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Trying to Conceive - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive

one of your coworkers became a surrogate mother? Would you make some kind of comment, positive or negative, about her being pregnant with someone else's child to help them conceive a family? Just curious, because I was considering becoming one, and I don't know how my coworkers would react. I really want to help a couple have a baby, because there is no better gift than the gift of parenthood! Thanks!

2007-09-23 07:22:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been having brown discharge for 3 days now and my period isn't due for another 2 days. I usually get some brown spotting before my period but not for this length of time. I have no other pregnancy symptoms. Am I just getting my hopes up?

2007-09-23 02:58:09 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think that I might be ovulating today? My period started 13days ago, I've had a cramping like pain in my left pelvic side and my CM is a little weird, kinda like clearish and gooey (sorry if thats TMI!) and my nipples are tender.

Can you recommend a good website to track ovulation. One thats not too complicated as I've seen some and they just look way too hard. I don't want to buy test kits just yet either.

2007-09-23 01:19:39 · 3 answers · asked by Cindy; mum to 3 monkeys! 7

I have been unable to have a child, and have been trying for 5 years. I have tried Clomid, Metformin, and artifical insemination. My insurance does not cover IVF, so it is not an option right now. My Dr told me that I have polycystic Ovarian syndrome, and I don't ovulate. I didn't on any of the drugs. I am so frustrated, and upset all the time, and I know I should not get stressed out because it will make things worse. Just wondering if anyone else has gone through this, and tried things that I have not.

2007-09-22 19:07:57 · 4 answers · asked by vicky l 2

need to know soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-09-22 17:11:24 · 15 answers · asked by Twinkie09 1

I was diagnosed with PCOS and have a very irregular cycle (about two or three times a year). My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant, so my doctor prescribed me 50mg clomid. The first month I took it I ovulated (according to bloodwork done on day 21) and my progesteron number was 28. I didn't get pregnant. This month I took the same dosage again but did not ovulate (day 21 number was 1.8). Does anyone know why clomid worked the 1st month but not the 2nd? Has this happened to anyone else? My doctor is keeping me on the same dosage next month; is there anything I can do to make sure that I ovulate?

2007-09-22 16:34:32 · 1 answers · asked by thebowersbunch 2

2007-09-22 15:19:07 · 39 answers · asked by KEVIN M C 3

4th day cramping and twinging ovaries!!!...according to my BBT my temps are slightly rising the last 3 days.....is this normal? i dont remember cramping for 4 days...usually 1 ..... anyone else experience this????

2007-09-22 12:53:09 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

We are ttc and I *might* be preggo, as of this weekend. I have a dr appt tomorrow for a med check (not pg related). Can I ask them to do a blood test? Will it be too soon? I ordered some dip stick tests that are suppose to be used 6-8 days after ovulation. BUT, I figured if I'm there I might give it a shot & ask for it? How soon will PG show up in a dr blood test?

2007-09-22 10:52:03 · 7 answers · asked by coastal 2

Taking the water pill and have completed a fertily treatment two weeks ago, have swelling in one leg?? Please Help

2007-09-22 09:50:56 · 3 answers · asked by SAMIE 1

I was diagnosed with hpv about a year ago and had to have a leep procedure. My cervix has now closed itself over with scar tissue because of the procedure and has no opening what so ever. I feel hopeless. I want a child so bad but don't have the money for adoption or fertility treatment. Any suggestions.

2007-09-22 03:56:48 · 8 answers · asked by jennb138 2

i wote this for my boys what do you all think, I lost them when i was 14weeks, they were IVF babies


To my boys that i lost
A month ago today
cant believe its been a month already
cos it still feels like yesterday

I want you both to know
I think of you each day
If only things were different
You'd still be growing in me today

I failed as your mother
I didnt keep you safe
I didnt even get to see
Your precious little face

I miss you boys oh so much
I wish you'd been here to stay
I hope you boys can forgive me
for losing you that day

I loved you boys so very much
Right from the very start
You'll always have a special place
Right deep in my very heart

Love you both always mum

2007-09-21 19:38:17 · 6 answers · asked by sommermarie1 2


Okay I've heard all these people saying that by not trying they finally ended up pregnant. My question is how do you NOT try?? I mean by not trying aren't you kinda still trying?? Any good advice?

2007-09-21 15:00:35 · 6 answers · asked by greenrose1922 4

my friend came to me the other day and she asked me this question i dont know how to answer it for her...help me answer her question

2007-09-21 14:52:03 · 5 answers · asked by shorty 1

2007-09-21 14:49:17 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-21 12:36:44 · 0 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, this may sound stupid but I want to see if it has happened to anyone else. I got my positive OPK on CD18 so ovulation should have been about CD19. My progesterone level at CD24 was 11.4 so they said I ovulated. DH and I BDed plenty around that time. But now I have watery & sometimes a little EWCM. Would it be possible to not have ovulated yet? My cycle runs 33 days, today is CD28.

2007-09-21 09:51:44 · 2 answers · asked by scooby_doo44706 1

I have been charting my cm and the days following my period I had lil or was very dry from day 10 to now which is day 14 my cm is more and more watery leaving my undies very wet, but is it possible for you to produce fertile cm and not ovulate?

2007-09-21 09:38:59 · 1 answers · asked by Sweetgirl 2

How long did you take off for maternity leave? How many weeks total?

How far along were you when you took leave?

2007-09-21 08:29:01 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well Im married, 19 (20 in june) my hub is about to be 23. And he wants kids, and Im more on the wait a couple years thing

noticing how hard it can be to have a baby I wonder if I should get on birthcontrol
Or should i stay off it and if we happen to get pregnant then okay?

We've been married 9 months, only seen each other about 3months of that time, hes in Iraq now until February.As for the sex life and chances of getting pregnant, he rarely does the deed in me, more of a skin man i guess. sorry if thats too graphic but in about te 9 months married and on birthcontrol he did about 5 times. So its not that often and yes i know pre sperm could get me prego.

So should i get on birthcontrol and not chance it really at all ?

Or since it can be so hard to get pregnant should i stay off and just take the chance and be happy if it happens?

2007-09-21 07:27:58 · 18 answers · asked by corrick_1 6

My husband had a vasectomy after my son was born...he is now two years old and I would really like to have another child around my son's fourth or fifth birthday. My husband is starting to consider the idea, but we are still unsure which way to go about having another child...Would we be better off to have him get a vasovasectomy and then ANOTHER vasectomy or should we consider In Vitro Fertilization or In Utero Fertilization? Also if you could explain the differences between In Vitro and In Utero...What are the risks or benefits associated with each one of them? AND how much do each of these procedures cost typically? Thanks so much!

2007-09-21 06:45:20 · 11 answers · asked by angel2003 3

we are ttc, I have sore breasts x 1 1/2 weeks, urination alot, headaches nowand heartburn, and very tired.

2007-09-21 04:54:48 · 7 answers · asked by Girlwonderful 1

take and for what lenght of time? We've been TTC for about 5 months and I've discovered that I ovulated on about day 16 but have 25 day cycles, so I'm hoping B6 might be worth a try before moving on to bigger guns. thanks!

2007-09-21 04:25:37 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know that having irregular period is one sign of PCOS.
Other than that women with PCOS feel anything else?
Any pain ? or any other signs?

2007-09-21 01:51:52 · 4 answers · asked by Elsa 3

This isn’t really a question I just want support. In April after trying for our second child for only 2 months we got pregnant we were so happy but lost the baby in June. The way things happened was very hard for me. We were told that after 2 months we could start trying again. I just started my period today cycle 3 of trying. I know that isn’t very long but if you think about it it has been 6 moths of trying . Its hard to wait even though we know it will happen eventually. But the part that is so hard for me is I am married we own our home as well as our vehicles all out right we have a 3 bedroom house and a lot of love and I keep getting told about my cousin who doesn’t have custody of her 2 year old is now trying really hard to get pregnant buy some guy she has been dating for like a month she is homeless and her child is living with the grandmother who is soon to be homeless. She had an abortion since her daughter has been born and my uncles wife is apparently trying to get pregnant because there relationship is crumbling again partly because she is a crappy parent and they cant handle the 3 kids they have and make there oldest child responsible for the other 2. and with out getting into all the stories I know a million ppl in bad situations who are pregnant. I just don’t get it why did my baby have to be taken away from me. All I could say when I was told about my cousin was im going to be pissed if she gets pregnant b4 me!! I know everything happens the way it does for a reason and we have already been very blessed with our son and a lot of ppl don’t even have that. It just stinks why cant ppl who actually want to get pregnant and for the right reasons get pregnant. Like I said it isn’t a question I just need to vent.

2007-09-21 01:26:28 · 9 answers · asked by fairy 5

My husband and I have been trying to concieve for 6 months now to the date and finally a postive result.

Lastnight, I realized my period was late and my boobs hurt alittle so, I stopped at the store on my way home from work and got a hpt and took it when I got home thinking I know it will be negative but I will do it anyway, and it was postive!! I told my husband right away and we went back to the store at 11:00 at night and got another pregnancy test and so I tried three times just to make sure because it was so unbelieveable...

So all of those that are TTC, my trick was forget about tracking your bbt and ovulation and all of that junk. I put it out of my head for 2 months and I even lost track of when my peiod was due, I know its hard and its certainly not easy to say but relax....

Goodluck to everyone!!!!

2007-09-21 00:28:33 · 13 answers · asked by Vada83 4

i had my tubes tied 14 years ago now what them undone

2007-09-20 18:42:37 · 4 answers · asked by sharol j 1

Hi. I just took my first set of clomid on cycle days 6 - 10. My regular cycles were usually 28 to 29 days. This month, not sure if because of the clomid, or because maybe i could be pregnant, no signs of a period until yesterday, cycle day 33. All I have gotten is very slight spotting and it seems to have gone away. Home pregnancy tests show negative results. I've read that spotting can be an early sign of pregnancy. So my question is: Can I be pregnant but Clomid is causing a false negative home pregnancy test? Thanks.

2007-09-20 17:48:09 · 5 answers · asked by Rocky 1

Even if my pd is 7 days long and I have irregular menstruals? Or is that to early?, had some slight cramp feeling twitches today on my right side and just went to the bathroom and had light pink stain on tp. If so, me and husband bd on cd 8&9, would that have been good to maybe have ttc?

2007-09-20 15:41:28 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

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