Bush's war is a joke, as much of what the government say is. Cuban missile crisis? please! Sandinistas in Nicaragua murdering citizens? Please! The only time anyone was murdered in Nicaragua was when the contras came here are set up death squads in neighboring countries. These "american" presidents are all jokes. Instead of the U.S. placing economic blockades on other countries (Cuba, and previously Nicaragua) i vote the WORLD places an economic blockade on them, let them deal with rationing out food to 300 million people. Let them get a taste of their own atrocities.
2007-09-07 01:23:24
answer #1
answered by Fulanito 6
1. OIL
50% of Iraq's oil production goes to the US at ridiculous cheap price, which begs the question why is the oil prices in the US still high?
2. War profiteering.
Not only the oil companies especially Exxon profited from this war, the defense industries make a lot lot lot lot of money from this War. Its important for him to KEEP the war going rather than STOP IT, because of the money these defense companies are making, (jacking off the govt in the process) to supply weapons/ammunitions to the troops, Iraqi's troops, and the illegal arms sales to the insurgents, I wouldnt be surprised if the Bushies and Dick gets a cut from this War Profiteering.
3. Ego
Losing this war would means hes wrong to invade the country in the first place. He would never admit it.
2007-09-06 20:16:07
answer #2
answered by BrushPicks 5
The Bush's are a family of oil like the fictional Ewings on Dallas or the Beverly Hillbillies. He and his father have wanted a reason to invade Iraq long before 9/11. They thought this was as good a chance as they'd ever get.
Some say terrorists come from this area but terrorists come from all areas so that's not justification. There really was none and had Bush used common sense, involved the UN (since U.S. was central in its formation), this rumor of "weapons of mass destruction" would have revealed itself prior to thousands of military and civilians losing their lives in what amounts to be Bush's War.
So it is Bush's fault because he refused any kind of communication, delegation and went straight to war when others would have been wiser even if given the same info. There were millions of us at colleges and throughout the world requesting that he bring it to the UN or at least communicate but he went with his sole decision--which has proved to be what he has done throughout his presidency. Listen to no one but himself.
2007-09-06 20:05:49
answer #3
answered by dianemarieperrine 5
I've got No clue, as to why Bush diverted so many of our troops, and resources to invading Iraq, when we were actually winning in Afganistan. After someone tipped-off OBL about our attack on Tora-Bora, and he fled into Pakistan,...Bush should have concentrated on using our puppet Musharif, to invade the Tribal lands on the border, with a joint Paki-Coalition force, and ending Al-Queda right there. But, NOoooo, He had to get even with Saddam!
2007-09-07 12:35:14
answer #4
answered by thehermanator2003 4
Because Iraq has the Oil. Iraq also cost 12 billion a month, which puts a ton of money into his rich friends pockets. Got to love those non-competitive multi-million dollar government bids. Iraq also has been his pet project from the start.
He put all his eggs into that basket, and linked his legacy to the outcome.
2007-09-06 20:07:08
answer #5
answered by Cysteine 6
In Afghanistan the Taliban reduced the opium production by 94 percent . In 2001, according to UN figures, opium production had fallen to 185 tons. Following the October 2001 US led invasion, production has now increased back to its normal levels with the help of the CIA.
2007-09-06 20:03:44
answer #6
answered by Ellie A 2
First, there was the WTC, that took us to Afghanistan. That was close enough for the targets: Iraq (to take CIA operative Hussein out) and Iran, where the most oil is, but a country much better equipped for war than Iraq.
2007-09-06 19:52:43
answer #7
answered by subprimelendor 5
It's not just about the Taliban or al Quada or Afghanistan. It's about them AND Hamas, Black September, Fatah, and a dozen other little psycho groups bent on indiscriminate killing of anyone not EXACTLY like them or willing to submit to their brutal tyranny. You've got to get out of last century's 'one country, one enemy' mentality. This is a whole new game that requires an entire new approach.
As to why we went into Iraq, that's been discussed ad nauseum over the past 4 years. I doubt I'll be able to convince you of the 'rightness' of that move in one Y!A submission so I won't waste my time. Suffice to say, you need more and better information than you're getting.
2007-09-06 19:59:32
answer #8
answered by The emperor has no clothes 7
Did you ever see "Wag the Dog"? Watch it and you'll understand. A successful war, even a fictitious one, is a way for a President to distract people from his failures in other areas. In Bush's case, even a failed war makes a better impression than his utter failure to deal with Osama bin Laden.
2007-09-06 19:53:15
answer #9
answered by ConcernedCitizen 7
Because he resented the fact that his father Bush Senior was seen as giving in after the first Gulf War..Which he did, to the UN!
2007-09-06 20:25:49
answer #10
answered by Anonymous