The coefficents of friction between the masses incline are mew sub s (u s)= 0.4 and mew sub k (u k)= 0.2
a. find the minimum force necessary to prevent the masses from sliding down the incline
b. find the tension in the rope reuslting from this force
*The masses are then given a brief push up the incline. Using the force found in part a), find
c. the acceleration of the system
d. the tension in the rope
*The masses are stopped and then given a brief push down the incline. Using the force found in part a) which continues to point up the incline, find
e. the acceleration of the system
f. the tension in the rope.
I know the answers, I just cannot figure out the work:
a. 28 N
b. 14 N
c. 4.8 m/s2 down the incline
d. 14 N
e. 1.6 m/s 2 down the incluine
f. 14 N
2 answers
asked by
joe s