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Newborn & Baby - June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

I work for a family as a nanny for a seven week-old. She is on a strict schedule which we can usually adhere to w/out trouble. But now her brother goes to swim practice at 8am, and her nap isn't until 9. She loves falling asleep to the sound of water, so she's fast asleep at the poolside? Does anyone have ideas of how to keep her awake while her brother swims for his hour-long practice?

2006-06-21 03:30:35 · 14 answers · asked by Jewel 3

2006-06-21 02:52:07 · 25 answers · asked by girl 89 2

Ive been nursing (pumping and bottle feeding bcuz baby wouldnt latch-works great) for about 5 months and have started back up on coffee. Decaf of course, about 5 cups a day. Just started back up last week and now it seems im only drawing about 5-6 ounces between both breasts. I use to get 9-10 oz. I havnt reduced the amount of time between pumping its always every 3 hours even though my baby only eats every 4-5hrs. That keeps up the supply. Dont know what else to blame it on unless my body is just saying enough is enough. In case your curious this works great. Its so convient. Breast milk lasts some say up to 10hrs at room temp I dump after 4. You can pump b4 you go somewhere and if your baby gets hungry you dont have to worry about finding a place to nurse. Plus it frees you up a bit, so you can leave baby with hubby for a walk or something without worring about wether or not hes gonna get hungry while your out. Plus my baby has slept 9 strait hrs every night since hewas 2mo

2006-06-21 02:33:38 · 3 answers · asked by crissy 2

I wanted to use a unisex name..Christian..so why does most everyone tell me it's only for boys? I've seen it online as both a girl's and a boy's name.

And *Beautiful* if you are out there..plz don't congratulate me again. I'm naming a miscarried baby! And Yes, I know you miscarried too.

2006-06-21 00:02:01 · 12 answers · asked by CJ 2

Do you like Jaden, Jaiden, Jayden, or Jaidyn? Which name is more common for a girl and which is more gender-neutral?

2006-06-20 23:50:41 · 16 answers · asked by CJ 2

We have never had a set bedtime, when she gets tired, we put on our pj's, get a fresh diaper and breastfeed. She has recently stopped sleeping at the breast and will pop off first then go to sleep. Just in the past couple of weeks when I go to lay her in her crib she wakes up and screams. She does not cry herself to sleep, only gets louder and more irritated the longer I let her go, very hard sobbing, big tears, snot, red head/face, the works. I occasionally bring her to bed with us but this is not conveient and not a habit I want to start. She also seems to want to play instead of sleep. After she has her bedtime "boob" she will sit up and start playing peek-a-boo with the blankets and pillows instead of laying down, she gets mad and freaks out when I make her lay back down. She has started keeping herself awake until she literally passes out from exhaustion. None of us are getting to sleep on time anymore, it has been taking an hour or two or longer to get her in bed at night.

2006-06-20 21:38:04 · 9 answers · asked by purpledevilfish 1

I have just started cloth diapering and I wanted to know if you put your prefolds in the dryer. I'm in an apartment in Germany, so there's not a yard to hang in and not much sun. I have heard that you shouldn't dry AIO's or covers, but what about the rest?

(I really don't feel like hunting down research online, I've done that before. I wanted to know what real mommies actually do in their own homes.)

2006-06-20 21:20:55 · 9 answers · asked by Melanie 3

My 9 month old is teething. He already has his bottom 2 teeth. Now his top is coming in. It's not one of the center top; it's the one to the left of the center big tooth. I have 2 questions. #1. Has anyone ever heard of the "side" tooth coming in before the center ones. It just seem strange since his lower center came in first and not the sides. #2. Any suggestions on what else to do for his pain? I give him Tylenol, 2 teething tablets, and rub orajel on there about every 4 hrs. Even with a teether he still screams like it's not working. I've heard freezing the teether will help..Haven't tried it yet, though.

2006-06-20 19:59:07 · 16 answers · asked by mommycat 4

Can somene tell me what those names mean?

2006-06-20 19:05:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

lately every time i change my baby on her changing table (she is 9 mo. old), she flips around, tries to stand up etc. i put the strap on her, and she still can wiggle her way out to the point where she is standing on her changing table. how do i change her diapers? she is crazy! she will not lay still, and it is getting harder and harder to keep her attention to change her especially when she has poop in her diaper. what should i do?? any one else out there who has gone through this, suggestions please. where did you change your child if you went through this!?!?

2006-06-20 18:10:14 · 31 answers · asked by plain little ol' me 1

me and my wife are trying to figure out a name for our baby before he/she is born. I like the name....
Layden (First name) for a boy. So combine that with one of the other names we like: Joshua, and you get Layden Joshua.....obviously I am not going to post my last name. Any help would be appreciated.

Also I have looked in 3-4 books and the internet and Layden is no where to be found. So hopefully I can get some kudos for that.


2006-06-20 16:45:19 · 35 answers · asked by contentwithlife101 2

he is now 3mths old and definetly big for his age is it ok to feed him tinned foods for 4mth olds etc.

2006-06-20 15:35:45 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've since bought a whole new can (really sucked since the first can was almost full), but I would like to know in case it happens again. (I left the scoop at a friend's house.)

2006-06-20 15:08:53 · 9 answers · asked by ladytaurus83 3

2006-06-20 14:33:00 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I did it today for the first time and my baby did great, He opened his mouth when I put the spoon close to his mouth and he swallowed most of it without complications, but I am concern because a lot of people advice me not to start solids or anything other than breast milk or formula until he is 6 months, (including people in this forum) I don't know what to do, because they usually say "do as your doctor says" and that is what I am doing but some part of me wonders if he is right or I should wait 2 more months?

2006-06-20 14:21:46 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

mine are payton/angel for a girl and joshua/michael for a boy

2006-06-20 14:17:09 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

how long did you breast feed?

i don't want answers from any one that didn't breast feed.

2006-06-20 14:12:44 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just curious because I check it every day and I see alot of familiar names. Just wondering.

2006-06-20 14:08:41 · 7 answers · asked by dixiechic 4

My six-month-old son is cutting his first tooth. I am breastfeeding him, and he "teethes" on me while I am feeding him. He wants to use my breast as a chew toy. My peditrician recommended that I breastfeed him for the first twelve months, but once he has teeth, I'm a little nervous about it. Does anyone elses breatfed babies do this? If so, how do you deal with it?

2006-06-20 13:53:50 · 10 answers · asked by Angelia 2

No matter how I lay my 6-month-old baby down at night, he rolls over onto his stomach and sleeps face down in his crib. It's driving me crazy because I can't sleep at night. I'm so afraid he won't be able to breathe...If I could just get him to turn his head to the side, I would feel much better. Does anyone else's baby do this?

2006-06-20 13:47:54 · 23 answers · asked by Angelia 2

I breastfed/formula fed equally until my son was 3 1/2 months old when he got a double ear infection. I think the ear infection made it too painful for him to lay on his side in my arms to feed, so he stopped entirely and was only bottle fed formula. When the ear infections were healed up I tried going back to breastfeeding and he absolutley refused it. I tried several different tips from doctor, family, and friends to no avail. Now he is 10 months old and for some reason will not go to sleep at night, even though he used to just lay down and go right off to sleep. Doctor said there's no health reason for it, and suggested breastmilk to help calm and soothe baby before bed. He told me to drink the lactation tea to up my milk flow again, but the smell and taste make me want to wretch. Does anyone know how to make my milk come back without the tea. By the way pumping does nothing, because I only get one drop out of each nipple when I try to massage nipples before using pump.

2006-06-20 13:41:29 · 8 answers · asked by summer_00_butterfly 3

2006-06-20 13:16:37 · 101 answers · asked by Angel_Anton 6

how often I should feed him the cereal. I am wondering because the cereal does not have enough water in it like formula does, so I dont believe I should give him the cereal more thatn 2 times a day, because I don't want him to get dehidrated or anything like that. Any suggestions? beisedes :ask ther Doctor"?

2006-06-20 13:13:48 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

What helps hiccups? My 14 mo old gets them all the time!

2006-06-20 13:11:12 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My baby's eyes are dark blue right now, but I've been told that they change color later on. How long did it take your baby's eye color to change?

2006-06-20 12:39:46 · 12 answers · asked by CrazdSquirel 3

i just want to know.

2006-06-20 12:38:17 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

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