I'm 5 months pregnant, and my ex flip flops whether he wants to be involved or not. At first he wanted me to get an abortion because having a kid would ruin his chances of ever being with a friend of mine. (Classy guy, huh?) Then when I told him I was keeping it, he yelled at me then hung up on me. Now, he won't answer my questions about his family medical history, or even things as lame as if he got the christmas gift I sent him. His parents want to be involved and have been nice to me, but I don't feel comfortable about my baby being without me at their house or in his care. He drinks almost every night, smokes pot like they are cigarettes and has (I'm not kidding) 4+ poisonous snakes stored at his house. I wish I could afford to support the baby on my own, but unfortunately, california is the most expensive state to live in. While I am working on getting out of here, how should I go about getting child support for the baby, while not letting him be alone with it?
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