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Politics - 4 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

If the past 7 years had been a bad dream and we just awoke to previous budget surplus and no Iraq quagmire, would some people be really pissed off?

2007-09-04 11:28:11 · 7 answers · asked by edubya 5

sometimes I think he is and other times he doesn't seem to be.
any suggestions?

2007-09-04 11:10:59 · 22 answers · asked by claire_is_my_name 3

think of it as interest on our massive debt

2007-09-04 11:09:43 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Take a moment and read this link prior to answering


Is the quote from President Eisenhower warning of the rise of the Military Industrial (Congressional) Complex a prophetic statement foreshadowing the last 40 years of combat or was it really a shot in the dark by an old man?

If what Eisenhower was warning about is correct then that means that none of our elected officials is without blood on their hands, even if they lobbied for the removal of Congressional in the speech they still represented the contractors in their respective districts and states. Knowing that your elected officials have a hand in the mix, how does that make you feel?

Again, if he were correct in his assumption, how does the American public ever get that control back from the powers that be? Or, is it best to let them keep running the country? Your thoughts?

2007-09-04 11:09:38 · 8 answers · asked by Deep Thought 5

Seriously, people joke about lousy schools educating students on a Pass/Fail basis, so why are we doing it in Iraq? Wouldn't a grade scale be more accurate and helpful in finding a solution for the country?

2007-09-04 11:05:31 · 17 answers · asked by Rosebee 4

....wouldn't all you left-wing whack jobs have been gassed by now? Germans were not immune to racial purification if they were "mentally defective" enough to speak out against him, but you all seem to still be here. He's got the military, the secret service, the FBI, CIA, NSA and, according to the left wing catechism, an army of fanatical neo-cons on his side. If Bush is so similar to Hitler, what's stopping him? Why haven't any "unfortunate accidents" befallen some of his more vocal detractors? .....like happened during the Clinton administration!

2007-09-04 11:03:13 · 11 answers · asked by America_Akbar 2

How can you "liberate" someone into a dictatorship?

2007-09-04 11:00:09 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-04 10:50:55 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Phone conversations,e-mails,text messages, etc...?
Or even with surveillance cameras everywhere watching everything....I mean how can liberal and open minded people like Americans accept that?

2007-09-04 10:50:01 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

The 1970s are described as a period of stagflation, meaning economic stagnation coupled with price inflation, as well as higher interest rates.

Price inflation caused interest rates to rise to unprecedented levels (above 12% per year). The prime rate hit 21.5% in December 1980, the highest rate in U.S. history.

The economy suffered double-digit inflation, coupled with very high interest rates, oil shortages, high unemployment, and slow economic growth.

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan marked the end of détente, and Carter did nothing.

From November 4, 1979 until January 20, 1981, a 444-day period and Carter sat with my thumb up his *** while 63 americans were held hostage in Iran.

Unlike GWB, when Carter ran for re-election He lost 44 states and was completely humiliated in one of the worst landslides ever.

2007-09-04 10:47:24 · 22 answers · asked by PNAC ~ Penelope 4

Consider the following:

As 9/11 Draws Near, a Debate Rises: How Much Tribute Is Enough?
Published: September 2, 2007

Again it comes, for the sixth time now — 2,191 days after that awful morning — falling for the first time on a Tuesday, the same day of the week.

Again there will be the public tributes, the tightly scripted memorial events, the reflex news coverage, the souvenir peddlers.

Is all of it necessary, at the same decibel level — still?


So let's see: the NYT is sick and tired of those darned 9/11 tributes! We all ought to shut up and just forget about it, I guess. But yet...the very same NYT seems to have an indefatigable zeal for tributes to the late Princess Diana.

The selfsame New York Times has published at least ten articles about the tragic Princess Diana in just the last few days:











2007-09-04 10:42:24 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-04 10:42:00 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-04 10:35:51 · 10 answers · asked by Dr. Wu 3

Anyone find it funny why the self-proclaimed leader of the free world professes to be a godly man, yet you never see or hear him meeting with the Pope who is the holy of holy's...

Why would Bush not want to meet this man more often. Surely between them both, world peace would be achievable?

2007-09-04 10:21:17 · 3 answers · asked by lee h 3

Jimmy Carter created this worthless department. Can anyone say that public education has improved since 1979?

What a waste of money. We can use this money to make more tanks and guns to fight the Islamo Facists!

Let local governments pay for education like the old days when education worked in this country. Before the Unions and Democrats wrecked it.

2007-09-04 10:11:47 · 26 answers · asked by PNAC ~ Penelope 4

george bush helpes stop the terrorists in iraq. unllike bill clinton did.

2007-09-04 10:07:51 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I come from a country with universal healthcare and it is NOTHING like some of you claim it is.

I have had far worse experiences in the US and I have what is considered wonderful coverage here.

Why don't you people do some research before making such ridiculous, uneducated statements?

2007-09-04 10:06:54 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous


In your opinion, if a Zapatista party were established in the united states, would it have a positive effect on the nation or a negative effect on the nation?

2007-09-04 10:00:27 · 6 answers · asked by John S 4

Look at the 10 best educated states, the 10 wealthiest states, the 10 states with the best SAT scores, the 10 poorest states, the 10 least educated states, the 10 fattest states, the 10 fittest states, then over lay that with the blue state-red state divide of the last few elections. It presents a very interesting pattern. The best educated, the most fit, the wealthiest, the most productive seem to be overwhelmingly blue states. If the liberal Democrats are such terrible people according to the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity and the Republican majority on this web site, I would like for them to explain why this is so. The facts seem to show that your better off living in a blue state than a red state for the most part. Your opinions please.

2007-09-04 09:56:23 · 13 answers · asked by Pop D 5

Ever State South of DC, and East of Texas would love to bring back the Jim Crow era

2007-09-04 09:32:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Was it the tax cuts for working people that caused this decline?

"WASHINGTON — The nation's poverty rate declined for the first time this decade."


It might be our very very low unemployment rate (4.6%).

Thanks for helping the poor get back on their feet Mr. President!

2007-09-04 09:31:34 · 21 answers · asked by PNAC ~ Penelope 4

2007-09-04 09:29:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

How many times on this forum have we heard, that our problems with hiring illegal immigrants will go away, if the laws are implemented?

Until recently, if a social security number didn't match, an employer would have to get ten no matches before having to do anything about it. Since the immigration/amnesty bill didn't pass, the government is FINALLY trying to crack down on employers by making them report each and every 'no match' social security number. That was supposed to go into effect on Sept. 14th.

Well, guess who stepped in and now has a court order not to implement this law?

You guessed it. The ACLU!

The lawsuit seeks a court order halting implementation of the so-called "no match" rule, which is slated to go into effect Sept. 14. American Civil Liberties Union spokeswoman Stella Richardson said the plaintiffs hope to schedule a hearing before a federal judge in San Francisco as early as Thursday on their request for a temporary restraining order. The Department of Homeland Security rule is one of several administrative immigration enforcement measures announced by the Bush Administration earlier this month after Congress failed to pass an immigration reform law. It requires employers to give workers 90 days to fix problems with social security numbers that don't match information in the Social Security Administration database.


How in the world are laws going to work if they’re fought every inch of the way?

2007-09-04 09:18:44 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

Jane Fonda and her little band of Hollywood eletists took out a full page add in the New York Times to coincide with their "world can't wait" campaign. She wants to impeach Bush and Cheney for "war crimes".

The add states:

The US Government under Bush "is waging a murderous and utterly illegitimate war in Iraq"

“YOUR GOVERNMENT is moving each day closer to a theocracy, where a narrow and hateful brand of Christian fundamentalism will rule.”

“YOUR GOVERNMENT suppresses science that doesn’t fit its religious, political and economic agenda, forcing present and future generations to pay a terrible price.”

“YOUR GOVERNMENT is moving to deny women here, and all over the world, the right to birth control and abortion.”

“YOUR GOVERNMENT enforces a culture of greed, bigotry, intolerance and ignorance.”

People look at all of this and think of Hitler—and rightly so.

I guess this is nothing new though. Jane Fonda throws our troops under the bus every chance she gets.

2007-09-04 09:14:52 · 27 answers · asked by Mr. Perfect 5

And why does the media still act as if they represent the majority?

2007-09-04 09:09:07 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

"But what really astounded him was the amount of giving: In 2000, he
says, conservative households gave 30 percent more money to charity
than liberal households."

"It's down the line," he says. "Religious people are 21 percent more
likely to volunteer in explicitly secular causes. They're even twice
as likely to donate blood."


2007-09-04 09:08:47 · 16 answers · asked by PNAC ~ Penelope 4

How many of you would be content to allow our (elected) MP's to hand over to The (un-elected) European Parliament most of the responsibility for making decisions affecting the future of Great Britain.

This would include matters concerning National and International Security, The Health Service, British Law, Policeing, Housing, Employment, Defence, Overseas Policy, Immigration, and pretty much anything else you care to think of.

If you think we should give up our rights as an independent nation, and pass on this responsibility to the unelected Brussels MEP's, Vote YES.

If you think we should continue to administer our own affairs, and require our very expensive MP's to actually do something to earn their keep, Vote NO.

2007-09-04 09:06:00 · 26 answers · asked by jacyinbg 4

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