The reqmt. is for heavy duty crane in a steel plant.The hoists in a carne are eqquiped with limit switches to cut-off the motion at a preset height.This is a safety reqmt. since, if the hoist moves up uncontrolled with a load(in our case liquid metal) it will go to the top most point and the wire rope will break eventually. Thus reliability of the system has to be utmost.
We want supplier who can takup design and supply of an up-down counter based on the inputs from a proximity switch placed near the wire rope drum on top of crane and forward/backward pulses from the electric motor. The counter will be reqd. to give an output to trip the motor when a preset count is arrived.
The initial reqmt. is 30/35 nos after trial and approval of initial piece.But there is every chance of increased order once the product becomes succesful.
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