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Pregnancy - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

My boyfriend said to me today that I have been really mean to him lately. This is something I only notice when he points it out other then that I really don't even notice. I feel terribly about it and apologized but that fact that I didn't even know I was doing it scares me. So here's the question...I am six months pregnant could this have any affect on how I been treating him? Is it just all the emotions and tired of being pregnant getting to me or what?

2006-10-16 07:11:34 · 14 answers · asked by Chacacon 2

This is for anyone that has been induced because of gestional diabetes. How many pounds was the baby when they decided to induce?

2006-10-16 07:10:12 · 8 answers · asked by omarion's mommy 4

well he did touch me there with his p***s but we did not have intercourse. i was on him but when he came i moved away. do think i could get pregenant?

2006-10-16 07:04:34 · 24 answers · asked by lolavitala 1

who is delishis's baby daddy from flav. of love 2?

2006-10-16 07:01:09 · 10 answers · asked by mydarlingyou123 1

I am 14 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I cannot sleep!!! Actually I should say I cannot get comfortable enough to sleep. I toss and turn all night, that my husband has not slept with me for weeks, because I am keeping him up. I have tried laying on the floor which helps. Thank god I have a job that I can sleep in becase I seem to sleep better in the mornings than at night, but I cannot keep doing this, I am exhausted!! I have gotten a body pilloe not helping...I just cannot fall alsleep!! Any help??

2006-10-16 07:00:21 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have tried to walk and i have tried drinking water and it still won't go away it hurts really bad. it feels like i am on my period really bad period.

2006-10-16 06:56:59 · 20 answers · asked by girrafe_jen 1

i had sex with my bf about 3 wk ago, i was suppose to get my pd on oct first but instead got it on the 9th. my pd always lasts 4 to five the most. on the fifth day i started to spot. i would go hrs without it and than it would happen again this has been going on for the past 2 days. and i also have been urinating a lot for example in less than 3 hrs i would go urinate at least 5 times. yes it was unprotected sex. can it actually be a pregancy of a fibriod? has anyone else experinced this, if its pregnancy i would actually be prepared for it.

2006-10-16 06:52:58 · 7 answers · asked by dominicanay2k 1

I have cramping,late. Feel like getting sick in the mornings but I hold it in?

2006-10-16 06:51:27 · 6 answers · asked by shariscurlock 2

to prevent pregnancy whens the best time to have sex... and what is the best protection to use???

2006-10-16 06:49:30 · 6 answers · asked by anne 1

I have cramping,late. Feel like getting sick in the mornings but I hold it in?

2006-10-16 06:49:17 · 5 answers · asked by shariscurlock 2

I just found out i am pregnant and was wondering when i could exspect the morning sickness. I did not have morning sickness with my first, will i have it with this one?

2006-10-16 06:47:54 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-16 06:34:48 · 7 answers · asked by shariscurlock 2

anyone else out there that is 30 weeks pregnant, and getting alot of braxton hick contractions? i get them all the time. is this a sign that my baby will be born early?

2006-10-16 06:34:03 · 13 answers · asked by greengrass 3

2006-10-16 06:28:50 · 25 answers · asked by hector d 1

I'm pregnant with my second child. I've also been in recovery from an eating disorder since may or june of this year. It was so worth it because I know that I'm setting the example as to how my daughter (and hopefully this one will be a girl too!) views herself and her role as a woman in this day and age. I've been doing really great with it. :)

It took a lot of time and hardwork. Mind you those of you who are about to post rude crap be aware that I was starved as a child, food was a reward or punishment, (reward being spoiled milk etc). I spent most of my childhood in foster care and just as of the past 2 years have I been able to confront the insane abuse i was subjected to.
I'm not too worried about gaining weight this time around.
I'm supposed to follow a strict meal plan and I know during pregnancy you have to eat like 300 extra calories. does anyone know of any websites that offer like, pregnancy meal plans that are good? Thanks so much!!!

2006-10-16 06:26:40 · 2 answers · asked by cawfeebeanz 4

32 Weeks = 8 Months

2006-10-16 06:26:10 · 15 answers · asked by kandie726 1

Am I 2 weeks pregnant or more??

2006-10-16 06:23:03 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 5 days late on my period...But for the past few months i was on my period straight through, because i was allergic to a birth control i was on...i got rid of the birth control and my prob cleared up but now i am 5 days late..my husband always at the very least he pulls out before he cums..so could i be pregnant, and when should i buy a pregnancy test and start worring?

2006-10-16 06:20:48 · 8 answers · asked by cassandra c 1

Does this sound normal? Nothing has gone as planned in this pregnancy, so I figure this is just another symptom that i did not feel with my girls? THis boy kicks all the time. None stop. Enough that I have Braxton Hicks Contractions already. Well I have had them since I was 16 weeks. What do you think????

mom of two girls and a boy on the way.

2006-10-16 06:03:41 · 9 answers · asked by sr22racing 5

I used to have to wear a backbrace for my scoliosis (curving of the spinal column), so it's a pretty severe case. I'm more terrified about having an epidural than the actual labor! I was thinking of going natural (which none of my friedns recommend), what would you suggest for pain relief?

2006-10-16 05:57:09 · 19 answers · asked by Greenis 3

I am 26 years old & my fiance and I have talked alot about starting a family soon, but I'm terrified of the birth process (labor, etc). I've always wanted to be a mom and have children & I'm perfectly fine with pregnancy. But I am horrified about actually giving birth - i've heard nothing but terrifying stories about the pain. What can I do to get over my fear? I have no mother to ask and would really appreciate a response from those who have been there.

2006-10-16 05:51:50 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-16 05:50:39 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am pregnant again (5wks) and am trying to narrow things down as to cause of prem baby last time. Any help on poss causes would be fantastic.

2006-10-16 05:48:01 · 8 answers · asked by jennamae 1

Did anybody else get this just before labour starts, They are so uncomfortable, i have been getting them all day but they keep going off and coming back on again so i know it's not the really thing. I'm just getting really excited now about the baby coming and stuff. It's my third baby. They do feel a bit like the realy thing, the only way i know it's not real labour is because they aren't regular. I just wondered if anyone else had this and maybe it turned into labour

2006-10-16 05:40:54 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I use my laptop all the time for school and for work. I am in my first trimester and it just made me wonder if i might be causing hard to my baby. It seems like anything and everything is now cause for concern...or at least everyone seems to say so.....like is the gum I am chewing sugar-free...and if so or either way I could be causing fetal harm..... there is sooooo much information and misinformation out there and sooo many idiots with an opinion that it makes it hard not to fall victim to the bs sometimes. Now I had someone tell me I could cause fetal damage by using my laptop. So if there is any info on this please let me know. You know women have been having healthy babies since the beginning of time...I'm just sick to death of the unsolicited opinions of others considering most people have little or no education on the subject.

2006-10-16 05:36:41 · 8 answers · asked by amandapanda74 2

11 days ago i had unprotected sex, i was 2-3 days before ovulation (it really is a long story) im a pretty intuitive person and i feel pregnant. my breasts hurt and my nipples are a little darkish. i took a hpt this morning which read negative- yet even after the result i still feel pregnant. i just recently have gotten headaches- which is odd because i never get headaches. do you think the hpt was taken too soon? i have already thought of the possibility im making myself have symptoms at the thought of it but i have thought i was pregnant before and no matter how much i thought of it- i didnt get the symptoms. the only times i really felt pregnant was when i was- i miscarried but now i feel that way again. im touching my stomach more, eating a little healthier and trying very very hard to kick smoking to the curb for good. any advice?

2006-10-16 05:36:22 · 10 answers · asked by Ms. Heather 1

Charley ( Girl)

2006-10-16 05:33:56 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

I waiting patiently for the arrival of my first child, and until becoming pregnant i'd never heard of a 'show' as a sign of imminent labour.
Do all women have a show ? Or does this only hapen to some women ?

Can I have serious answers only please....

2006-10-16 05:32:35 · 23 answers · asked by Gail H 4

I like traditional names......but not too common....I am expecting a little girl.
What do you think of:
1. Charlotte
2. Darla
3. Lila

2006-10-16 05:27:12 · 41 answers · asked by jachooz 6

Hi! I'm 5 weeks pregnant, and i'm experiencing cramping, kind of like pms cramps or a little worse. It come and goes... and doesn't hurt serverly. Is this normal? We moved over the weekend, and I didn't lift anything too heavy, but I did have a lot of the moving stress! This is my first pregnancy, and I guess I'm not quite sure what is normal or isn't. Thanks for all the help!

2006-10-16 05:26:51 · 12 answers · asked by vc24 2

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