If the name "Kenneth Keating" is un-familiar to you , you'r not well -infomed on the Cuban Missle crises . Keating was the first person to reveal to the American public the presence of USSR missiles in Cuba.
When Keating first stated that there were missles in Cuba , the New York Times "reported' on Keating's warning with a one-paragraph "article" on page 18 .
During the period when Keating was pressing this issue , JFK did ---- NOTHING!!!
For 45 DAYS , the Air Force was prohibited from flying planes over Cuba to obtain intelligence. JFK was "assured" by his Russian "Contact" that there was no reason for JFK to be concerned , and JFK "Fell for It"
JFK simply could not accept the Russians would /could be so rash and reckless, as indeed they were.
Were it not for Keatings repeated revelations, which were 100% accurate, and which "Forced' JFK to respond ,the missles would have been "ready to launch" at US citys .
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