Why is it that man is so hooked on speed? as in it would take so long at the speed of light to get from here to there. and by that way of thinking, a ship from any other system could not get to earth in there life time, or us getting to them. speed is some thing that works ( to a point ) on a planet but should not be used for long space travel. you only use a small part of your brain as of yet. but what if you found a way to use all, or mose of it. you would now know how to travel at the speed of thought. as in you are here, you think you are there, and now you are there. no speed came into it at all. people are looking for intelligent life out there, and yes there would be some. but first try to find intelligent life on this earth. good luck with that, there is none. just because you can make words, walk upright, and play with your self; dont make you intelligent.....intelligent people dont make war, dont kill, dont let people starve, and dont steal............look around you........
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Astronomy & Space