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Pregnancy - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

me and my partner have been trying for a baby for about 3 months now, had no luck. This monthi havent got nesigns of pains in my breastsor nething, but i have sicky feelings etcc, i am due on my period saturday normally on the evening, but i was extremely upset when i went the loo yesterday evenin to be bleeding, not in my knickers just when i wiped myself, i thought nufin of it and just put a liner on and some went on that to, so i thought i must deff have come on my period and put a tampon in, i woke up this morning took tampon out (which wasnt full but did hve blood on) and now i aint bleeding again.

I have also been suffering with thrush, which i think seems to be curing itselves.
If nebody else has had nething like this would love to hear from you.
Thank u

2006-12-19 23:41:25 · 14 answers · asked by linzi_parkes 1

why do some women get pain in the stomach during their periods.is it a cause for concern?will such people have any problem in conceiving children?is there any medical help for such people?is it related to infection or cancer or any other sort of complication pertaing to pregnancy?

2006-12-19 22:59:30 · 16 answers · asked by dvr_venkatca 1

A few months ago i was going out with this girl, we never had sex but we did do other things. We broke up a few months ago and she is going out with this other guy now. She has not done any thing with this guy. She has not had her period in 3 months. I feel worried that she might be pregnant but i really cant see how she could be. Her period has been unregular before but only by a week or so. Does any one know any thing that could make this not seem like a pregnancy??

2006-12-19 22:43:33 · 12 answers · asked by Chris B 1

I have just today found out that i am pregnant but this afternoon i have a hospital appointment to have an abdominal and pelvic scan after months of cramping pains, bloatness etc. Is it still safe to have it done now?

I know that i am at no risk in the pregnancy as already have a daughter but dont want to risk damaging the embreo but also need to find out what is causing me problems.

any advice?

2006-12-19 21:56:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is thr any problem to be pregnant if i have AB+ and my wife has B- blood group?

2006-12-19 21:51:34 · 10 answers · asked by HS 1

i am at 3:50pm having a streach and sweep procedure to enduce labour with my gp since i am having a large baby they are for some reason not letting me go past my due date ...due 26th of december what i would like to know was those whom had to be started what the best way was ie the enducement pills, the sweep, im so scared as i do not want to be in hospital over xmas as already have 2 girls

2006-12-19 21:02:29 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Positive Line after the 10 minute mark?
I did an superdrug hpt yesterday just before work it had the ghost line so i just put it away and took it as negative but when i came home it had a very visible blue line in the positive window?ive done another this morning with first morning urine and again the little line is in there but so hard to see and i cant work it out because id say its negative anyone can help me?

Additional Details

31 minutes ago
This feels like torture tyrying to work it out i Thanks to anyone who gives me advice But i must say again the strong positive didnt come up till after i finnished work 5 hours later

37 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer

2006-12-19 20:57:31 · 8 answers · asked by Hayley 1

Some days i have pregnancy simptoms worse than others and other days all i feel is really really tired. Im still in the early stages of pregnancy. But im trying to stop myself from worring. Please help

2006-12-19 20:26:40 · 10 answers · asked by Littleblonde-kacey is here 6

Hi im 40 weeks pregnant and have lost my plug 4 days ago. but still no other signs. Is it possible to be ok 1 minute and then go into labour the next without any warning?

2006-12-19 20:09:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok i took a PT tonight (1 in the packet) and it was negitive, and i really thought that i was pregnant. my last normal period was on Nov 17 and it went for 5 days as usual, my period that i just had was 2 days late and only ran for 3 1/2 days. i have been feeling nausea and headaches and i have been sleeping alot. now all of these things arn't me. im usually quite active and live a happy fun loving life. i haven't been stressed and i haven't done anything to myself that would convince me that im pregnant (i havent't been stressing over it). my boyfriend and i have had sex over my ovulation period, and he did ejaculate in me on all occasions. we have been trying for a baby for the past 4 months. do you think i could be pregnant? and any tips on how to get pregnant next time round???

2006-12-19 20:06:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 3 and a half months pregnant & I have a wisdom tooth coming through. It has been very sore & painful for the last few days & I am too scared to take anything for it in case it harms my baby. Can anyone tell me what painkillers are ok to take & how many? My tooth & gum is very painful & I could do with some pain relief.

2006-12-19 20:05:25 · 33 answers · asked by EmmaB 3

I have started taking sanatogen omega 3 & pronatal ten days ago (when I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant) & the last few days I have had a bit of an upset tummy. I have sickness anyway so I can't be sure the 2 are related. But otherwise I feel fine.

2006-12-19 20:04:59 · 12 answers · asked by sammy27 2

Im suppose 2 get my menses 5 days back coz i had the chances 2 get pregnant. So i met the doctor and had urine test. According 2 the doc, the test result was negative, no sign of pregnancy. I told him tat i want to get my menses. So he gv the 2 pills n ask me to take one per day. I took it on the day i met the doc n the next day. It has been 3 days. He even told me tat i wl get after 5 days. Im juz not sure abt it coz thr is no any sign of getting my period till 2day as i normally do. I'll hv stomach cramps n aches on my breast. Im confused here.

2006-12-19 19:49:26 · 1 answers · asked by Confused 1

I am currently 8 weeks 5 days pregnant. Before I got pregnant, I had several ultrasounds done because I had a tiny but harmless fibrosis. This was done at my local hospital. Yesterday was my final check up with the doctor regarding my fibrosis and I told her that I had gotten pregnant during that time, but she did an ultrasound anyhow just to make sure - and we got to see the baby too in the process. (My last scan with her was about 10 weeks ago, before I was pregnant). Anyway, tomorrow I have another appointment with my gynae (another doctor at a private clinic), who usually does my monthly pregnancy checkup.

I know she is going to do an ultrasound tomorrow because she had said so from our last meet. What concerns me is that, is this too soon to be a having another ultrasound in a span of three days? Is there such a thing as too much ultrasound? Will this harm my baby in any way? Should I tell my gynae about my recently done ultrasound for my fibrosis? What should I do? Please help

2006-12-19 19:41:02 · 10 answers · asked by laura 2

Currently I am 5wks3days pregnant, previously I have had 2 miscarriges this year. Ok to make a long story short, Fri just gone I started spotting a very light brown colour it would come and go through out the weekend, with the bleed increasing slightly more than the day before. Tues morning 5 mins before my scan I started bleeding very heavy and bright red. After an internal scan performed I was told that there was blood in the embryo and it didnt look to good as the embryo looked A symetrical. Then later on at home I passed a bloodclot half the size of my index finger (with no pain) followed by smaller clots then another big one through the night also with no pain so today I had another scan to see what was left and if I needed to book in for a DNC only to find that the embryo was still there intact and a bloodclot next to it and currently I am not bleeding.Im really confused no one is saying anything to me including the docs or midwife has anyone been through this?What do I do?

2006-12-19 19:22:20 · 8 answers · asked by ???help me???? 1

Ok i just found out that i am six weeks pregnant.. is there a heartbeat at six week and exactly how developed is a six week old fetus?

2006-12-19 19:17:40 · 10 answers · asked by Molly 2

Tell Me

2006-12-19 19:14:15 · 28 answers · asked by hamna s 1

Hey guys,
My girlfriend and myself are not to clear on some of the "technicalitys" of the pill, one mail question we had was do you need to "pull out" or is it safe to edjaculate inside whilst on the pill?
yes i know its not 100% safe, so no comments on that please.

She was also wondering if she can keep her current cycle of aroud 32 days but skipping the placebo pills and taking them around the 32day mark. is this possible or will it cause some negitive side effects?

2006-12-19 19:13:11 · 6 answers · asked by G Money 1

im 37 weeks almost 38 and me and my husband had sex a lil while later i was walking down stairs and i felt like i was discharging really bad i went and cheacl it was clear and liqude but im not hurting and i dont want to go to the doctors for no reason

2006-12-19 19:12:10 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

hello again... i just gave birth 4weeks ago n want to have sex but im scared that i might fall pregnant again... i want to know what u guys think are the risk of me fallin pregnant if i use a condom?

2006-12-19 19:02:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


how did you come up with your childs name. i'm caught between 3 names for a boy- Blayke Alexander, Kenneth Christopher Allen, or Bastion Samuel. for a girl i have- Lydia fae or ella mae. i'm so stumped and i wanna make sure that i'm not making a huge mistake by naming my child something that everyone will pick on them for. how did you choose

2006-12-19 18:42:02 · 16 answers · asked by short.lil_momma 3

me and my bf indulged in forplay on the 4th day of my period and we had our clothes on so can i get pregnant as i havent got my periods this month

2006-12-19 18:35:05 · 6 answers · asked by sheetal k 1

I heard you can is that all true!! or is there an expanecion!!

2006-12-19 18:04:50 · 4 answers · asked by Irene V 1


2006-12-19 17:54:41 · 6 answers · asked by bee 1

I have been reading over all these questions and answers and see these people saying that "oh your not in labor because you re in front of your computer."and such.I have been in the first stages of labor for 2 weeks now.Back and forth to the hospital and doctors on;ly to be turned around because"My contractions aren't strong enough" or something stupid whne clearly im dialated enough and efaced.Why do people think that labor happens in seconds to hours?Is it what people have seen on TV that portrays labor that way?

2006-12-19 17:40:00 · 14 answers · asked by **BLu Tinkerbell** 4

2006-12-19 17:13:36 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a strong inborn drive telling me to be a mom, but my question is when? Its been on my mind since I was fourteen (Im 17) and I love the thought of a baby. Who can tell me what the ideal age is and if taking b.c. over years affects your ability to concieve?

2006-12-19 16:34:14 · 11 answers · asked by metalstefl 3

I have been on the pill for almost a year...the last few months I have forgotten my pill a time or two. Last month I was sick and on antibiotics. I am 27 years old, and subconsiously I think I miss the pill on purpose because I want to get pregnant. Last Sunday was the start of my green pills...normally I bleed by Tuesday and it last until the start of the new pack. Last Tuesday I had very slight dark spotting only, not a full period. Monday I went to the doc and the pregnancy test was negative, but I am supposed to go to the doc again in 2 weeks to retest. I was certain being a week late was plenty of time for it to show on a test since most test can detect befoe your missed period. How likely is it that the first test was inaccurate? I still have not started my period, I have had cramps all week and I have felt sick to my stomache on and off, which I played off as nerves..any insight would be great!! Thanks!

2006-12-19 16:25:43 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a tilted uterus. I have been trying for a year now, to pregnant without success.

Is there anybody out there with the same problem (tiltel uterus) but has children?

2006-12-19 16:12:11 · 13 answers · asked by sassy girl 3

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