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Politics - 6 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

America finds your ideology radical and counterproductive to its future. 2008 will be a milestone to the end of your party. You crossed the line and now you will pay, severely.

2007-09-06 13:44:36 · 8 answers · asked by 2012 4

2007-09-06 13:42:58 · 10 answers · asked by tom the plumber 3

I think he is a great man. I like his views although I am not a Republican.

2007-09-06 13:39:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

But we are there now. Why would you want America to take a defeatist position and weaken ourselves in the face of the world by not finishing the job of stabilizing Iraq and attempt to give them a leg to stand on?

2007-09-06 13:33:02 · 13 answers · asked by Sparkle 2

Please explain in detail and cite sources. Thank you.

2007-09-06 13:28:04 · 9 answers · asked by fslcaptain737 4


What are the Reds trying to do here?!

2007-09-06 13:12:45 · 14 answers · asked by CanadianFundamentalist 6


I think that if you are not from the USA, generally this is funny.
If you are from the USA, you would most likely want to go to war with the country of Comedia.

(trust me, they cant find their own country on a map)

2007-09-06 12:57:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can tell you it wasn't legal. Family of honor. Right.

2007-09-06 12:50:07 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

such as Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda and the Taliban who supported them and are now making a serge in that country? The entire mission is at risk and this president is worried about Iraq where there the Iraqies are dealing with Al Qaeda themselves.

2007-09-06 12:48:45 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

The following are facts about persons defined as "poor" by the Census Bureau, taken from various gov­ernment reports:

* Forty-three percent of all poor households actu­ally own their own homes. The average home owned by persons classified as poor by the Census Bureau is a three-bedroom house with one-and-a-half baths, a garage, and a porch or patio.

* Eighty percent of poor households have air conditioning. By contrast, in 1970, only 36 percent of the entire U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.

* Only 6 percent of poor households are over­crowded. More than two-thirds have more than two rooms per person.

* The average poor American has more living space than the average individual living in Paris, London, Vienna, Athens, and other cities throughout Europe. (These comparisons are to the average citizens in foreign countries, not to those classified as poor.)

* Nearly three-quarters of poor households own a car; 31 percent own two or more cars.

* Ninety-seven percent of poor households have a color television; over half own two or more color televisions.

* Seventy-eight percent have a VCR or DVD player; 62 percent have cable or satellite TV reception.

* Eighty-nine percent own microwave ovens, more than half have a stereo, and more than a third have an automatic dishwasher.

As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consump­tion of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernour­ished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.

While the poor are generally well nourished, some poor families do experience temporary food shortages. But even this condition is relatively rare; 89 percent of the poor report their families have "enough" food to eat, while only 2 percent say they "often" do not have enough to eat.

2007-09-06 12:45:57 · 12 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2

Why is the media so scared to have Mike Gravel at the Iowa Debates?

Why is America set on 3 Dem's?

You do know there more then 3 Dem's running dont you?

The Law states each canidate is to get the same coverage as everone else.

So why don't we see Mike Gravel on TV?
Why does Bruce from AARP sit on the phone and tell me nomatter how many signature i gather, theres noway Mike Gravel or Dennis will be aloud at the Debates?

How can he call himself an American after that!

Isn't this an outrage? The one guy who has a brain .. the one guy who doesn't joke around .. the one guy who has the answers .. isn't aloud to speak?

Hmm, sounds to me that Hillary has paid someone off because she's scared to death she's going to lose votes to him. And Gravel will not go into the White House and keep all those dirty lies a secret. They are scared to death.


2007-09-06 12:30:55 · 5 answers · asked by Buckeyes Chargers 2

The leading candidate for each party, Giuliani for the Republicans and Clinton for the Democrats, are thought to be the two least religious candidates in the race.

Does this signify a backlash against the in-your-face religiousity of candidates in the last two decades, or is it just a coincidence?


2007-09-06 12:29:31 · 7 answers · asked by Steve 6

Dark Ages of America?

2007-09-06 12:24:36 · 19 answers · asked by NEMESIS 3

I'm doing a report on what can be approved in the U.S and what people dislike most about it. I just need a few opions to find a for sure topic. thanks alot!

2007-09-06 12:19:46 · 19 answers · asked by MandaMarie 1



2007-09-06 12:09:42 · 12 answers · asked by NEMESIS 3

I don't want to hate my country.I don't want to live in a communist state. I don't want the government to be my parent for life.
I want the American dream and am willing to work for it. I am a conservative.

2007-09-06 12:07:51 · 27 answers · asked by Locutus1of1 5

Of the eleven New Jersey public officials arrested on corruption charges, how many do you suppose the socialist left wing can call their own?

2007-09-06 12:04:30 · 5 answers · asked by Paleo C 3

Bush recently said:
"The calling of our time is to help people in the Middle East build free and hopeful societies that fight the terrorists instead of harboring them," Bush said. "And when they do, people in this region and every corner of the world will be safer and more secure."

What exactly does he mean by "help"?

2007-09-06 12:03:12 · 10 answers · asked by bush l 1

The report hasn’t even been given yet and already liberals are using the same boring tactics they always do.

Is it because it opposes their assessment that we have "already lost the war"?

Wouldn’t a sensible person wait for the report to be given and take the time to analyze it before undermining it?


2007-09-06 11:53:32 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

"It would be sheer insanity, given the fact that the civilized world is engaged in a war against islamic extremists, to support the creation of a palestinian state when that would be one more state that would support terrorism."

2007-09-06 11:50:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-09-06 11:47:14 · 6 answers · asked by mission_viejo_california 2

We've got all the technology already figured out.
We have computers now.
Our Rockets are generations ahead.
Theres a demand for moon Tourism.
Why not go back?? Or why wont another country??

2007-09-06 11:40:27 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Romney is quoted........
.......And if it means we have to go into a mosque to wiretap or a church, then that's exactly where we're going to go. Because we're going to do whatever it takes to protect the American people.
And I hear from time to time people say, hey, wait a second. We have civil liberties we have to worry about. But don't forget, the most important civil liberty I expect from my government is my right to be kept alive, and that's what we're going to have to do.

So we should all be very afraid because we have lots of enemies, afraid enough to give up all of our rights, but somehow comforted that'll we'll at least be alive because Mitt and Repubs will protect us.
Sounds more like a bird being kept in a cage.
The same propaganda the early Nazi party was telling the German citizens in the early 1930s.

Whatever happened to land of free and home of the brave?
Repubs do not want voters, they want sheep.

2007-09-06 11:34:22 · 21 answers · asked by ndmagicman 7

like anything from the news that made it big?

2007-09-06 11:30:26 · 7 answers · asked by Grace N 1

regaurdless if you think Bush had anything to do with it or not...

the "9-11 truth" people would take it as evidence and run with it...

it would be an insane twist... if he said that.... believe him or not....

and just to throw it out there... I don't personally believe Bush had anything to do with it... just saying theoretically

but I think if Osama said he did... even if Bush actually didn't... it would cause a tremendous stir...


2007-09-06 11:26:54 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why not for once, do something right and git em out, before they start again with the Nuclear and bio warfare

2007-09-06 11:23:02 · 19 answers · asked by NEMESIS 3


is the world out to get him or are his sopporters a bunch of cowards who dont like that there behind in the polls so they blame fox he just attacks other peopes opinons

2007-09-06 11:15:58 · 15 answers · asked by evilmonk66 2

The name. Barack Hussein Obama. I vote he changes his name to Joe Smith if elected.

2007-09-06 10:59:51 · 23 answers · asked by DON'T BURN ME 2

tyrannical, wannabe dictator since Ceaser. He dreams of ruleing the world, He does not care what history will think of him,( Ceaser did ) He goes to church but says gods got nothing to do with his desision's ( i believe him on that one). would you say G W Bush is as close to an anti christ as anyone could be. Did you know he trying to change the law so he could serve a 3rd term. do you agree G W BUSH is distroying The wonderful USA, why is he left to get away with it by good Americans. why does he have restricted travel on airlines for those in who disagree with him and speak out. What is a RIGHT THINKING AMRICAN or PERSON. why does it sound to the rest of the world like America is become neo-fasicst

rudeness in answers will be violated/ reported. this is a legitimet question by one who wants a good opinion form those who understand world politics

2007-09-06 10:57:53 · 29 answers · asked by IHATETHEEUSKI 5

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