Why is my stomach getting bigger?
Why are my hips spreading?
Why do I feel movement?
I have taken several urine test, and three blood test all negative!
I have told myself I'm not pregnant, Why is my body not going back to normal?(Still growing)
My body is still changing, and cutting back on snacks/ dieting is not helping?
I even went so far as to cut out as many stressors as possible, even relocating to another city/ state and still my body is going through signs and symptoms of pregnantcy?
This has now been 4- 6 months these symptoms are going on. I have never been pregnant before and don't want children for another 6-9 years. I'm not even sexually active and have not been for 3 1/2 -4 years. I presently am not having sex. This is one way of ruling out the major factor needed for the creation of a fetus.
Recent death of a loved one, recently talking about past molestation in childhood, etc. school and job lose have all occurred
Could this be an unconcious reaction
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