Okay here's the deal....I really think I'm pregnant but I am really confused...My last normal AF was one feb.5....I could 3 months back and discovered I have a 26 day cycle....well This month the time came around for me to get my lil friend and it didn't show....I show almost all signs of pregnancy plus some....Exactly a week after my period was due I started spotting light brown when I would wipe...well the next day I started bleeding so I thought that it was all in my head...well I noticed that it lasted about 2 days and I had 3 more days of barely spotting....This is really abnormal for me because my periods are always the same. Well I have been very nauseous lately, vommiting, lightheaded, flush cheeks, sore breasts, crampy still, it feels like my uterus is rising, frequent trips to the bathroom, cravings, tired!!!!...etc The calculators say I would be 6 weeks pregnant. Has anyone been through this? I'm scared to test because I really want to be pregnant....thanks in advance
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