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Pregnancy - January 2007

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i am 23 days late..i already went to the doctor and took a urine test the result was negative. My breast are very heavy and fuller, my nipples hurt and are becoming darker, there was a time when my period was about to come because the cramps were so strong but never came..that was 2 weeks ago..i still have cramps but they are very small and do not bother me..i am also bloated..get very tired and sleepy..my mother keeps telling me that i look pregnant to her..well my question is this..has anybody experienced getting negative urine test results and still be pregnant? Thank you very much in advance. :)

2007-01-08 06:38:07 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a first time mother due March 20th. From 2 and half months I have been walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes at a stretch. I go up till 2.4 at the max so my speed is 2.4 and then I change every few minutes to 2.3...a pace I can handle and won't race my heartbeats too much either. I exercise 2 days and then take a break on 3rd day, again walk the next 2 days and so on. Anyway I want to ask other moms who have walked outdoors/used the treadmill if your labor was easier, or less painful, and how was your delivery compared to when you did not exercise? Did you still need an epidural or could you use Lamaze slow chest/shallow breathing and cope with pain with the help of exercise? Please tell me moms out there! Thanks, Tracey

2007-01-08 06:37:27 · 8 answers · asked by richards_tr 1

I have all the symptoms of being pg. Sore breast, vomiting, fatigue. I took 2 pg test but they came back negative. But I feel pg. I got my period 6 days late and only for 2 days. Could I still be pregnant? I have heard of women having their period for 6 months and not knowing that they were pregnant, is this possible?

2007-01-08 06:31:15 · 7 answers · asked by Kandi E 1

im 16 and currently pregnant. i dont know what to be prepared for. and i have lots of questions.
- can there be chances of harming the baby if the dad smokes ciggerettes and pot?
- are there more risks with being pregnant at such a young age?
- why do they call it morning sickness when its not just in the morning? its all day!!
-- like i said those are only a few of my questions. i really have no information on pregnancy and im learning what i can from books and movies and that sorta thing but some information coming from mothers would be very helpful. anything is good. please and thank you.

2007-01-08 06:30:26 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had my period 11 days ago and since than I have had unprotected sex and was ejaulated in but I took the Plan B pill under 72 hours. Today (January 8) I had spotting. What is this a sign of?

2007-01-08 06:22:56 · 13 answers · asked by super_saiyan_becky2001 1

2007-01-08 06:18:56 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had blood drown a couple of weeks ago n my doctor calls me up n tells me that im anemic... and i already knew i was 4 months pregnant... is there anything i can do to make it go away???... will it hurt my baby??... what will be happening to me??.. sorry guys any bit of info would help because i am clueless about this stuff right now. thanks!

2007-01-08 06:15:47 · 19 answers · asked by U dOnT kNo BoUt .:~LJ~:. 2

i got a clearblue pregnancy test but im unsure of when to use it. my period is normally irregular and it says to use from the day your period is due, but if it's normally irregular how am i meant to know when to take it? i would prefer not to go to the doctors if i can take a test at home. thanks :)

2007-01-08 06:14:32 · 12 answers · asked by jade! 1

I dont know if its to soon to feel a little movment. sometimes i dont know what to feel and how it feels. I get little bubble feelings once in a while and it feels like gas but i dont have gas at the time. has anyone felt like this before? and what does it feel like when you really feel the baby? and yes this is my first baby and im very tuned in to my body lol. please let me know how anyone else has felt. thank you

2007-01-08 06:13:07 · 13 answers · asked by hanna 2

I'm 33 weeks now and since the beginning of my pregnancy I have been worried. This is my first and I really don't know what to expect and I'm always afraid I'm not doing something right or doing something to harm the baby. At my 22 week ultrasound, she looked fine but since then I've had a bad UTI and was put on Cipro, a pregnancy category C for 10 days. And also I have been on category B antibiotics everyday since 12 weeks for recurrent UTI's. I haven't smoked or drank alcohol or anything like that, but sometimes I will sleep on my back, take hot showers or baths (as long as there isn't enough water in the tub that covers my stomach) and I go against what books say and eat cold lunch meat and tuna and all that jazz. Also my tummy really isn't that big for 33 weeks, and I feel like it should be bigger. Am I being over paranoid?

2007-01-08 06:07:04 · 10 answers · asked by Momof2 6

I work part-time as a substitute teacher, go to college full-time, and I'm pregnant. I'm due in September. I start my 3rd semester of college in August, should I take the semester off since I'll be starting when I'm 8 months pregnant? My husband can financially support us, but I may lose my scholarship if I miss a semester... what to do?

2007-01-08 06:04:03 · 8 answers · asked by Cantrelle 3

2007-01-08 06:03:53 · 13 answers · asked by lovable_sexynick 1

I am 27 years old, so it isn't menopause. I have 4 children and after the last I had a tubal ligation. For a little over a month I have felt nauseous, have not been able to drink coffee, over emotional, and now I am having some stomach pains, noiting too serious, more uncomfortable (like pressure, similar to what I have felt in early pregnancy before). I am now 5 days late. But I know that becoming pregnant after tubal ligation is not very likely. I am goint to take a test very soon, maybe later today. I was just wondering is anyone knew of anything else that could cause me to ba late, or to have these other symptoms.

2007-01-08 06:01:40 · 13 answers · asked by voidtillnow 5

Im 40 weeks pregnant and feel kinda crappy what do you girls suggest I do or not do?

2007-01-08 05:55:53 · 11 answers · asked by ? 1

I'm TERRIBLE at searching for things on the internet...would you put links to these things? THANKS!

2007-01-08 05:54:28 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm on the Pill, and I'm a day late. However, I usually start my periods two days early, and I haven't been off-cycle in a long, long time. I do have a bit of cramping, headache, and moodiness, but I can't help but feel like something's way off. Should I take a pregnancy test yet?

2007-01-08 05:50:36 · 15 answers · asked by Last Call 4

can you get pregnant after you tie your tubes? i heard of many women telling me they did, but i was told you can cant carry it full term, can you?

2007-01-08 05:47:44 · 6 answers · asked by Melindakaye 2

I would like to keep it secret until second trimester, 12 weeks or so. Will it be possible? With my frist one I didn't show until about 5 1/2 months. I am average weight but waist and tummy are small.

2007-01-08 05:45:12 · 15 answers · asked by Becca 5

If you have ever gotten pregnant while on the pill, I need to know some things... did you skip pills or forget to take them? did you have what you thought was periods in the first month or 2? Mostly i just want to know how common this is. Not statisiclly but from actuall ladies who have gone through it.

2007-01-08 05:44:44 · 8 answers · asked by ladyjno7 4

I am 37 weeks pregnant and this week is the last week for me at work. I am very upset that no one at work has planned a baby shower for me. I work with group of about 25 people. My direct boss is a single male and usually the direct boss organizes something. Would it be appropriate to throw myself my own baby shower at work or how should I ask for it? I don't want to sound greedy but I am really hurt by it.

2007-01-08 05:41:55 · 33 answers · asked by BabyOnBoard 1

Im 34 weeks pregnant with my first son. I have had already pre term contractions and we have been on a constant roller coaster with him wanting to come to not wanting to come. Lately I have been having more contractions but these are not painful they just make my belly really really hard and makes it hard for me to walk and for the past two days i have had a lot of discharge. Just a little worried. please help me be more assured of what is going on. Thank you.

2007-01-08 05:41:48 · 8 answers · asked by wyattsmom22 1

i'm going to the dr today at 4:15, and he said he'll likely induce. i just have a horrible, horrible cold. i know its not anything serious bc i've been on antibiotics for a uti, its just really bad. runny nose, cough, you know how it is. my question is what i can do for some relief. i've been taking tylenol cold like my OB said, but it doesnt really help. i dont know what else to try. are there any things you can do at home that help? even if its just temporary. i just wanna be able to breathe for a little while lol. and i dont know what to do being pregnant. any help is really really really appreciated.

2007-01-08 05:41:43 · 8 answers · asked by veitedl 2

My daughter is having twins soon. She will not be breast feeding. What kind of bottles are the best for very small babies?

2007-01-08 05:41:18 · 10 answers · asked by bjb 2

it seems like everything that has come out of my mouth is baby talk. alot of my friends are pulling away from me because since i found out i was pregnant its all i can talk about!!! i know i only have 9 weeks left, but no matter how hard i try i cant seem to talk about anything else! any advice? or any body else as caught up in the moment as me wanna talk???

2007-01-08 05:39:37 · 10 answers · asked by ruspecialenuf 3

I think I'm prego, I took two home preg tests, both were positive, plus sore bbs, a little dizzy, mild headache. I'm just not sure when I should see a doctor for my first appointment. According to the due date calculator, I'm 6 weeks along. Trying not to get too excited until I know for sure!

2007-01-08 05:39:13 · 11 answers · asked by Trace 1

I have not started my period yet, and I am supposed to start a new pack of pills tomorrow. At what point should I take a pregnancy test, and am I correct in assuming that I should not start the new pack?

2007-01-08 05:35:24 · 4 answers · asked by lynette21638 2

How do you prevent stretchmarks?
Me and my soon-to-be-husband want to start trying for a baby soon but i really do not want to end up with stretch marks on my tummy.

How long did you breastfeed your baby?
And did you end up with stretch marks on your breasts after breastfeeding?

2007-01-08 05:34:16 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

At about 7 weeks I started to feel exhausted and I would have a feeling like I was going to throw up. I never did actually get sick until about 12 weeks. I have only thrown up once. I am now 13 weeks and I feel worse then I did in the begining. I get about 10 hours of sleep a night then I go to work and feel awful. I feel like my body is just shutting down. I have been getting headaches while at work and I want to go home and curl up in my bed. I have taken so many days off from work, I'm afraid I'll get fired and then I won't have any health insurance. I had an ultrasound at 11.5 weeks and the tech said everything looks fine. I'm going to see my doctor tonight for my check up and I will be sure to tell her what's going on. Has anyone else had this? I just don't know how much more of this I can take.

2007-01-08 05:28:31 · 12 answers · asked by absolute_angel54 2

I'm 4 or 5 weeks pregnant. My OB/Gyn suspects that I'm pregnant with twins. I haven't had an ultrasound yet. He says that my HCG levels more than doubled in less than 48-hours. They changed at levels of a multiple pregnancy. Anyone ever went through this and actually found out you were in fact pregnant with twins? How did yuo react?

2007-01-08 05:27:58 · 5 answers · asked by Babyface 4

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