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Politics - 2 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

2007-09-02 06:49:02 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have gone back in my history books and I can't find one war ever won because politicians were in charge of how the war was fought...

Maybe I am missing something.

I mean I looked as far back as Julius Caesar. Even out numbered by General Pompey and his senate allies; Caeser managed to beat them because the politicians like Cato, tried to exert control over the more experienced Pompey.

A small dedicated army defeated a larger army led by a general who had to cowtow to politicians... Now that I have seen a few times in history.

So have I missed some rare event where Politicans and committees won a war? or how about a battle?

2007-09-02 06:04:11 · 10 answers · asked by Stone K 6

"He will be judged as a man of moral clarity who put America on wartime footing in the dangerous struggle against radical Islamic terrorism. Following the horrors of 9/11, this president changed American foreign policy by declaring terror sponsors responsible for the deeds of those they shelter, train, and fund. America, he said, will not wait until dangers fully materialize with attacks on our homeland before confronting those threats. The president gave the nation new tools to defeat terrorism abroad and protect our citizens at home with the Patriot Act, foreign surveillance that works in the wireless age, a transformed intelligence community, and the Department of Homeland Security. And this president saw the wisdom of removing terrorism’s cause by advocating the spread of democracy, especially in the Muslim world, where authoritarianism and repression have provided a potent growth medium for despair and anger aimed at the West. He recognized that democracy there makes us safer here."

2007-09-02 05:50:34 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'd like to think I'm an intelligent man, could someone make a cohesive intelligent logical arguement why the Iranians are a threat to the United States of America in 2007

2007-09-02 05:43:49 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

glorious leader Fidel Castro support Obama and Hillary. This great news, and I pride if this dreamteam win election.

2007-09-02 05:42:59 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

If yes, then why are we going to participate in China?

2007-09-02 05:38:43 · 11 answers · asked by wooper 5

Which country would be the next target?

2007-09-02 05:30:00 · 10 answers · asked by intellect_inside 2

then why don't we just do that! we'll give 'em something to wha about! roll out the big guns!

2007-09-02 05:24:07 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Real change starts with being honest -- the system in Washington is rigged and our government is broken. It's rigged by greedy corporate powers to protect corporate profits. It's rigged by the very wealthy to ensure they become even wealthier. At the end of the day, it's rigged by all those who benefit from the established order of things. For them, more of the same means more money and more power. They'll do anything they can to keep things just the way they are -- not for the country, but for themselves.
[The system is] controlled by big corporations, the lobbyists they hire to protect their bottom line and the politicians who curry their favor and carry their water. And it's perpetuated by a media that too often fawns over the establishment, but fails to seriously cover the challenges we face or the solutions being proposed. This is the game of American politics and in this game, the interests of regular Americans don't stand a chance."

- John Edwards (Aug 23, 2007)

2007-09-02 05:16:15 · 13 answers · asked by Richard V 6

2007-09-02 05:02:34 · 12 answers · asked by somber 3

2007-09-02 04:36:49 · 10 answers · asked by NONAME 1

"We just can't trust the American people to make those types of choices.... Government has to make those choices for people" (p. 20). Hillary to Rep. Dennis Hastert in 1993 discussing her health care plan.

Can't trust the American people, the very ones who elect people like you to power?

"I am a fan of the social policies that you find in Europe" (p. 76). Hillary in 1996.

If she's a fan, why doesn't she move over there instead of forcing Americans to try and live by her standards?

"We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society" (p. 121). Hillary as first lady.

Isn't America supposed to encourage individuality?


2007-09-02 04:34:53 · 3 answers · asked by Glen B 6

apart from this it also gives you power to get your issues solved quickly, national issues like Kashmir, LOC, River link project and many major and minor issues touching all aspects can not be tackled with multi party bosses blocking or strangling the Cabinet decisions at many stages. Look at the Nuke deal, Looks at the Iran Gas Pipe Line.. Look at the Liberalisation and Privatisation policies. Not a inch can be moved without support of allies.. Burning issue of Population control, Pollutions of Air water is not addressed seriously. But Waste of Time is more in walkouts , fights, abuses, shouting. This 60 years gone and many parts of India are not linked with roads, electricity, shcools, hospitals, bridges, rails .. Poor are dying without food and rich are dying out of threats from Kidnappers demanding ransom.
We can not travel in security in trains, on road We can not enjoy the money we have earned legitimately.

2007-09-02 04:07:10 · 12 answers · asked by krishprud@yahoo.co.in_KISHORLAL 6

If you can't afford to properly medically insure yourself and your kids should you be banned from having children?

Should having children be decided by your economic portfolio?

2007-09-02 04:05:57 · 35 answers · asked by Kelly B 4

To the American voter come 08 elections? The neocon TROLL BOSS sure doesn't like it when valid questions are being asked in the Politics section of Yahoo. I am sure the Neocon TROLL BOSS will want to censor this question because they have no answers except to try to blame their own actions on a Democrat without any facts to their claims. The American voter isn't being fooled by this though. Neocon spin means next to nothing just like their answers here. Who else wants change and to be free of these tyrants?

2007-09-02 03:38:54 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-02 03:27:15 · 10 answers · asked by Hillarys lovehandles 4

Like people who email me and tell me I have no business being on Yahoo because I am only 16 and still in high school. Do you think they are intimidated by the fact that I am graduating early from high school, that I am in AP classes, and I am thinking about Pre-Med for a major in college? Or do you just think they are being ignorant and don't want me here because I understand what they're saying and that I'll speak up if I don't agree with them. Isn't that kind of juvenile?

2007-09-02 03:22:47 · 25 answers · asked by Senator D*L*P™ 5

2007-09-02 03:20:20 · 3 answers · asked by Hillarys lovehandles 4

First when they yell at you "ISLAM". It means "SUBMIT" accepting all their rules.
Second, you have the choice to pay ransom for your live so SUBMIT physically but not spiritually.
Third you can accept the Sword and be decapitated by Allah's messengers.....
Isn't that special? I guess that's why we have no choice but to fight in Irak, and elsewhere or else we will have to submit to the mongrels.

2007-09-02 03:14:24 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hmmm, that leaves over $127K unaccounted for. Where do you suppose all that filthy lucre went? The Scrooge McDuck Money Vault in Chappequa, NY? By the way, just exactly what charity was the receipient of this paultry $23K? Was it the Clinton Family Charity?

2007-09-02 03:09:14 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

than him, yet people make him out to be the anti-christ..when really we need to be thanking him.

2007-09-02 03:06:09 · 16 answers · asked by Promethius 2


2007-09-02 03:05:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit. Another big government program.

2. No Child Left Behind. Expanded federal intervention into education, a state and local government issue.

3. Dubai Port Deal. Turn over a key National Security issue to the Arabs?!?

4. Nomination of Harriet Myers to Supreme Court. What qualifications other than she was your personal lawyer and friend?

5. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. See comment #4.

6. Mike Brown at FEMA and the Katrina response. another unqualified crony.

7. Immigration Reform. Let's partner with Teddy Kennedy and accuse conservatives who oppose this bill of racism.

8. The IRAQ War. Didn't he and Donald Rumsfield botch the whole prosecution of the war by not sending in enough troops to begin with?

Fellow Conservatives, a question. Hasn't George Bush been a huge disappointment? Aren't you sick and tired of him?

2007-09-02 03:02:40 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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