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Pregnancy - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

I had a sonogram test yesterday being 11 weeks and 6 days along. The doctor said she was pretty sure (80%) that the baby was a girl. It seems to me that it is a bit early to tell although it was a high-quality equipment. How accurate might be this prediction? Did any of you had an accurate result that early?

P.S I really wanted the first one to be a boy....

2007-02-14 10:28:28 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Also how long can you keep the milk in the fridge or freezer? Thanks

2007-02-14 10:27:09 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

for those who dont know, the shot is a method to prevent pregnancy. yes, i changed my mind. now i want a baby!

2007-02-14 10:26:00 · 7 answers · asked by Elo 1

I'm pregnant with my first baby and really excited for him to be here, I was due monday and at my doctors appointment yesterday morning they told me i was 3 cm but my water has not broken and I'm not having any contractions. Any ideas on how to speed the process along?

2007-02-14 10:18:38 · 13 answers · asked by jerseys_best331 1

My due date is today. Nothing, but this is my first child. I haven't been dialted at all, my next doctors appointment is tomorrow though. This past weekend I walked every day and on Monday and Tuesday I lost my mucus plug and had period like braxton hicks for a long time... Nothing though. I walked for about 30 minutes today. What else works? Jumping jacks? I want to have this baby. Does it even matter if I walk or do stretches?

2007-02-14 10:12:14 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is the better brand of pregnancy test to take?!?!? Some people say the one's from the dollar store are fine and others say they're not. So what would be the best to buy, besides E.P.T., to check for pregnancy? (For those who are pregnant or have kids and took a HPT, what brand did you use and how did you like it)

2007-02-14 10:11:15 · 9 answers · asked by Mom to a MicroPreemie 3

i read about a lady that didnt want an epidural at first, then ended up getting one, but got paralyzed from it!?! How likely is this to happen if I get one?

2007-02-14 10:10:54 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi, I am 13 weeks pregnant, and today i made the mistake of eating mexican food. Now i am feeling under the weather, gassy, like i am ready to throw up. i dont know if its related to my lunch or if i am coming down with something, please help. What do i do, should i take something or just deal with it.

2007-02-14 10:05:46 · 12 answers · asked by misskaykai 2

My friend is being retarded and showed me a positive pregnancy test...she told me she tampered with it to become positive. (No drugs involved and she did pee on it). How did she do this?

2007-02-14 09:58:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Did it feel like a major charley horse in your stomach? Menstral cramps? Undescrible, excruciating pain?

Were you able to go through L/D without any pain meds? What helped you to deal with the pain?

If you had an epidural, was it scary? Did you feel anything during the needle insertion? Do you regret using the med, or was it Heaven sent?

I'm due in June. I'm scared about L/D. I pray that I can be tough enough to do it without an epidural. I'm petrified of the needle in my back!

2007-02-14 09:57:54 · 19 answers · asked by Sylves 3

If you have lost your mucus plug is is still safe to have sex? If so, why? If not, why?

2007-02-14 09:53:19 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

when I list all the things I need, does this mean that I need to pay for all of this and then the store will give me a free gift??? Cause someone mention to me that I can pick anything I want for free? Or by buying all the stuff for my baby in the store, I will get a free gift? Or I'll get a discount for buying the stuffs? "which is which?"

2007-02-14 09:52:04 · 4 answers · asked by crenz_rr 1

I took two Answer brand test, they both had two lines on them but one was dark the other one that indicates pregnant was the lightest shade of pink. I took a dollar tree test and there was no line which was saying negative. what do you guys think. I am going to go to the doctor I just wanted some extra opinions before I do!!! thanks

2007-02-14 09:44:53 · 12 answers · asked by meljollndsy 2

I am 37 and a half weeks pregnant and everyday i get all kind of stupid fears (what will happend if i die for example),get very emotional and in the same time i know that i should not be thinking this way but somehow i cant stop myself. Are other women that were in this situation ? And also what i should do to stop this thoughts ?

2007-02-14 09:40:55 · 21 answers · asked by Adria 1


Hello again,
I posted this morning about if I was pregnant. Took a HPT and it is a big fat Positive. :) I'm going in for blood work to confirm of course but my question is my last menstruation was on Nov. 17th very light brown spotting in January 1,2 and 3. How far along could I really be?

2007-02-14 09:40:32 · 6 answers · asked by pooky1 1

how do men react to seeing a hemorrhoid that was caused by pregnancy. How do you explain to them what it is?

2007-02-14 09:34:50 · 8 answers · asked by I♥Karma 4

First of all thank you for taking the time to read/respond to this!

I think I may be pregnant and I was wondering what common symptoms are besides just morning sickness. I took a home pregnancy about a week ago which came out negative, But I have been getting seriously nauseous for over 2 weeks now-Especially in the morning but it comes and goes all day, no vomiting though. My boyfriend and I did have a "mishap" so I know there is a chance but, I just had a few minutes so I thought I'd see what other kinds of symptoms anyone else may have had. I've also looked on different medical web sites but they all say the same ole things.

I'm going to go take another test in a few days and then of course consult my doctor if I still can't get any answers but anything input you may have would be appreciated. Thanks again!

2007-02-14 09:28:50 · 5 answers · asked by love_n_hate84 2

I am 7 mths pregnant right now. Just curious when did you go for your mat leave. I am planning to work for another 3 weeks as my belly is groing up and it's getting hard to go to work in such condition.

For how long did you stay on your mat leave? I am plannig to take entire year.

I am interested how it was with you or how you plan to take you mat leave. Thanks.

2007-02-14 09:25:13 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ladies, what do you think? has the constant eye on hollywood pregnancies made it easier or harder on "real" pregnant women today? I personally feel even more pressure to dress well and stay in shape when really I'd just like to take a nap and wear sweats. What do you think?

2007-02-14 09:13:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cycle ended on 12th jan…..and its 15th feb…..probably I have missed my period…..am I pregnant…….i amd my bf used condoms while having sex on 14th jan. When is the best time to get a pregnancy test done….which gives a true picture ?

2007-02-14 09:06:18 · 7 answers · asked by Jimmy k 1

2007-02-14 08:52:59 · 10 answers · asked by nikki 1

2007-02-14 08:50:57 · 31 answers · asked by sharon j 1


2007-02-14 08:49:02 · 13 answers · asked by meghan m 1

I am on birth control, but 2 days after my period ended, I took my pill 6 hours late and had sex with my boyfriend.

2007-02-14 08:41:28 · 5 answers · asked by Eleanor H 1

I am 40 weeks. Last night I went to the hospital with very real contractions happening every couple of minutes. We got there and I was only 2 cm, but I've been 2 cm for 2 weeks. My doctor sugested that I walk, that did nothing. We spent the night at the hopital knowing that surely it would be soon, with the way my contractions were coming. My doctor saw me this morning and SENT ME HOME???? Why? I'm due--who the heck cares if the baby isn't ready, some babies are never ready to come out. My sister never went into labor (both times) and my mother in law was two weeks late! My husband was SO huge that it compromised his health and his mom's (11lbs). Why don't doctors just induce? What is so wrong with that? Why wait? It won't make any difference to the baby but it was save the mother countless days of being uncomfortable and save maternity days.

2007-02-14 08:41:13 · 18 answers · asked by mandm 2

I'm 31wks pregnant and i've turned into the most emotional sook ever! I have always been very "happy go-lucky" and tried to never let the small stuff bother me, but these days? Forget it!

I cried yesterday on Valentines Day (i'm in Australia) cause my fiance had the flowers delivered in the afternoon instead of the morning, i cried cause i was stuck in a big traffic jam - heck i even cried cause some guy got kicked off The Biggest Loser (which i never watch and which i happened to only catch 5mins of... and i still cried cause he got kicked off). Its completely irrational and unfounded and uncalled for!

What can be done to calm these emotional outbursts down? I'm a walking waterfall and its driving me crazy!! lol.

2007-02-14 08:39:18 · 11 answers · asked by Smiley One 3

2007-02-14 08:37:26 · 20 answers · asked by sallyjane172001 1

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