if you had done or are doing psych at the moment can u pls give me some advice?. I m on my 3rd year and its so competitive and full on, i dont think i can take it on, and this is so important for me, i want to become a clinical neuropsychologist, i cant imagine my self doing anything else, this is it!. however i have issues that i think are holding me back, the first one is that i am very shy and i am affraid of talking to lecturers, tutors and students whom i perceive to be good because i think i am not at their level, i have done well on my units so far but i still think my understanding is not a good, and i am aware of how important it is to create networks for future projects. this is really making me feel overwhelmed, and its hard for me to concentrate when i study because there;s this thing inside of me that tells me i am not as good as the others, besides it takes me long to finish assignments and understand things. did you ever feel this?
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