when my daughter who is now 8 years old, was a baby, my mom take away the pacifier at 3 months old so she will not get use to it and we did and it worked wonderfully, she found her thumb. My son is now 5 months old and he still uses his binky during the day, there was no way i could take it away as he is whiney through the day and that is the only thing that soothes him. he found his thumb but he will only use his thumb at night, thank god no pacifier at night...i trained him with the night thing but i can't take it away in the day, it keeps me sane. haha!!! do people believe in pacifiers after 3 months?? my sister's daughter is 2 and will not sleep without a pacifier and loves it during the day, I don't want my son to be 2 and sucking on a pacificier
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