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Science & Mathematics - 25 July 2007

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Agriculture · Alternative · Astronomy & Space · Biology · Botany · Chemistry · Earth Sciences & Geology · Engineering · Geography · Mathematics · Medicine · Other - Science · Physics · Weather · Zoology

Do you belive in life on other planets and why?
If not why do you think we are the only life in the universe?

2007-07-25 04:01:46 · 35 answers · asked by ask the aliens! 3 in Astronomy & Space


whats the size of our galaxy and whats the location of the sun in it?? (give short answers only.. really short.. just to the point!)

2007-07-25 04:00:24 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

2007-07-25 03:55:58 · 1 answers · asked by vern 1 in Engineering

1. show that every G with an identity e and such that x*x = x for all x element G is abelian. [hint: consider (a*b) * (a*b)]

2. show that if G is a finite group with identity e and with an even number of elements, the there is a not equal to e in G such that a*a=e

2007-07-25 03:50:50 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

2007-07-25 03:45:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

1) In a triangle one angle is 15 degrees more than the measure of the second angle.
The third angle is 30 degrees less than the measure of the second angle. Find the measure of the third angle.

2007-07-25 03:44:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

I have a graph that looks like a bowtie

the graph says that y=2x/x^2+4 and x= -2 and x= 2

so with substitution I get
u = x^2+4
du= 2x dx

so that leaves us with

Then we have to find new x values and they are

This can't be right can it

this can be right

2007-07-25 03:43:42 · 3 answers · asked by clawedstar 1 in Mathematics

2007-07-25 03:37:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

i am a leo. i love socializing, get on better with males. love rock music - or any music, playing my guitar, anyone know any ideas

2007-07-25 03:36:21 · 16 answers · asked by Pinki 2 in Other - Alternative


2007-07-25 03:35:35 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

artificial radiation sources
atmospheric radon
cosmic rays
terrestrial radiation

2007-07-25 03:34:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

When I was a kid I used to worry we'd be hit by a tidle wave, even though the beach is a few miles away. Why can you hear it so well during the night?

2007-07-25 03:33:44 · 5 answers · asked by ? 2 in Earth Sciences & Geology


Write an IF function for cell H3 that assigns the value of cell A7 to cell H3 if the value in cell J7 is less that the value in cell Q2; otherwise, have the IF function assign zero (0) to cell H3.

2007-07-25 03:31:10 · 6 answers · asked by tonda_web_designer21 2 in Mathematics

For example: Because their bones are so weak, and their bodies so worn down, up to 90% of hens have broken bones or are hemorrhaging by the time they make it to slaughter. How do we figure out the actual number of hens? There's the 100% percentage. Tell me what you know and how to solve for numbers like this using the percentage.

2007-07-25 03:24:46 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

Don't ask where their fighting. They are in an anti-gravity arena so both animals are able to move freely about.

2007-07-25 03:24:01 · 12 answers · asked by kaan_artis 2 in Zoology

2007-07-25 03:22:39 · 4 answers · asked by abercrombi_4_me 1 in Mathematics

It seems to me that the "BBT" is quite accepted by physicists as the origin of the universe. It seems to me that the scale of such an event has made scientists assume that the entire Universe began from that. Which is easy, considering we are talking about an infinite field of existence with countless galaxy clusters that are known to collide, each cluster containing hundreds of galaxies, that in turn, contain Billions of stars... That scale combined with the effect of super black holes who's mass is beyond imagination.. It just seems to me that we, as humans, try to understand things in a finite way- big and small, begining and end, etc. But we live in an infinite universe where such classifications completely lose meaning. Regardless of galaxy expansion or contraction, for as far as we can detect, doesn't it seem more likely to some scientists that an infinite universe never had a beginning?

2007-07-25 03:21:54 · 7 answers · asked by Rick 1 in Astronomy & Space

I need to know the graphing details for these


What would these represent on a graph?

2007-07-25 03:21:13 · 3 answers · asked by littlesoutherner12 1 in Mathematics

if we have The circumference =15.75 and the diameter is 5 so the PI=3.15 ( accuracy number ) this is the pi that the unite that god put it in the universe and this is the discovery of the author
( mohamed teleb )

2007-07-25 03:20:38 · 5 answers · asked by amira_3dmax 1 in Mathematics

2007-07-25 03:19:23 · 9 answers · asked by Prema 2 in Medicine

and dont say the big bang because thats just retarted!
and if u say god than how was god created?

2007-07-25 03:16:34 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

Dont include King of the Jungle cause it is politics.And don't include Animal Face off because the tiger was not realistic enough and the lion won because the most people love the tiger more

2007-07-25 03:14:51 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Zoology

Please help me answer the following problem.

A city, in the shape of a '+' sign, has 5 bus stations, one at each end of the cross and the depot in the middle. The east station is A, north is B, west is C and south is D, while the middle depot is O. All buses travel from O to A and back to O, then immediately O to B and back etc. When the bus travels from O to D and back, it instantly starts again and travels to A, continuing the course repetitively for 9 hours. The time it takes to travel to O to A and back is 11min, O to B and back is 4 min, O to C and back is 7 min while O to D and back is 4 min. A second bus leaves the depot O at 7:37, traveling the exact same route as the first bus, also for 9 hours. How many times between 8:00 and 3:00 do the buses meet?

Thanks for helping me.
If it is not clear enough, state it in your answer and I will add the details, or email me at my yahoo address.

2007-07-25 03:13:08 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

Would it be possible to detect whether local galaxy clusters are rotating on the short timescale we've been looking? Why is rotation so common (the norm?)

2007-07-25 03:12:40 · 3 answers · asked by Sophie G 1 in Astronomy & Space

space cant go on forever and it cant end because nothing cant exist????????????

2007-07-25 03:07:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

2007-07-25 03:04:58 · 3 answers · asked by nitin k 1 in Botany

2007-07-25 03:03:30 · 2 answers · asked by asheesh 1 in Botany

Different isotopes are useful in different dating processes. Suppose we wished to determine the age of an object which we suspect to be approximately 100 years old. An isotope with which of the following half-lives would be most appropriate for this project?

5 years
50 years
500 years
5,000 years

2007-07-25 03:01:28 · 6 answers · asked by kevin c 1 in Chemistry

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