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Science & Mathematics - 22 July 2007

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Agriculture · Alternative · Astronomy & Space · Biology · Botany · Chemistry · Earth Sciences & Geology · Engineering · Geography · Mathematics · Medicine · Other - Science · Physics · Weather · Zoology

2007-07-22 18:53:49 · 6 answers · asked by saeed 1 in Chemistry

I need to make 1L of 50% ethanol solution, is it possible to make this volume of ethanol solution? I would really like to see how to write out this problem!

2007-07-22 18:35:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

you know how gases on earth follow a certain set of laws, how about the gases on jupiter? do they follow the same laws?

2007-07-22 18:27:19 · 4 answers · asked by Hannah C 1 in Chemistry

2007-07-22 18:20:48 · 3 answers · asked by froggie 1 in Botany

2007-07-22 18:14:57 · 3 answers · asked by inquisitive thinker 1 in Mathematics

A) 74km/h
B)69 km/h
D) cannot tell

2007-07-22 18:14:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

I Was Wondering..Why Can't Hurricanes Form In Lakes?
it might be a dumb question but...

2007-07-22 18:13:34 · 7 answers · asked by bre_bre20042001 1 in Weather

If someone could help me figure out how to answer this problem and problems like it I would appreciate it. Here it is

Describe the graph of the equation

2007-07-22 18:10:04 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics


If time/space is measured threw entropy (from ordered state to chaos) than what if there was no one here to make the initial measure. Would the laws of entropy still apply?

2007-07-22 18:08:31 · 2 answers · asked by Andrew 3 in Physics

solve and give answer to nearest tenth
x^2 + x + 1 = 5

also, find the x intercepts of
y = sin(2x) where 0 degrees<=x<=180 degrees

thanks for the help! :)

2007-07-22 18:08:07 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

2007-07-22 18:06:17 · 287 answers · asked by Anonymous in Zoology

At what point will gravity equalize and attract the opposite direction? Think about it you that claim to be scientific minded. james h. Why else would you weigh the same on the poles as you do on the equator? Thinner earth on the poles as a result of centrifugal force of spinning.

2007-07-22 18:02:55 · 1 answers · asked by james h 2 in Physics

A transformer is designed to step down the applied voltage of 120 V (rms) to 24 V (rms) at 60Hz. Calculate the maximum rms voltage that can be applied to the high-side of this transformer without exceeding the rated flux density in the core if this transformer is used in a power system with a frequency of 50Hz.

2007-07-22 18:00:15 · 3 answers · asked by electric 3 in Engineering

1) What must we know about a given ionic salt to be able to predict whether it is a good or poor conductor, without testing its conductivity?

2) When doing a conductivity test, what controls the brightness of the light? Is it tap water or NaCl?

2007-07-22 17:59:32 · 2 answers · asked by lulu 1 in Chemistry

A bubble with a volume of 1.0 cm^3 forms at the bottom of a lake that is 20.0 m deep. The temperature at the bottom of the lake is 10.0 degrees C. The bubble rises to the surface where the temperature is 25.0 degrees C. Assume that the bubble is small enough that its temperature always matches that of its surroundings.

2007-07-22 17:56:22 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

"Tom and Jerry have cereal every morning. It would take Tom alone 6 days longer to finish a whole box of cereal than it would take Jerry. Together they eat the whole box in 4 days. How many days does it take Jerry to eat the whole box?"

Here's what I did:

x= Jerry's rate
x+6 Tom's rate

In a day Jerry does 1/x of the job and Tom does 1/(x+6) and together the do 1/4 of the job so

1/x+1/(x+6) =1/4
multiply both sides by (x)(x+6)(4)
4(x+6)+ 4x =(x)(x+6)
x=6 or x=-4
Since you cant have -4 days.. it would take Jerry 6 days

Did I do this right?

2007-07-22 17:53:40 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

They were here for millions of years, so I would think they had pretty long life span. Do they know how long a t rex lived or the larger dino's?

2007-07-22 17:50:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Zoology

I saw this really interesting TV program in Discovery Channel today.
They say that the magnetic wave from the Sun will cause a huge effect on how we live, and it can bring one of the biggest disaster to the Earth. For Example it can cause black out in the major cities on the Earth...etc so we won't be able to use electricity for many months or maybe many years.

the term I heared is something like "CME"
I do not know what it stands for.

Can we predict when the "wave" heat the earth?
and how should we prepared for it in case it happenes?

2007-07-22 17:48:57 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

I have never dealt with logarithms before and they just popped up in my Chemistry class. Here's the problem:

ln (2/x) = 1.1

My book says to take the inverse of both sides, which gives you this:

2/x = 3

Can anyone explain this to me? I need to understand it so I can solve future problems. Thanks!

2007-07-22 17:47:56 · 7 answers · asked by greensock 5 in Mathematics

The pasture is surrounded and divided by 5 wire electric fence.

2007-07-22 17:46:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weather

If baby "A" and "B" are boys, what is the chance of baby "C" being a boy? And, finally, if baby "A" is a boy and baby "B" is a girl, what chance is the chance of baby "C" being a boy?

2007-07-22 17:46:13 · 10 answers · asked by Twilight.Me (Nyx) 5 in Other - Science

I have to figure out this problem by using the Gauss - Jordan elimination method (matices)...but when i do it, it's not adding up with the answer in my book. Here's the problem :

x +2y - 3z = 1
2x - y +2z = -8
3x - y -4z =3

The answer in my book is (-1,2, -2). Please help!

2007-07-22 17:42:38 · 2 answers · asked by magichamburger22 2 in Mathematics


All of the stars,nebula,globular clusters that we see are contained in our Galaxy. And we see other Galaxys that have all the same. Are there stars and nebula between the galaxys

2007-07-22 17:42:08 · 5 answers · asked by comethunter 3 in Astronomy & Space

If 2x^2+4x=-3 is being solved, what is the value of x? Showing all steps to solve this will be very helpful. Thank you.

2007-07-22 17:36:46 · 5 answers · asked by jumba 1 in Mathematics

Ok, this is a somewhat complicated first order equation but if you can help me out, it'll be a big help. A recent college graduate borrowed $100,000 at an interest rate of 9% to purchase a condominium. Anticipating steady salary increases, the buyer expects to make payments at a monthly rate of 800(1 + t/120), where t is the number of months since the loan was made. a.) Assuming that this payment schedule is maintained, when will the loan be fully paid? ANSWER = 135.36 months. b.) Assuming the same painment schedule how large can the loan be paid off in exactly 20 years? ANSWER = $152698.56. How do you get this?

2007-07-22 17:31:01 · 1 answers · asked by Charlie4590 2 in Mathematics

2007-07-22 17:17:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

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