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I have to figure out this problem by using the Gauss - Jordan elimination method (matices)...but when i do it, it's not adding up with the answer in my book. Here's the problem :

x +2y - 3z = 1
2x - y +2z = -8
3x - y -4z =3

The answer in my book is (-1,2, -2). Please help!

2007-07-22 17:42:38 · 2 answers · asked by magichamburger22 2 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

2 answers

Check it again; it seems the answer in your book is wrong.

(-1,2, -2) is not a solution of

x +2y - 3z = 1
2x - y +2z = -8
3x - y -4z =3

2007-07-22 17:52:44 · answer #1 · answered by oregfiu 7 · 1 1

Matrix multiplication is in simple terms taking the dot made from row i of matrix A with column j of matrix B, to kind the ij get admission to of the matrix (AB). think of "row dot column". The order of matrix is (rows)x(columns). If there are 3 rows in A and 3 columns in B, then there could be 3 rows and 3 columns in (AB) for the above dot product to artwork out. additionally, the dimensions of each and every row of A (the kind of columns of A) and the top of each and every row of B (the kind of rows of B) could be equivalent for the dot product to be defined. In all, right this is the rule governing matrix multiplication orders: (nxm)x(mxp) = (nxp)

2016-12-10 19:13:05 · answer #2 · answered by leissa 4 · 0 0

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