovert because in my work life I often had to speak in public and I became very comfortable in such situations. However, I am hopeless at "small talk" in social settings, and often don't see the point of it. I am very happy with my own company. I don't seek out crowds or groups, and tend to be happiest and most comfortable in the company of just family, or one or two close friends at a time. I don't enjoy large group socialization.
2006-11-25 07:51:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
an introvert mostly but i am probably both- i only have a small circle of friends, and i much prefer it to be that way as opposed to having that many friends. although i am often calm and down-to-earth, i have overcome my fear of bashfulness. i don't enjoy getting a lot of the attention, it makes me feel slightly uncomfortable and almost i feel sorry for those who i believe deserve it more than me. i try to keep a low profile as much as i can and i' don't see myself really as the partying/socialising type. for me, being an introvert has links to my childhood and my life as a child, particuarly at school. i was shy, got picked on a lot for the colour of my skin and was bullied because of it and i had trouble fitting in and being accepted by the other kids.
unlike an introvert, being an extrovert means artistically and creatively, i am at my best and i feel free to express my creativity as i please. i have drawn since i was aged 10 and so, i generally have no difficulties brainstorming and expressing my ideas in the way that i do
2006-11-25 08:48:34
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I am most definitely an introvert. I hardly ever acknowledge the world around me. And at sometimes I withdraw from the world too often. I tend to live life in my head and only notice the worl around me when absolutely necessary.
2006-11-25 08:35:37
answer #4
answered by explodingtoothpicks 2
I'm somewhere in between. Depends on my mood, and the company I'm with. I like doing things with people and going to parties, but I'm also really comfortable with just a couple close friends. Everyone needs alone time, but I'd go crazy if I didn't have frequent human contact.
I'm a good public speaker and like to take lead when I have the chance to. But, sometimes things like small talk bother me, I think that's a result of just not clicking with the person your talking with.
2006-11-25 08:27:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I'm one of those people that can't be labeled either way. I keep trying to take all these silly quizzes and tests online and out of magazines and so far there isn't a single test that I fit nicely into a particular category. It's kind of frustrating actually.
2006-11-25 18:01:06
answer #6
answered by sexmagnet 6
I am definitely an introvert because I tend to live within myself.
I am extremely uncomfortable in social situations and only go where I absolutely have to; to maintain my own and my family"s
life, health and happiness.
2006-11-25 08:39:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I am actually ambivert.... because i am shy if you and I went on a dinner date, but the life of the party if you took me out dancing.....
2006-11-25 08:05:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I once took a test online through another question that told me I was 50 50.
It seems about right. I'm anything I want to be.
2006-11-25 07:48:58
answer #9
answered by Answerer 7