I began wondering about this after having heard Sheldrake speak
of a star such as our sun having as much electromagnetic activity as
our brains posess. The argument against Sheldrake's proposal, as
Stephen J. Gould said was that he could see no reason why a star
would need to have evolved a consciousness. Yet, the idea intrigued
me and still does. I am not a scientist by any stretch of the
imagination but I am not close minded to scientific study, nor am I
ignorant of the fact that at any given point we may ourselves reside
at differing levels of consciousness, as I have demonstrated to my
own satisfaction through meditation (and yes, many years ago,
experimentation with psychoactive chemicals.) I wondered too at one
point if the universe were indeed alive and because it is so complex
has qualities of an "ultimate" consciousness which some might
interpret as God.
I hope someone will comment on the possibility that through
some medium a universal consciousness could exist. If so, what do
you think is the connective mechanism and how does it affect us in
our everyday lives? Could Carl Jung have stumbled across it when he
described synchronicity as an acausal connecting principal? Did
Sheldrake come even closer to the truth when he wrote of
morphogenetic fields and morphic resonance?
Thank you for your attention and consideration.
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